The Role of Non-Opioid Analgesic Techniques in theManagement of Pain After Ambulatory Surgery
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas
In describing how patients feel after surgery, adelayeddischargefromtheday-surgeryfacilityorto
Armitage (1) stated that “slapping the patient on the
unanticipated hospital admissions. The intraoperative
face and telling him or her that it’s all over is a
use of large bolus doses or continuous infusions of
complete inversion of the truth” because as far as the
potent short-acting opioid analgesics (e.g., alfentanil
patient is concerned, “it is often just the beginning.”
and remifentanil) may actually increase postoperative
Although the current armamentarium of analgesic drugs
pain as a result of their rapid elimination and the
and techniques is impressive, effective management of
development of acute tolerance (4). Therefore, anes-
postoperative pain still poses some unique challenges in
thesiologists practicing in the ambulatory environ-
the ambulatory setting. The increasing number and com-
ment are increasingly using non-opioid analgesics as
plexity of operations being performed on an outpatient
adjuvants during the perioperative period (Table 1).
basis has presented anesthesia practitioners with new
To minimize the adverse effects of analgesic medi-
challenges with respect to acute pain management. Out-
cations, “balanced” analgesic techniques involving the
patients undergoing day-care procedures require a peri-
use of smaller doses of opioids in combination with
operative analgesic technique that is effective, has mini-
non-opioid analgesic drugs (e.g., local anesthetics and
mal side effects, is intrinsically safe, and can be easily
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]) are
managed away from the hospital or surgery center.
becoming increasingly popular approaches during
The adequacy of postoperative pain control is one of
and after ambulatory surgery (5,6). The rationale for
the most important factors in determining when a pa-
the perioperative use of non-opioid analgesic drugs
tient can be safely discharged from the outpatient facility
and techniques in the ambulatory setting will be re-
(2). Because inadequately treated pain is a major cause of
prolonged stays or unanticipated hospital admissionsafter ambulatory surgery, the ability to provide effectivepain relief by simple methods that are readily available
to an outpatient in his or her home environment will beone of the major challenges for providers of ambulatory
Peripheral nerve blocks and wound infiltration with
anesthesia in the future (3). Unfortunately, there are very
local anesthetics are commonly used adjuvants to both
few well controlled studies that have carefully examined
monitored anesthesia care (MAC) and general anes-
the optimal approaches to managing postdischarge pain
thetic techniques because they can provide intra- and
postoperative analgesia (Table 2). As a result, these
Perioperative analgesia has traditionally been pro-
techniques can decrease the anesthetic and analgesic
vided by opioid analgesics. However, the use of large
requirements during surgery and reduce the need for
doses of opioids during ambulatory surgery can be
opioid analgesics in the postoperative period. More
associated with an increased incidence of postopera-
effective pain relief in the early postoperative period
tive complications (e.g., ventilatory depression, seda-
from the residual sensory block provided by local
tion, postoperative nausea and vomiting, pruritus, dif-
anesthesia can facilitate the recovery process, enabling
ficulty voiding, and ileus), which in turn contribute to
earlier ambulation and discharge home (i.e., fast-tracking). The use of local anesthetic techniques alsodecreases the incidence of postoperative nausea and
Supported by the White Mountain Institute, Los Altos, CA (Paul
vomiting and thereby decreases the incidence of pro-
Accepted for publication November 7, 2001.
longed recovery stays and unanticipated hospital ad-
Address correspondence to Paul F. White, PhD, MD, Department
missions related to intractable emetic symptoms.
of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, UT Southwestern Medi-
Although additional clinical studies are needed to
cal Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9068. Address
identify the most cost-effective anesthetic techniques
e-mail to [email protected]. No reprints will beavailable.
