Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Medical data is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your family physician, or one of our referral physicians prior to treatment.
term and extensive use the benefits of chelates are lost with thenonspecific removal and reduction of the essential trace metals. Chelation therapy can be a double edge sword like steroid therapythat can help or put the patients at greater risk with the temporarycontrol of symptoms and not the primary causes. The reductionand elimination of arterial plaque formation by dietary and chela-tion means can have life saving benefits but does not, eliminate
the suspected infectious and persisting causes. Treatment of vas-
The Role of Chelation Therapy: Antibioticsand Mycoplasms
cular disorders of microbial causes such as mycoplasmas and
chlamydia with the chelating tetracycline antibiotics can provide
(Portions taken from the book Why Arthritis? Searching for the
Whether mycoplasmas or other microbes are the per-
sistent sensitizing pathogens in collagen vascular disorders remains
Submitted by The Arthritis Trust of America, 7376 Walker Road,
to be demonstrated. The primary concern is a safer and more ef-
Fairview, TN 37062;
fective treatment of the toxic forms of therapy that impose a greaterdanger and economic burden. The tetracyclines are potent chelat-ing (eomplexing) medications and as such have been found to actas antiinflammatory, immmosuppressive, and anti-metallic en-zymes as well as antimicrobial. When tetracyclines complex withcopper they become active antioxidants and antiinflammatoryagents (electron scavengers) by neutralizing the damaging oxy-gen free radicals produced by the activated leucocytes. By com-bining with the copper, zinc, iron and other trace metal elementsin enzymes such as collagenase, tetracyclines can inhibit the en-zymatic destruction of tissues. Consequently the mode of tetracy-cline or chelate administration, intravenous or oral, could have apronounced effect on their complexed state and thus their reactiv-ity. Prescribing some medications “Between Meals” or with meals
is an attempt to provide optimum conditions for the utilization ofeach drug. Even between meals the gastro-intestinal tract contents
Why are some doctors and patients speaking & shout-
provide a much greater diversification of chemicals and acidity
ing out for Chelation therapy? The recent hearing held in Tampa
than the blood. Thus when tolerable the more direct intravenous
by a committee of the Florida Board of Medicine attracted pa-
administration of tetracyclines and other chelating drugs will be
tients and doctors from Florida and across the country. A mix-up
more constant and effective than oral medication. The intermit-
in scheduled time provoked the president of the Pro-Chelation
tent administration or pulse doses, 2-3/week rather than daily is
Alliance for Medical Freedom to accuse the committee of being a
more effective by giving the tissues time to normalize.
The beneficial effects of tetracyclines and other chelat-
What is so special about Chelation therapy that has been
ing agents such as EDTA, aspirin, and vitamins C, E, or A, are
used and promoted for over 50 years, but never clinically tested in
attributed to their metal complex and their resulting multiple ac-
chronic diseases? Another similar form of chelation therapy that
tions, including antimicrobial. The administration of multiple
has been used and promoted for over 50 years is treatment of
acting chelating drugs could enhance or inhibit their activity and
arthritis with tetracycline antibiotics. The tetracyclines were re-
effectiveness depending upon their relative affinity. For example
cently clinically tested and found to be safe and effective in rheu-
EDTA with a greater affinity for Calcium than tetracyclines could
matoid arthritis and the inhibition of metallic enzymes such as
have a greater anticoagulant action. On the other hand tetracycline’s
collagenase that destroys tissue collagen.
greater affinity for nucleic acids and lipids than most chelates
Chelation is a chemical term given to molecules that
results in a greater inhibition of protein synthesis and microbial
combine or complex with metals such as lead, mercury, copper,
growth. It is of interest to note that for many years the combina-
iron, calcium, etc. The term is taken from ‘chela’ the pincerlike
tion of Vitamin E and Selenium, a metal chelate, was a favorite
claws of crabs. Such agents hold metals making them ineffective
arthritis medication used by veterinarians. Perhaps Bayer’s plain
by limiting their availability for metabolic activity. One such
aspirin was touted as faster acting because it was not prechelated
chelating agent that is widely used is a synthetic amino acid, eth-
and neutralized with less effective metals.
ylene diamine tetra-acetic acid, or EDTA that chelates the toxic
Although not accepted clinically perhaps the preformed
metals such as lead & mercury, as well as calcium and the other
copper-aspirinate would be more effective in the control of
essential trace metals. As chelating agents the other amino acids
inflamation and the preformed copper-tetracyclinate would con-
(protein fragments), vitamins A, C and E, are also used in chela-
trol the collagen vascular disorders of microbial origin. In contrast
the chelate D-penicillamine medication used to chelate copper and
Aspirin and other antinflamatory (NSAIDS) chelates
treat rheumatoid arthritis was found to inhibit mycoplasma growth
convey a variety of benefits to multiple organ systems. Most no-
when complexed with copper. Another aspect of chelation to con-
tably by combining with Calcium as an anticoagulant improves
sider is the potential adverse or beneficial affects of two or more
the cardiovascular and macular degeneration. By reducing arte-
chelating medications administered similtaneously. Excesive use
rial plaque formation with an increased blood supply relieves pa-
of the EDTA or tetracycline chelates could inhibit the copper/zinc
tients from angina, claudication, and dizziness. However with long
superoxide dismutase enzyme that protects against the tissue de-
Medical data is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your family physician, or one of our referral physicians prior to treatment.
struction induced by oxygen free-radicals.
Hopefully in the near future patients and doctors
will be shouting out for the safe and effective antibiotic che-lates that will help to eliminate not only the broad symptomsbut also the microbial cause.
Dr. Annette Olsen Professional qualifications • M.Sc. Biology (Parasitology), University of Copenhagen, 1985 • Ph.D. degree in biology (Parasitology), University of Copenhagen, 1999 • In 2004 evaluated and found qualified as associate professor in epidemiology at the Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen Current position Senior Research
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