Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
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Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica Vol. 13, N.º 3, pp. 219-228, 2008
de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología
Facultad de Psicología,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
Abstract: We present the case of a university-educated bilingual (Italian-Spanish) Alzheimer patient aged 61. After a neuropsychological assessment carried out at the Applied Psychology Service of the Faculty of Psychology at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), an in- dividualized integral cognitive stimulation program was started that lasted three years. The interest of this case lies in the fact that the progress of this patient in the two languages was followed through a series of cognitive tasks (mainly linguistic and categorization). The results show that, as the ill- ness develops, the patient cannot separate both languages and interferences appear. His first language remains intact for a longer period of time, as studies of this type have shown. Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, neuropsychological assessment, bilingualism, semantic knowledge. Evaluación neuropsicológica y evolución cognitiva de un enfermo de Alzheimer bilingüeResumen: Presentamos el caso de un paciente de Alzheimer bilingüe (italiano-español) de 61 años con estudios universitarios. Tras la evaluación neuropsicológica realizada en el Servicio de Psico- logía Aplicada (SPA) de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), se inició un programa de estimulación cognitiva individualizada que duró tres años. El interés de este caso ra- dica en el hecho de que la evolución del paciente en las dos lenguas fue seguida a través de una se- rie de tareas cognitivas (principalmente lingüísticas y de categorización). Los resultados muestran que, según avanza la enfermedad, el paciente no puede separar ambas lenguas y ocurren las inter- ferencias. Su primera lengua se conserva durante un mayor periodo de tiempo, como los estudios de este tipo han mostrado. Palabras clave: Demencia tipo Alzheimer, evaluación neuropsicológica, bilingüismo, conocimiento semántico.
namics of neurotransmission when faced withadverse conditions, even in old age. This ca-
The scientific basis of non-pharmacological
pacity has been demonstrated in cases of de-
intervention was summarized, albeit metaphor-
mentia, although with lower intensity (Kavira-
ically, by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, who said
jan and Olazarán, 2005; Orrell, 2003). Therefore,
that we are all capable of being the sculptor of
it seems logical to think that cognitive stimula-
our own brain. This idea is included in the term
tion can favour cerebral plasticity and thus main-
«neuroplasticity» proposed by Geschwind and
tain, if not recover, the cognitive functions which
Nottebohm (1985), who referred to the brain’s
have been preserved. An intervention programme
capacity to adapt, regulate, and remodel the dy-
should not only promote greater cognitive func-tion, which allows the patient more autonomy fora longer period of time, but it should also improve
Recibido 5 December 2007; accepted 4 July 2008
the patient’s self-esteem and feeling of worth. Correspondencia: Carmen Díaz, UNED, Facultad de Psico-
The study of bilingual individuals with cere-
logía, Dpto. Psicología Básica I, Juan del Rosal, 10, 28040
bral lesions and the importance of these lesions
in the organization of language have been the
Agradecimientos: Este trabajo ha sido posible por la inesti-
focus of research during recent years, although
mable colaboración de F.P. y su familia. Financiado en partepor los proyectos de invstigación del MEC, SEJ 2004-04233
this area was already being examined during
the first half of the 19th century (Lorch, 2007).
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Few studies examine the linguistic-cognitive
er tasks. However, what is not known is exact-
function in bilingual Alzheimer’s patients in terms
ly why this occurs, although three different the-
of disease progression and the intervention to
ories exist. One alludes to a greater semantic
be adopted. In one of the few studies of this type,
overlap (i.e. the shared semantic features of cog-
De Vreese, Motta, and Toschi (1988) conclude
nate words), another defends the existence of
that, in patients suffering from dementia, the
only one lexical entry shared by both languages,
comprehension and production of the mother
and the third attributes it to a phonological over-
tongue is preserved longer than the comprehen-
sion and production of a second or third lan-
The production of speech in bilingual sub-
guage, but that cognitive stimulation programmes
jects is generally studied through different lan-
should be carried out in both languages.
guage tasks and tasks of linguistic interference
In the production of speech, a bilingual sub-
between drawings and words. The variables that
ject uses at least two types of processes and
are usually measured are correct answers/errors
mechanisms: attentional and linguistic. The at-
tentional mechanism deals with the control that
In the present study, which was carried out
the bilingual subject needs to have in order to
in the context of a non-specific cognitive in-
speak in the language required by the commu-
tervention programme, we addressed a wide
nicative exchange at a given time, without al-
series of cognitive processes in the framework
lowing the second language to surface or inter-
of language interventions, with special em-
fere. It is therefore assumed that bilingual subjects
phasis on the lexical-semantic level, because
have greater cognitive flexibility than monolin-
one of the key questions in the linguistic and
gual subjects due to the fact that they regularly
cognitive area of knowledge of bilingual sub-
change the language they express themselves in.