for ambulatory surgery, it would seem that peripheral
2002 by the International Anesthesia Research Society0003-2999/02
Table 1. Commonly Used Non-Opioid Drugs and Table 2. Commonly Used Techniques for Administering
Nonpharmacologic Techniques for Minimizing Pain After
Local Anesthesia During Ambulatory Surgery
Ilioinguinal/hypogastric (e.g., herniorrhaphy)
Paracervical (e.g., dilation/curettage, cone biopsy)
Peroneal/femoral/saphenous/tibial/sural (e.g.,
Femoral/obturator/lateral femoral cutaneous/sciatic
Brachial plexus/axillary/ulnar/median/radial (e.g., arm
Peribulbar/retrobulbar (e.g., ophthalmologic
Mandibular/maxillary (e.g., oral surgery)
IV regional (Bier block) (e.g., arms, legs)
Tissue infiltration and wound instillation
Cosmetic and wound procedures (e.g., blepharoplasty,
Excision of masses and biopsies (e.g., breast, axilla,
Field blocks or “splash” technique (e.g., hernia repair,
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Transcutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation
Laparoscopic procedures (e.g., cholecystectomy, tubal
Acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve
Arthroscopic procedures (e.g., knees, shoulders)
PO ϭ oral; PR ϭ per rectum; SC ϭ subcutaneous/tissue.
Eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (e.g., skin lesions)Lidocaine spray (e.g., bronchoscopy, endoscopy, hernia
nerve blocks with sedation (i.e., MAC techniques) of-
Lidocaine gel or cream (e.g., circumcision or urologic or
fer significant advantages over central neuraxis block-
ade and general anesthesia in the ambulatory setting
Cocaine paste (e.g., nasal or endosinus surgery)
(7–9). In outpatients undergoing saphenous vein-stripping surgery, use of a femoral/genitofemoralnerve block significantly improved patient satisfaction
It has been suggested that performing neural blockade
with the anesthetic experience (7). Blockade of the
with local anesthetics before the surgical incision may
ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves can signifi-
prevent the nociceptive input from altering the excitabil-ity of the central nervous system (e.g., preemptively
cantly decrease the anesthetic and analgesic require-
blocking the N-methyl-d-aspartate-induced “wind up”
ments in both children and adults undergoing ingui-
phenomena and release of inflammatory mediators) (18).
nal herniorrhaphy, providing 6 – 8 h of postoperative
The concept of preemptive analgesia (or treating post-
analgesia (10,11). Similarly, subcutaneous ring block
operative pain by preventing the establishment of cen-
of the penis provides effective perioperative analgesia
tral sensitization) seems very logical (18); however, its
for circumcision procedures (12). Local anesthetic in-
clinical relevance has been questioned. Only one well
filtration of the mesosalpinx significantly decreases
controlled study has demonstrated any benefits of pre-
the pain and cramping after laparoscopic tubal liga-
versus postincisional local anesthetic administration in
tion procedures (13). Pain after arthroscopic shoulder
the ambulatory setting (19). A recent qualitative and
surgery was decreased significantly by a simple su-
quantitative review by Møiniche et al. (20) suggested
prascapular nerve block (14), and pain after knee sur-
that evidence is still lacking that the timing of single-
gery was minimized with a femoral nerve block (15).
dose or continuous postoperative pain treatment is im-
However, more complete perioperative analgesia for
portant in the management of postsurgical pain. These
shoulder and knee surgery requires the use of an
investigators concluded that there is no convincing evi-
interscalene brachial plexus block (16) and combined
dence that preemptive treatment with centrally or pe-
femoral, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, and sci-
ripherally administered local anesthetics, NSAIDs, opi-
atic nerve (17) blocks, respectively. Although addi-
oid analgesics, or ketamine offers any advantage with
tional preparation time may be required when these
respect to postoperative pain relief compared with a
major peripheral nerve blocks are performed before
similar postsurgical analgesic regimen. Nevertheless,
surgery, these block techniques can offer advantages
preincisional administration offers advantages over in-
in the postoperative period compared with general or
filtration at the end of surgery with respect to intraop-
Preincisional infiltration with local anesthetics in
duration of analgesia and greater opioid-sparing ef-
combination with general anesthesia is clearly supe-
fects than when it was given at the end of surgery (37),
rior to general (or spinal) anesthesia alone in relieving
the clinical advantages of preemptive analgesia re-
postoperative pain (21,22). In fact, preincisional infil-
tration of the tonsillar bed with bupivacaine decreased
Local anesthetic supplementation clearly decreases
both constant pain and pain on swallowing for up to
the severity of incisional pain in the early postopera-
5 days after tonsillectomy procedures in children (22).
