Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Mh&a 4 (read-only)
InpaƟent Health and Wellness InpaƟent Health and Wellness—$145,000
At the Cape Breton Regional Hospital, there are three mental health impaƟent units and
Cape Breton Regional Hospital FoundaƟon’s $1.35 Million Campaign in support of Mental Health and AddicƟon Services
1200 admissions at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital for mental health and substance
The Cape Breton Regional Hospital FoundaƟon is excited to launch a $1.35 million major giŌs
disorders with 600 admissions for mental health disorders and 600 for substance use
campaign to support Mental Health and AddicƟon Services in the Cape Breton District Health
Authority. Through the campaign, we will help ensure all Cape Bretoners have access to mental
health and addicƟon services when they need it most.
Thanks to the generosity of the Cape Breton Mental Health FoundaƟon, who made a leadership
The specific InpaƟent Mental Health and AddicƟon Units are as followed:
giŌ of $675,000, all donaƟons will be matched, dollar for dollar, to create a significant impact on
Unit 1A: AddicƟons and Withdrawal Management -18 beds
mental health and addicƟons care in our community.
Unit 1B: Mental Health (for stays up to six weeks) -22 beds
This broad based major giŌ campaign will support four funding prioriƟes for Mental Health and
AddicƟon Services at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital, and in our community. Below is a
Unit 1C: Mental Health (for short -term stays) - 8 beds
Unit 1D: Mental Health (for stays longer than six weeks) - 16 beds
Currently, there are limited recreaƟonal acƟviƟes, equipment and programs available to
paƟents who rely on the services offered in these units. There are very limited private
Funding Priority
spaces for family visits, or for paƟents to spend Ɵme on their own. There is also a need for
an updated bathtub and paƟent liŌ. The goal is to improve the space, creaƟng an
environment that is as safe and comfortable as possible and promotes recovery.
Funding Priority $1,350,000 $145,000 For a full list of funding priority details, please contact Brad Jacobs at [email protected] or 902-567-8186 At Risk Youth: Mobile Outreach and Drug PrevenƟon Housing and TransportaƟon Mobile Outreach—$250,000 Housing—$630,000 Drug PrevenƟon
In June 2012, a Youth at Risk Feasibility Study was released, which noted opƟons to support
In Cape Breton, there is a vast need for safe, affordable, supported housing that is located
the delivery of mental health and addicƟon services to at risk youth in Cape Breton, and
close to basic necessiƟes for consumers of Mental Health and AddicƟons Services.
address the gaps in the exisƟng services.
Housing is criƟcal to prevenƟon, support and recovery for many paƟents. At any given Ɵme, there are approximately 90 Cape Bretoners who are in need of such housing.
At risk youth are a hidden and challenging populaƟon to reach. It was determined that
mobile outreach technology will be the vehicle to communicate with and engage youth.
Currently, housing for these individuals exists through a program called SHIMI (Supported
Housing for Individuals with Mental Illness). The SHIMI commiƩee has established 26 units
With ongoing work from the Mental Health and AddicƟon’s Health PromoƟon and
PrevenƟon team, and the establishment of, the infrastructure that is
currently in place will allow for an easy transiƟon to an expanded mobile outreach
SHIMI apartments are fully furnished, safe, located close to medical care and programs, as
well as shopping centers and bus routes.
The iniƟal year one cost is $140,000. We have been successful to date in securing donor
Cost: The cost of each unit is $105,000 which includes new construcƟon, renovaƟon, or outright purchase of an exisƟng property. The campaign goal is to fund six (6) addiƟonal SHIMI Units The Cost: With successful measurement and outcomes from year one, we will be looking for longer term support of approximately $500,000 to build a more advanced model TransportaƟon—$75,000 based on the learning’s in year one.
Currently, there is a need for two vans to be operated by trained members of Crossroads
Cape Breton that will provide transportaƟon to members of the clubhouse.
The major giŌs campaign will aim to fund $250,000 – 50% of the total cost required to run the project for the next three years. Crossroads is a clubhouse program for individuals living with mental illness. It is a place where people feel valued and needed through work and social opportunity. Members aƩend Drug Abuse PrevenƟon—$250,000 the club to work together to help build more meaningful and saƟsfying lives. The goal of this project is to build resiliency among youth and communiƟes to prevent and
Many Cape Bretoners who are consumers of Mental Health and AddicƟon Services have
reduce illicit drug use and its associated harms. Youth in Cape Breton, especially those in
very limited incomes, live in rural areas, or away from bus routes within the CBRM. There is
rural areas, have a high risk to use and abuse illicit drugs that can lead to long term mental
a need for reliable transportaƟon to ensure that consumers are able to gain access to
employment, aƩend medical appointments, and have access to community based support
The project will place special emphasis on developing and implemenƟng health promoƟon
acƟviƟes and resources targeƟng youth at risk who live in small towns/rural communiƟes
Cost: Two vans are esƟmated to cost $75,000.
with an overall aim of building resiliency and prevent drug use.
The campaign goal is to fund two (2) vans to be used by the Crossroads The Cost: Year one costs are $210,000. $160,000 has been granted from the federal Clubhouse program. government, leaving a $50,000 funding opportunity for year one.
The campaign will be looking for an addiƟonal investment of $200,000 for year two. For a full list of funding priority details, please contact Brad Jacobs at [email protected] or 902-567-8186 For a full list of funding priority details, please contact Brad Jacobs at [email protected] or 902-567-8186
Testing the West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry • The West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry was tested by a small number of physician specialists to see if data could be collected easily in an office setting and if the data we collected were useful. • Data collection in a physician’s office setting took less than ten minutes per patient and was reported to be relativel
Deze populaire drank gaat al anderhalve eeuw met tijd mee In 2010 bestaat het van oorsprong Italiaanse merk Campari 150 jaar. Na de oprichting in 1860 door Gaspare Campari raakte de rode likeur langzaam maar zeker ook buiten Italië bekend. Campari maakte in zijn ontwikkeling steeds gebruik van innovatieve reclamecampagnes en verwierf zo een wereldwijde schare trouwe klanten. Ook het jubil