Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje penicilline antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
R.D. Adelman · R. Coppo · M.J. Dillon
The emergency management of severe hypertension
Received: 19 February 1998 / Revised: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999
Abstract Severe hypertension in childhood is a life-
urgency describes blood pressure that is markedly in-
threatening clinical problem that carries with it not only
creased, but can be more gradually reduced within a few
serious sequelae of inadequate treatment but equally se-
days to avoid serious sequelae [1–5]. In the older termi-
rious complications of over enthusiastic therapy. The
nology a hypertensive emergency would equate with
majority of cases have some form of underlying renal
“malignant” or “accelerated” hypertension [1, 2, 6, 7],
disease. Therapeutic success is achieved by slow and
i.e., patients having bilateral retinal haemorrhages and
safe reduction of blood pressure with the immediate tar-
exudates with or without papilloedema [6], hypertensive
get of avoiding hypertensive sequelae yet allowing pres-
encephalopathy, hypertensive cardiac failure and evi-
ervation of target organ function. Short-acting parenteral
dence of other end organ damage such as hypertensive
antihypertensives are recommended along with careful
renal complications. Because there is considerable clini-
blood pressure monitoring to prevent complications aris-
cal and definitional overlap between what has been
ing through loss of autoregulatory control.
called hypertensive urgency and hypertensive emergen-cy, it would seem simpler to refer to patients as having
Key words Severe hypertension · Hypertensive
severe hypertension with or without end organ involve-
emergency · Hypertensive crisis · Antihypertensive
Similarly, there is no clear definition of what consti-
tutes severe hypertension. It is, like beauty, often “in theeyes of the beholder.” The Second Task Force [8] de-
fined severe hypertension as exceeding the 99th percen-tile for age. Others have suggested arbitrary absolute
There is some controversy regarding terminology used to
levels, such as a diastolic blood pressure in the adoles-
describe the clinical syndrome of severe hypertension,
cent, for example, in excess of 110 mmHg. In the final
i.e., hypertension that represents a threat to life or to the
analysis severe hypertension will be seen by the clini-
function of vital organs. This has been called “hyperten-
cian as that level at which the patient, at the time of pre-
sive crisis” and has been subdivided, by some, into two
sentation or in the very near future, will likely manifest
categories, the “hypertensive emergency” and the “hy-
serious clinical signs, symptoms and target organ seque-
pertensive urgency” [1–5]. The hypertensive emergency
describes hypertension of such a level that it requires ur-gent treatment to reduce it within minutes to hours toavoid life-threatening complications [1–5]. Hypertensive
The aetiology of severe hypertension in childhood is, in
Department of Pediatrics, Eastern Virginia Medical School,
the majority of cases, some form of underlying renal
disease [1, 9, 10]. The commonest causes are coarse re-
nal scarring due to reflux nephropathy or obstructive
Divisione di Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale Regina Margherita,
uropathy, various forms of glomerulopathy and reno-
vascular disease [9]. Other aetiologies include end-
stage renal failure and transplantation, inherited kidney
Nephrourology Unit, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children,
disorders, haemolytic uraemic syndrome, coarctation of
the aorta, phaeochromocytoma [1, 10] and occasionally
e-mail: [email protected].: +44-20-79052651, Fax: +44-20-79160011
low renin hypertension, as seen in apparent mineralo-
corticoid excess. The common aetiologies in the neo-
latory mechanism that maintains adequate blood flow to
nate include umbilical artery catheter-associated renal
viscera across wide ranges of arterial pressures [16, 17].