tive period. However, outpatients may still experience
Preincisional ilioinguinal hypogastric nerve block not
significant pain after they have been discharged home
only improves intraoperative pain control during in-
because of difficulty in anticipating the degree of pain
guinal hernia repair, but also reduces the need for oral
when the local anesthetic effect wears off. Continuous
opioid-containing analgesics after discharge (23). Al-
(38,39) or intermittent perfusion (40) of the surgical
though preincisional infiltration of the operative site
wound with local anesthetic solutions is an old-
with local anesthetics remains a popular technique for
fashioned but highly effective technique for extending
reducing the perioperative opioid analgesic require-
incisional pain relief into the postdischarge period.
ment, other more simplified local anesthetic delivery
Recently, this technique has been modified to allow
systems (e.g., topical applications) have also been de-
for patient-controlled local anesthetic administration
scribed in the anesthesia literature (24,25). Topical an-
after discharge home (41). However, some investiga-
algesia with lidocaine aerosol was found to be highly
tors have failed to find significant differences in pain
effective in decreasing pain, as well as the opioid
scores or opioid analgesic requirements when the local
analgesic requirement, after inguinal herniorrhaphy in
anesthetic was instilled or injected at the incision site
adults (24), and instillation of 0.25% bupivacaine be-
(42,43). The response to local analgesia appears to be
fore surgical closure provided comparable postopera-
influenced by the location, concentration, and volume
tive pain relief to an ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric
of the injected local anesthetic solution. For example,
nerve block in children undergoing hernia repair (25).
Yndgaard et al. (44) demonstrated that subfascially
Furthermore, the simple application of topical lido-
administered lidocaine was significantly more effec-
caine jelly or ointment is as effective as peripheral
tive in reducing pain compared with subcutaneous
nerve blocks or parenteral opioids in providing pain
injection after inguinal herniotomy. Finally, combin-
relief after outpatient circumcision (26).
ing local anesthetic techniques with other analgesic
Intracavitary instillation of local anesthetics is an-
modalities as part of multimodal (or “balanced”) an-
other simple, yet effective, technique for providing
algesic therapy can improve pain control throughout
pain relief during the early postoperative period after
the perioperative period (45). The concept of balanced
laparoscopic and arthroscopic procedures. Intraperito-
analgesia consists of administering several different
neal administration of local anesthetics during lapa-
analgesic drugs to alter the pathophysiologic pro-
roscopy was found to be an efficient method of reduc-
cesses involved in nociception, thereby producing
ing the intensity of postoperative scapular pain (27).
more effective perioperative analgesia with fewer side
However, when bupivacaine was injected at the pre-
peritoneal fascial plane during extraperitoneal laparo-
In summary, local anesthetic wound infiltration and
scopic hernia repair, it did not reduce postoperative
peripheral nerve block techniques are simple, safe,
pain (28). Local anesthetics can also be injected into
and effective approaches to providing perioperative
joint spaces to provide analgesia during and after
analgesia in the ambulatory setting. Use of major neu-
arthroscopic surgery (29). In a placebo-controlled
ral blockade techniques involving the upper (e.g., in-
study, intraarticular instillation of 30 mL of 0.5% bu-
terscalene brachial plexus block) and lower (e.g., fem-
pivacaine reduced the opioid requirements and facil-
oral nerve block) extremities can facilitate an earlier
itated early mobilization and discharge after knee ar-
discharge after major shoulder and knee reconstruc-
throscopy (30). A follow-up study (31) involving a
tive procedures, respectively (46,47). The availability
combination of intraarticular bupivacaine and sys-
of newer local anesthetic drugs that are alleged to be
temic ketorolac (60 mg IV or IM) further decreased
associated with less toxicity and greater selectivity
pain in the early postoperative recovery period. A
with respect to sensory and motor blockade (e.g., ropi-
wide variety of adjuvants has also been injected into
vacaine and levobupivacaine) may further enhance
the intraarticular space to decrease postarthroscopic
the benefits of local anesthetic supplementation after
pain, including morphine, ketorolac, triamcinolone,
ambulatory surgery. The addition of adjuvants (e.g.,
and clonidine (32–35). Small-dose intraarticular mor-
clonidine) can prolong the postoperative analgesia
phine 1–3 mg, in combination with bupivacaine,
produced by peripheral nerve blocks (48). Recent
seems to provide the longest lasting and most cost-
studies by Klein et al. (49,50) suggest that improved
effective analgesia after knee arthroscopy (36,37). Al-
pain control could also be achieved after major shoul-
though administering the intraarticular morphine be-
der and knee procedures by using a disposable, non-
fore knee surgery was reported to provide a longer
electronic catheter system for continuously infusing
local anesthetic solutions. However, additional studies
be associated with similar visual analog pain scores to
are needed to document the alleged advantages of
fentanyl (1 g/kg IV) (62). After gynecologic laparos-
these newer local anesthetic drugs and techniques.
