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Push reports

Manual for the Push Reports option v.2.1.0 ePDQ 2013, All rights reserved. 1: What is the Push Reports Option? The “Push Reports” option covers the automated transmission of daily transaction reports to themerchant. This option is a value-added service available for all products.
The “Push Reports” option allows you to: Receive comprehensive reports on a daily basis Reduce administrative workload through automated reporting Define different reports based on different user needs (formats/recipients) Receive reports without having to install any software.
The number of available daily reports depends on the option selected in your account. The “PushReports” option contains up to 3, 5 or 10 reports. If you wish to have more than 10 reports, pleasecontact our Sales Team for more information.
ePDQ 2013, All rights reserved. You can create a new daily report (transaction results) as follows: C lick the “Electronic Reporting” link in your back office menu and choose your preferred filestructure and file format for the reports. The file structure and format can be defined for eachuser. When you configure the electronic reporting parameters for your user, this configuration willbe applied to all reports set up by your user.
Specific fields will be returned in your report, depending on the file structure. A choice of fourdifferent file structures is available: Standard, Extended, File Management and Dynamic. You canalso choose between three different return formats: XML, fixed-length and delimited.
Please refer to for the full descriptionof the different structures. (If you have already created one or more daily reports in your account, the “Electronic Reporting”link will give you access to a list of your daily reports. You can access the “Electronic Reporting”page via the “File format” link at the top of the page).
Step 2: Financial history or View transactions C lick the “Financial History” link or the “View transactions” link in your back-office menu and enterthe search criteria and/or statuses for the transaction results you want to receive. All criteria/datayou select/enter will be taken into account (except for the dates, as a daily report will always sendyou transaction results for the previous day).
C lick the "Send daily" button.
You can find more information on the differences between “Financial History” and “View
transactions” in the Back-Office User Guide.
Enter a file name, media type and a destination in the fields concerned and click the “Add” button.
You can select three possible media types: “e-mail with attachment”, “e-mail” or “HTTP request”.
If you select “e-mail with attachment” the daily report will be sent to you as an email attachment.
If you select “e-mail”, the content of the daily report will be shown in the body of the e-mail. For these two media types, you must enter a valid e-mail address in the “Destination” field whereyou would like to receive the e-mails.
If you select “HTTP request”, you will receive the contents of the daily report in an HTTP request atthe URL you enter in the “Destination” field.
ePDQ 2013, All rights reserved. Once you have created one or more daily reports, you can access them through the “Electronicreporting” link in the menu. If you want to change the file format used for your reports (i.e. all reports created by your user),you can click the “File format” link at the top of the “Daily reports” page (accessible through the“Electronic Reporting” link in your back-office menu). You cannot change the “Financial History” or “View transactions” settings for an existing report.
To change the search criteria and/or statuses you selected for a report in the “Financial History”page or the “View transactions” page, you need to delete the report and create a new one. In the “Daily reports” page (electronic reporting), you can change the Name, Media, Destinationand whether you want to receive a daily report even if it is empty (i.e. no transactions to report).
In order for the changes to take effect, you need to click the “Modify” button in the Operationscolumn of the report. To delete a specific daily report, you can click the “Delete” button in the Operations column of thatreport.
To resend a specific daily report, you can click the “Log” button in the "Operations" column of thatreport. Look up the report you want to resend and click the “Send again” button in the"Operations" column of the report. A new line will appear for the report. The name of the report will be identical to the name of theoriginal report. ePDQ 2013, All rights reserved. The Date/Status column will be highlighted in red until the report has been successfully sent; thenthe column will turn green and indicate the exact date and time at which the report was sent toyou. This Log page gives you an overview of all reports that have been sent.
ePDQ 2013, All rights reserved.


Cochrane upper gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases group

Cochrane Upper Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Diseases Group [Review Group] Cochrane Upper Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Diseases Group Forman D, Delaney B, Kuipers E, Malthaner R, Moayyedi P, Gardener E, Bennett C, Lilleyman J, Dearness KContact details:Ms Jan LilleymanWorsley Building Rm 8.49University of LeedsLeedsLS2 [email protected]: +44 113 343 5419fax: +44 113 343 4877 Ab

Maspelösa, dagvatten och höjdsättning inom tomtmark Bakgrund Vid möte 2012-03-26 bestämdes att komplettera tidigare utförd förprojektering med framtagande av förslag till ett mer detaljerat förslag till höjdsättning inom tomtmark. Utgångspunkt för utredningen är att klara dagvattenhanteringen och minimera uppfyllnader. I den kompletterande utredningen ingår också att föres

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