artery and aortic thrombosis, chronic pulmonary dis-
This is particularly relevant to the cerebral circulation. In
ease and coarctation of the aorta. In the majority of
patients with long-standing hypertension the range is re-
these situations, other than in the neonate, the severely
set upwards. Such individuals may be less able to com-
increased blood pressure rose after a longish period of
pensate for sudden falls of pressure which, at a level well
sustained hypertension, as opposed to emerging acutely
tolerated with normal autoregulation, might cause cere-
in a newly acquired disease, such as acute glomerulone-
bral infarction, transverse ischaemic myelopathy or
blindness in the so-called watershed areas that becomecompromised with a drop in pressure [2, 11–13]. Moststudies regarding physical and functional features affect-
ing autoregulation have involved the adult population;more pathophysiological studies in the paediatric popula-
The clinical manifestations vary considerably but the
tion on autoregulation of blood flow in different organs
major complications in children involve the central ner-
and at different ages are needed. A case in point is the
vous system, the eyes, the heart and the kidneys. In a
neonate that is at risk for intraventricular haemorrhages
series of children recently reported, hypertensive reti-
and other central nervous system sequelae related to
nopathy occurred in 27%, hypertensive encephalopathy
changes in blood pressure in the face of poor cerebral au-
in 25%, convulsions in 25%, left ventricular hypertro-
toregulation and highly vulnerable blood vessels in the
phy in 13%, facial palsy in 12%, visual symptoms in
subependymal germinal matrix of the central nervous
9% and hemiplegia in 8% [9]. The visual symptoms
system [18, 19]. These factors are of importance when
may be caused by retinopathy, cortical damage, vitre-
blood pressure is treated and is the reason for slow and
ous haemorrhage or anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
controlled reduction. Complications are more likely to
[9]. The latter is particularly a cause for concern and
occur in long-standing hypertension as opposed to that
may eventually lead to infarction of the optic nerves
due to ciliary arterial hypertensive damage, especiallywhen blood pressure is reduced too quickly [11–13]. Such patients demonstrate loss of pupillary light reflex
but retain a response to accommodation. Some patientspresent in cardiac failure and others in renal failure due
The goal of treatment is to prevent hypertension-related
to hypertensive renal damage. Significant proteinuria
adverse effects by a controlled reduction of blood pres-
and haematuria may, in these circumstances, be due to
sure, allowing preservation of target organ function and
the high blood pressure as opposed to a primary glo-
minimizing complications of therapy, such as ischaemic
merulopathy. In addition, some patients present with
neuropathy of the optic nerve, transverse ischaemic my-
gastrointestinal symptoms, including haemorrhage due
elopathy and renal impairment [2, 11–13]. These occur
to the microvascular damage caused by the high blood
primarily because of loss of autoregulatory tone as an
pressure, and some present with a microangiopathic
haemolytic anaemia. In neonates, common clinical
The therapeutic agents available for managing se-
manifestations of hypertension include tachypnea, car-
vere, potentially life-threatening hypertension are most
diomegaly, congestive heart failure, lethargy, seizures,
frequently administered intravenously and ideally have
retinopathy and failure to thrive. Even in the presence
short half-lives, allowing for careful but swift modifi-
of very severe hypertension, some neonates remain
cation of therapy according to response. Labetalol [1, 5,
9, 20–25], sodium nitroprusside [1, 5, 9, 23–27] andmore recently nicardipine [28–31] are frequently usedfor this purpose. In the management of severe hyperten-
sion there can be no absolute recommendations regard-ing preferences of pharmacological agents. Each clini-
It is not the purpose of this article to deal in detail with
cian should use medications with which he or she is fa-
the pathophysiology of severe or life-threatening hyper-
miliar and comfortable. We would recommend sodium
tension, but a few aspects need emphasizing since they
nitroprusside, nicardipine and labetalol as effective,
have relevance to the way affected children are managed.
safe parenteral agents that can be easily titrated in a
The histological hallmark is fibrinoid arteriolar necrosis,
clinical setting with little toxicity. Pulsed intravenous
although this is not pathognomonic [2, 15]. Subintimal
diazoxide [32–35] has received adverse publicity be-
cellular proliferation is more commonly seen and can be
cause of significant hypotensive complications; the
sufficient to occlude the lumina, and has important im-
agent has been used by slow intravenous infusion [1,
plications in terms of the ischaemic complications that
36, 37], although paediatric experience is limited. Al-
are seen in severely hypertensive situations when blood
ternative agents that have been recommended include
pressure is lowered too rapidly [2, 15]. Furthermore,
hydralazine [1, 24, 25], clonidine [38], esmolol [5, 25]
markedly increased blood pressure affects the autoregu-
and enalaprilat [39]. Oral nifedipine [40–45] adminis-
Table 1 Antihypertensive drug therapy for hypertensive emergencies (NO nitric oxide, IV intravenous, PO per os, NaHCO sodium
recommended for routine use butmay have role by infusion
tered sublingually has also been recommended but the
The usual approach would be for the child to be
authors have concern about unpredictability in terms of
carefully monitored when the blood pressure is being
response. Sublingual absorption is negligible and it
controlled. Usually this is an intensive care unit setting,
seems likely that nifedipine is absorbed after swallow-
or an emergency department with appropriate monitor-
ing [46]. Because of concerns about the sequelae of
ing, nursing and physician support. There are no uni-
rapid and uncontrolled lowering of long-standing hy-
versal recommendations concerning the optimal rate of
pertension in which cerebral autoregulation may be im-
reduction, but a rule of thumb that appears to work
paired, we do not recommend oral agents, although ni-
based upon clinical practice at Great Ormond Street
fedipine continues to be widely used by colleagues in
Hospital for Children is to reduce the blood pressure by
nephrology according to a recent survey [47]. The sur-
one-third of the amount to be reduced in the first 6 h,
vey related primarily to acute severe hypertension in
by a further third over the next 24–36 h and to take the
asymptomatic individuals that suggests a population in
pressure down to the proposed maintenance level over
whom cerebral autoregulation may well be intact and
a final 48–72 h. Careful attention to pupillary reactions,
thus at lower risk for complications. Approximately
vision, level of consciousness and neurological findings
10% of respondents identified serious adverse conse-
is necessary, and an intravenous line should be avail-
quences of oral nifedipine. Other oral agents that have
able with saline or plasma on hand to increase the
been used in severe hypertension include captopril
blood pressure by volume expansion should sudden hy-
[48–51] and minoxidil [23–25]. Table 1 shows the vari-
ous agents available, the dosage regimens recommend-
If sodium nitroprusside is utilized, monitoring of
ed and the complications of usage. Agents recommend-
blood cyanide or plasma cyanate levels is necessary
ed by the authors are marked with asterisks.