copy surgery (63), diclofenac decreased pain and an-
Future studies are also needed to determine the opti-
algesic requirements for 24 h postoperatively but had
mal local anesthetic concentrations and infusion rates
little effect on the recovery profile. Similarly, the ad-
ministration of ketorolac during the perioperative pe-riod in outpatients undergoing laparoscopic cholecys-tectomy procedures (59) decreased postoperativeopioid requirements, but this contributed to only a
marginal improvement in ventilatory function at 4 hr
NSAIDs have long been used for treating nonsurgical
pain syndromes because of their well known antiin-
When diclofenac was administered preoperatively to
flammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic properties.
pediatric patients, both the incidence of restlessness and
However, with the introduction of parenteral prepa-
crying and the postoperative opioid requirements were
rations of NSAIDs (e.g., ketorolac and diclofenac),
lower in the diclofenac-treated (versus acetaminophen-
these drugs have become more popular in the man-
treated) patients (64). Oral ketorolac (1 mg/kg) com-
agement of pain associated with ambulatory surgery.
pared favorably to small-dose acetaminophen (10 mg/
NSAIDs block the synthesis of prostaglandins by in-
kg) for bilateral myringotomy procedures in children,
hibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), thereby
with the ketorolac-treated patients recording lower pain
reducing the production of mediators of the acute
scores and requiring less analgesic medication in the
inflammatory response. By decreasing the inflamma-
early postoperative period (65). In children undergoing
tory response to surgical trauma, NSAIDs have been
inguinal hernia repair (66), ketorolac (1 mg/kg IV) com-
alleged to reduce peripheral nociception. However,
pared favorably to caudal bupivacaine 0.2% with respect
more recent studies also suggest that the central re-
to pain control and postoperative side effects. In fact, the
sponse to painful stimuli may be modulated by
ketorolac-treated patients had an improved recovery
NSAID-induced inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
profile, including less vomiting, shorter times to voiding
and ambulation, and earlier discharge home. Further-
Early reports suggested that NSAIDs possessed an-
more, the intraoperative administration of ketorolac as
algesic properties comparable to those of opioid anal-
an adjuvant to general anesthesia in pediatric patients
gesics (51–53) without opioid-related side effects
provided postoperative analgesia comparable to mor-
(54,55). When ketorolac was administered as an adju-
phine (67). As expected, the ketorolac-treated patients
vant to propofol/nitrous oxide anesthesia, its use was
experienced less postoperative nausea and vomiting.
associated with improved postoperative analgesia and
When ketorolac or morphine are administered for pain
patient comfort, which compared favorably to fenta-
control in pediatric patients, ketorolac-induced analgesia
nyl (55). Moreover, ketorolac was associated with a
develops more slowly but is longer lasting compared
decreased incidence of postoperative nausea and
vomiting, and patients tolerated oral fluids and were
Oral or rectal administration of NSAIDs can also be
judged fit for discharge earlier than those receiving
highly effective in the prophylactic management of
opioid compounds. Other investigators have also re-
pain after ambulatory surgery. For example, when
ported that ketorolac provided similar postoperative
oral naproxen was administered before laparoscopic
pain relief to that of fentanyl but was associated with
surgery, postoperative pain scores, opioid require-
less nausea and somnolence and an earlier return of
ments, and time to discharge were significantly re-
bowel function after ambulatory surgery (56). Further-
duced (69). Furthermore, premedication with oral ibu-
more, it was recently reported that the administration
profen (800 mg) was associated with superior
of ketorolac (30 mg) at the incision site to supplement
postoperative analgesia and less nausea compared
local anesthesia resulted in significantly less postop-
with fentanyl (75 g IV) (70). However, the more
erative pain, a better quality of recovery, and earlier
important role for oral NSAIDs is in the postdischarge
discharge compared with local anesthesia alone (57).
