Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.

Microsoft word - algatech profile oct 201

Algatechnologies - Company Profile
Algatechologies Ltd (Algatech) is a rapidly expanding biotechnology company, specializes in the commercial cultivation of microalgae and a global leader in the production and supply of AstaPure™ natural astaxanthin. • To provide the highest quality of natural astaxanthin, backed by experienced technical • To continue developing, producing and commercializing advanced algal-based products to the fastest growing markets by utilizing proprietary algal cultivation and processing technologies. Algatech, established in 1998 is located in Israel's Arava desert, an optimal location for the cultivation of algae due to the high light intensity in the area and stable climate conditions all Algatech supplies its AstaPure™ brand to the Nutrition, Cosmetics and Food industries and enjoys global presence through a well established worldwide marketing network of selected Natural Astaxanthin
Astaxanthin, a member of the carotenoid family, is a dark red pigment and the main carotenoid found in algae and aquatic animals. It is responsible for the red/pink coloration of crustaceans, shellfish, and the flesh of salmonoids. Algatech produces astaxanthin from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis, the richest known natural source for astaxanthin. Astaxanthin however, is more than just a red pigment, it is primarily an extremely powerful antioxidant. It has the unique capacity to quench free radicals and reactive species of oxygen and to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Studies have shown astaxanthin to be over 500 times Algatechnologies Ltd.
Kibbutz Ketura D.N Hevel Eilot 88840, Israel Tel:+972-8-6356425 Fax: +972-86356562 Website: stronger than vitamin E and much more potent than other carotenoids such as lutein, Astaxanthin was found to have beneficial effects in many health conditions related to the Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders, skin health, joint health, muscle endurance, as well as to the cardiovascular, immune, eye and other systems. Algatechnologies Microalgal technology and Advantages
Microalgae are naturally abundant, very flexible microorganisms, which occupy diverse habitats with extreme conditions. About 30,000 different species of microalgae that produce unique and potentially useful chemicals have been identified. Despite this, only few species have been harnessed for practical commercial purposes. The reason for this is that commercial cultivation of microalgae requires delicately balancing the cultivation technologies, the location and the product to be produced. Algatech is one of the global leaders of commercial cultivation of microalgae, with over ten years of large scale commercial production experience. The company holds unique expertise and invests substantial efforts in research and development, focusing on several fields: • Microalgae cultivation using various technologies, such as closed Photo-Bio-Reactors (PBR’s) system, semi-closed cultivation systems (sleeves, columns, panels), and open • Large-scale processing of microalgal, including harvesting, drying and extraction • Unique applications and microalgal products for the food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and bio-fuel industries. Algatech works in close collaboration with the microalgae research department of Prof. Sammy Boussiba from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, with experience in microalgae spanning over 30 years of research. In addition, Algatech collaborates with academic institutions and key players in the industry, in order to promote the knowledge and Algatechnologies Ltd.
Kibbutz Ketura D.N Hevel Eilot 88840, Israel Tel:+972-8-6356425 Fax: +972-86356562 Website: AstaPure™ - Production Technology
For the production of AstaPure™ Natural Astaxanthin, Algatech employs a closed tubular and environmentally protected system. This technology allows for a highly controlled cultivation system. It eliminates the introduction of foreign objects, agricultural residues, and microbial contamination into the growing medium. In addition, Algatech extracts the astaxanthin fraction from the microalgae biomass using Super Critical CO2 technology , hence no solvents residues are present in the final product. Algatechnologies innovative technology provides the most concentrated astaxanthin products available today. The high quality controlled system, together with stable climate conditions, make for reliable and consistent production, year round. Algatechnologies Corporation is GMP, ISO, HACCP Kosher and Halal Certified. Algatechnologies Ltd.
Kibbutz Ketura D.N Hevel Eilot 88840, Israel Tel:+972-8-6356425 Fax: +972-86356562 Website:



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