[52, 53]. In reality, cyanate levels are rarely elevated
unless nitroprusside is given over several days and/or
dramatic increases in systolic and diastolic blood pres-
in the presence of renal failure. Lactate/pyruvate ratios
sure that are normal maturational events over the first
have been advocated by some as a more-sensitive and
few months of life can lead to both lack of recognition
more easily measurable indication of toxicity [54].
of true severe hypertension and overdiagnosis and mis-
Both the necessity for monitoring plasma cyanide lev-
treatment of patients falsely labelled as hypertensive.
els and the cumbersome need to cover the medication
There are few data in neonates on the level of hyperten-
and infusion lines in patients receiving sodium nitro-
sion at which therapy should be initiated, the conse-
prusside is obviated by the use of intravenous nicardi-
quences of non-treatment, the incidence of side effects
pine or labetalol. Once blood pressure is stabilized then
and the pharmacokinetics of antihypertensive agents
the gradual introduction of oral antihypertensive agents
[14]. Many infants, including some with very severe hy-
is necessary, bearing in mind the perceived underlying
pertension, may be asymptomatic. Our policy is to treat
cause of the high blood pressure. Such agents as nifedi-
all asymptomatic patients with severe hypertension as
pine (ideally as a slow release combination), angioten-
well as those with symptoms, which are usually cardio-
sin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and β-blockers
respiratory and neurological. In the severely hyperten-
are the usual oral agents that have been effective in our
sive infant it is the authors’ policy to use parenteral
experience. Sometimes more-powerful agents such as
medications such as nitroprusside and nicardipine in a
minoxidil, clonidine, prazosin and others are required
careful titrated fashion to lower blood pressure prior to
conversion to oral agents [60]. The newborn infant, es-pecially the premature infant, has a richly perfused frag-ile germinal matrix, and is at risk for intracranial haem-
orrhages associated with hypertension, hypotension ormarked fluctuations in blood pressure; therefore, judi-
Special situations arise that may require different ap-
cious lowering of blood pressure is mandatory. Both ni-
proaches in the immediate post acute management
fedipine and captopril are very effective oral agents in
phase. For example, children with phaeochromocytoma
the subsequent management of the severely hyperten-
may need phenoxybenzamine plus or minus a β-blocker
sive neonate, although lower doses of captopril per kilo-
[55]. Children with renin-dependent hypertension, such
gram are needed in the neonate [61, 62] to avoid ad-
as that associated with renovascular disease or renal pa-
renchymal disease, may need ACE inhibitors, but cau-tion is necessary if main renal artery stenosis is consid-ered to be present [56]. Renal impairment with salt and
water retention may well justify dialysis or diuretics,since hypervolaemia may blunt the response to antihy-
Severe hypertension in childhood can be a life-threaten-
pertensive medications. However, volume depletion is
ing clinical problem that carries with it not only serious
normally not required in the acute hypertensive emer-
sequelae of inadequate treatment but equally serious
gency, since most patients presenting in this way are salt
complications if over enthusiastic therapy is introduced.