period. In a recent outpatient study involving the use
However, when ketorolac was substituted for or com-
of a multimodal analgesic technique consisting of al-
bined with fentanyl during outpatient gynecologic
fentanil, lidocaine, ketorolac, and paracetamol (71),
and laparoscopic surgical procedures, the beneficial
oral ibuprofen (800 mg every 8 h) was equianalgesic to
effects of the NSAID were more variable (58 – 60).
paracetamol 800 mg plus codeine 60 mg (every 8 h)
Use of shock-wave lithotripsy to evaluate the effect
when administered during the first 72 h after dis-
of NSAIDs on visceral pain, diclofenac produced only
charge, and it resulted in better global patient satis-
a marginal opioid-sparing effect (61). Furthermore,
faction and less constipation than the opioid-
when diclofenac (1 mg/kg IV) was administered be-
containing oral analgesic. To achieve the optimal
fore outpatient arthroscopic surgery, it was found to
benefit of using NSAIDs in the perioperative period,
these compounds should be continued as prophylactic
Korpela et al. (78) demonstrated that the opioid-
analgesics for preventive pain management in the
sparing effect of acetaminophen was strictly dose re-
lated. The optimal dosing regimen for acetaminophenin children consists of a preoperative initial loadingdose of 40 mg/kg followed by a maintenance dose of
20 mg/kg every 6 – 8 h during the early postoperative
In an effort to minimize the potential for operative-site
bleeding complications, as well as gastrointestinal and
An IV formulation of acetaminophen, known as
renal damage, associated with the classical NSAIDs,
propacetamol, has been administered to adults as an
the more specific COX-2 inhibitors are being increas-
alternative to ketorolac in the perioperative period
ingly used as non-opioid adjuvants for minimizing
(80,81). Propacetamol is a prodrug that is rapidly and
pain during the perioperative period (Table 3). Early
completely hydrolyzed by nonspecific plasma ester-
studies evaluated the use of celecoxib and rofecoxib
ases to form acetaminophen (also known as paraceta-
for preventative analgesia when administered for oral
mol). Although the future role of this non-opioid par-
premedication (72–74). Rofecoxib (50 mg orally [PO])
enteral analgesic during the perioperative period is
seems to produce more effective and sustained anal-
yet to be determined, rectal acetaminophen (1.3 g) has
gesia compared with celecoxib (200 mg PO) after sur-
been successfully used as an adjuvant to NSAIDs and
gery (72). Preliminary data suggest that celecoxib
local anesthetics in adult outpatients as part of a mul-
(200 mg PO) is equivalent to acetaminophen (2 g PO)
timodal fast-tracking protocol (82).
when administered before outpatient otorhinolaryn-gology surgery (73). However, rofecoxib (50 mg PO)
produced significantly more effective analgesia thanacetaminophen (2 g PO), and the pain relief was more
Ketamine is a unique anesthetic with analgesic-like
sustained in the postdischarge period (74). Premedi-
properties which has been used for both the induction
cation with rofecoxib also facilitated the recovery pro-
and maintenance of anesthesia and as an analgesic
cess by reducing postoperative pain and improving
adjuvant during MAC (83). As a result of its well
the quality of recovery from the patient’s perspective.
known side-effect profile (Table 4), ketamine fell into
More recently, a parenterally active COX-2 inhibi-
disfavor in the anesthesia community in the early
tor, parecoxib (20 – 40 mg IV), has been investigated as
1980s. However, the use of so-called small-dose ket-
an alternative to ketorolac and diclofenac (75,76). Pare-
amine (0.1– 0.2 mg/kg IV) techniques seems to be
coxib is a prodrug with an active metabolite (valde-
associated with a much less frequent incidence of
coxib) and is similar both pharmacokinetically and
adverse events and with greater patient and physician
pharmacodynamically to celecoxib. Both preoperative
acceptance (84). Recent studies have described the use
(75) and postoperative (76) administration of this in-
of ketamine in combination with propofol for MAC
vestigational COX-2 drug seems to exert significant
(85,86) and IV anesthesia (87). The administration of
opioid-sparing effects, and these preliminary studies
ketamine 4 –18 g · kgϪ1 · minϪ1 in combination with
suggest that it can improve the quality of recovery and
propofol 30 –90 g · kgϪ1 · minϪ1 can obviate the re-
patient satisfaction with postoperative pain manage-
spiratory depression produced by propofol/opioid
ment. However, further comparative clinical studies
combinations while producing positive mood effects
are needed to define the optimal role of COX-2 inhib-
after surgery, and it may even provide for an earlier
recovery of cognitive function (85,86). In addition, asingle bolus dose of ketamine 0.1– 0.15 mg/kg duringsurgery has been reported to produce significant
opioid-sparing effects after painful ambulatory sur-
Of the nonopioid analgesics, acetaminophen is poten-
gery procedures (88,89). However, the clinical signifi-
tially one of the most useful, yet it is vastly underused
cance of ketamine’s preemptive analgesic effects re-
in the ambulatory setting. When administered in an
appropriate oral or rectal dose, acetaminophen can bea very useful adjuvant during the perioperative period
and compares favorably to the NSAIDs in children(77). Although Watcha et al. (65) reported minimal
Nonpharmacologic “electroanalgesic” techniques (e.g.,
analgesic-sparing effects after a 10 mg/kg dose of
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation [TENS],
acetaminophen, Rusy et al. (77) found that a larger
acupuncture-like TENS, and percutaneous neuromodu-
dose (35 mg/kg per rectum) was as effective as ke-
lation therapy) can also be used as adjuvants in the
torolac 1 mg/kg IV in reducing pain after tonsillec-
treatment of both acute and chronic pain in the ambula-
tomy procedures and was associated with less post-
tory setting (92). Given the inherent side effects pro-
operative bleeding than the NSAID. More recently,
duced by both opioid and non-opioid analgesics (Table
Table 3. Dosage Recommendations and Duration of Action of COX-2 Inhibitors
COX-2 ϭ cyclooxygenase-2; PO ϭ orally. a Data on file with Pharmacia (Skokie, IL) and Merck (West Point, PA). b IV prodrug of valdecoxib (the active analgesic compound).
results regarding the effect of TENS on the require-
Table 4. Potential Side Effects of Opioid and Non-Opioid
ment for opioid analgesic medication and the quality
of postoperative pain relief. Several studies suggest
that the location, intensity, and frequency of electrical
Respiratory and cardiovascular depression
stimulation are all important factors influencing the
efficacy of TENS (and acupuncture-like TENS) thera-
pies (96 –98). Moreover, the clinical efficacy of electro-
Pruritus and skin rashSedation and dizziness
analgesic techniques remains controversial because of
the potential sources of bias and difficulty in quanti-
fying the inherent placebo effect of the therapy. Other
nonpharmacologic approaches that have also been
evaluated as potentially useful analgesic adjuvants in
the perioperative period include cryoanalgesia, ultra-
sound, laser, and even hypnosis (99 –101). However,
Sympathomimetic effects (due to vasoconstrictors)
additional well controlled clinical studies are needed
to establish the benefits of these nonpharmacologic
modalities on patient outcome after ambulatory
Allergic reactions and bronchospasmHypertensionPedal edema
As more extensive and painful surgical procedures
(e.g., laparoscopic cholecystectomy, adrenalectomy,
and nephrectomy, as well as prostatectomy, laminec-
tomy, shoulder and knee reconstructions, and hyster-
ectomy) are performed on an outpatient or short-stay
basis, the use of multimodal perioperative analgesic
regimens containing non-opioid analgesic therapies
will probably assume an increasingly important role
in facilitating the recovery process and improving pa-
tient satisfaction (3). Optimizing pain management is
necessary to maximize the benefits of ambulatory sur-
gery for both patients and health care providers. Ad-ditional outcome studies are needed to validate the
4), it is possible that nonpharmacologic approaches will
beneficial effects of these newer therapeutic ap-
assume a more prominent role in the management of
proaches with respect to important recovery variables
pain after ambulatory surgery in the future.
(e.g., resumption of normal activities and return to
Most studies suggest that TENS produces a 15%–
work). Although many factors other than pain per se
30% decrease in the postoperative opioid requirement
must be controlled to minimize postoperative morbid-
(93). In addition to reporting that TENS reduces pain
ity and facilitate the recovery process after ambulatory
and the need for oral analgesics, Jensen et al. (94)
surgery, pain remains a major concern of all patients
reported a more rapid recovery of joint mobility after
undergoing surgical procedures (102).
outpatient arthroscopic surgery. In reviewing the
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medical literature, Carroll et al. (95) found conflicting
the analgesic requirement in the early postoperative
period. Although opioid analgesics will continue to
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