The key to success is slow and safe reduction of blood
Patients with apparent mineralocorticoid excess or
pressure with the immediate target of reducing the level
Liddle syndrome, both examples of low renin hyperten-
to a safe yet still hypertensive value, and then a slow fur-
sion, can present with life-threatening severe hyperten-
ther reduction to normal over several days. Short-acting
sion and may not respond adequately to any therapy oth-
parenteral therapy is recommended for successful and
er than specific agents that act on the collecting tubules
safe management, with careful bedside monitoring of
such a triamterene or amiloride [57, 58]. This is the rare
blood pressure to avoid complications arising through
situation under which these medications may be used in
the emergency setting. Patients with cerebrovascular dis-ease or increased intracranial pressure may need a sub-
stantial blood pressure level to maintain cerebral perfu-sion. These individuals may not require the same ap-
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D.R. Powell · S.K. Durham · E.D. Brewer · J.W. Frane V. Baca · C. Lavalle · R. Garcia · T. Catalan · J.M. Sauceda S.L. Watkins · R.J. Hogg · S. Mohan G. Sanchez · I. Martinez · M.L. Ramirez · L.M. Marquez J.C. Rojas
Effects of chronic renal failure and growth hormone on serum levels
of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein- 4
in children with severe neuropsychiatric lupus
a report of the Southwest Pediatric Nephrology
Objective To evaluate the effect of intravenous methylpredniso-
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1999) 84:596–601
lone (IVMP), and cyclophosphamide (IVCy) in children with se-vere neuropsychiatric (NP) systemic lupus erythematosus(NPSLE).
Children with chronic renal failure (CRF) have high serum levels
We studied 7 consecutive pediatric patients with severe
of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein- 1 (IGFBP-1),
NPSLE. All patients were treated initially with IVMP and IVCy
-2, and -6. The excess IGFBP-2 and -1 may play a role in the
followed by monthly IVCy for at least 3 months, and then every
growth failure of CRF children by sequestering IGF peptides. In
2 and/or 3 months according to clinical response. Prednisone was
contrast, IGFBP-3 levels rise with GH treatment of CRF children,
given at 1-2 mg/kg during the first month. Laboratory studies in-
suggesting a role for IGFBP-3 in their accelerated growth. The
cluded routine laboratory tests, antinuclear antibodies, anli-
present studies used sensitive and specific antisera to characterize
dsDNA, antiphospholipid antibodies, and complement compo-
levels and forms of IGFBP-4 and -5 in serum from CRF children.
nents C3 and C4. Neurodiagnostic studies included cerebrospinal
By RIA, the mean baseline serum level of IGFBP-4 was high in
fluid, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography scan-
CRF children compared to that in normal children, but the IGFBP-
ning, single photon emission computed tomography and electroen-
4 level in CRF serum did not correlate with height SD score; by
immunoblot, high CRF levels were associated with increases in
Results Three patients had organic brain syndrome with psycho-
both intact and fragmented IGFBP-4. Mean RIA levels of IGFBP-
sis, 3 had seizures, 1 stroke, 1 cerebral vasculitis, 1 optic neuritis,
5 were comparable in sera from CRF and normal children. Treat-
and 1 transverse myelitis. In 3 of these cases, nervous system in-
ing CRF children with GH for 12 months increased serum IGFBP-
volvement was the initial presentation of SLE. Five patients had
4 levels by 26% and IGFBP-5 levels by 49%, as determined by
2 or more NP manifestations. Most of them were accompanied by
RIA; levels of IGFBP-5, but not IGFBP-4, correlated significantly
general SLE activity. Anticardiolipin antibodies were positive in
with serum levels of IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and acid-labile sub-
3 patients and none was anticoagulated. All patients improved,
unit and with growth rate in these GH- treated children. In sum-
6 patients had a complete recovery and 1 patient recovered with
mary, IGFBP-4 levels are high in serum of CRF children, and GH
minor neurological deficit. All but one improved significantly
increases serum levels of IGFBP-4 and IGFBP-5 in these children.
within the first week of combined IVMP and IVCy. The mean
The data suggest a role for IGFBP-5 in the accelerated growth of
time of follow-up was 37 months (range 8–55). IVCy was well
GH-treated CRF children, perhaps as part of a ternary complex
tolerated with minimal side effects.
with acid-labile subunit and IGFs. Additional studies on the rela-
Conclusions Early aggressive treatment with combined IVMP and
tionship between intact IGFBP-4 levels and growth are needed to
IVCy followed by monthly IVCy may be an effective therapy for
determine what role IGFBP-4 plays in the linear growth process in
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Merkblatt über Scabies (Krätze) (modifiziert nach Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt) Wie äußert sich die Erkrankung? Die Scabies, auch Krätze genannt, wird durch die Krätzmilbe hervorgerufen. Sie ist ein tierischer Schmarotzer, der den Menschen befällt. Weibliche Milben graben sich in die Hornschicht der menschlichen Haut ein. Sie können dort vier Wochen lang leben und in dieser Ze