jects is whether their conceptual representa-
This has brought about the idea that the process-
tions are shared between the two languages. In
es involved in the control of execution are more
order to answer this question, we designed clas-
developed in bilingual subjects than in mono-
sification and categorization tasks to verify
lingual subjects. Therefore, in old age, when
whether the results were the same in both lan-
these processes tend to relax and, consequently,
guages, regardless of the language in which the
have less control of inhibition, the bilingual sub-
ject will, to a certain extent, be protected against
Given the results of the study by De Vreese
a possible impairment in executive control (Byal-
et al. (1988), we expected the patient to main-
istock, Craik, Klein, and Viswanathan, 2004).
tain linguistic competence in the first language
The linguistic processes involved have phono-
for longer than the second, which is the one gen-
logical, lexical, syntactic, and semantic compo-
erally used by the patient, even if more intensive
nents. The importance of bilingualism as a fac-
stimulation in Spanish (second language) can
tor that helps to stabilize cognitive functioning
reduce the rate at which it is lost. This study is
was recently analysed by Byalistock, Craik, and
observational and descriptive, although a large
Freedman (2007), who suggest that bilingual-
number of semi-experimental tasks and neu-
ism could help to delay the symptoms of de-
Methodological difficulties arise when mak-
The variables involved in bilingual speech
ing inferences from the data of only one sub-
production include the similarity between the
ject. Other authors (Crawford, Garthwaite, Az-
languages and the degree of bilingualism that
zalini, Howell and Laws, 2006) recently analysed
comes from the level of competence in the sec-
these difficulties and offered methodological
ond language, depending on when it was learnt.
solutions, although always with a significantly
In the first case, it appears that cognate (simi-
large control group. In our case—a bilingual
lar or even identical) rather than non-cognate
Alzheimer’s patient—obtaining a control group
words e.g. ¨gallina¨ in Spanish and ¨gallina¨ in
Italian, facilitate lexical access. This is seen in
The aims of this study were to evaluate the de-
the minor errors that occur in naming and oth-
velopment of the subject’s two languages whilst
Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2008, Vol. 13 (3), 219-228
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Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive evolution of a bilingual alzheimer patient
his illness progressed, and to monitor the course
mild AD at the Hospital Clínico, Madrid. He
of the semantic-conceptual knowledge of the sub-
took part in the hospital’s AD immunization
ject in relation to the decline in both languages.
project from November 2001 until March 2002,when the project was suspended. During thisperiod, he received no treatment whatsoever.
The main problems reported by the patient andhis wife, from diagnosis until suspension of the
immunization project, were difficulties withlearning, recent episodic memory, written and
The patient was a right-handed male aged 61
verbal comprehension, arithmetic calculation,
years old at baseline. He was diagnosed with
probable Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in October
The patient is Italian, but, since he was a
2001 at the Neurological Department, Hospital
teenager he has lived in Spain, where he obtained
a diploma in law and a degree in economics. Hewas the sales manager of an international com-pany and when his condition was diagnosed he
was not working. His two children live at home. He has not experienced behavioural changes and
The patient suffered a reactive depression af-
has shown himself to be enthusiastic, sociable,
ter a conflictive labour situation in 1995 and,
and optimistic from as early as his first inter-
consequently, stopped work. He visited his doc-
view. He uses Spanish in his daily life with fam-
tor in 1997 because he had experienced episodes
ily, neighbours, and friends, but uses Italian when
of forgetfulness. His wife reported that the real
he speaks to his mother (who lives in Madrid),
cognitive difficulties began in 1999, since from
this point he had episodes of forgetfulness on a
The patient came to the Applied Psychology
daily basis, took little part in conversations, and
Service (APS) of the Faculty of Psychology at the
repeated himself. In July 2001, he underwent
UNED in March 2002 to start a psychological in-
complementary neurological tests as a result of
tervention programme and he provided the fol-
the information obtained during the first inter-
lowing information (see Table 1, Figure 1, and
view. In October 2001 he was diagnosed with
Table 1. Information provided by the patient
Year 2000:Neuropsychological Tests:— March: in the Barcelona test (Peña Casanova, 1990), his scores fell within the normal range except for deferred text
memory and direct and inverse series. — September: Mini Mental State Examination (MEC) (Lobo, Ezquerra, Gómez, Sala, and Seva, 1979) = 29/35.
Year 2001:Neuropsychological Tests:— June: MEC = 26/35, which suggested that the patient was suffering from possible incipient cognitive deterioration (Reis-
Brain imaging results:— July: ventricular dilatation in the MRI. SPECT revealed asymmetrical lack of activity in several areas of the cerebral
cortex in both hemispheres. Less uptake in nuclei at the base of the right hemisphere than on the contralateral side (seeFig. 1). — September: SPECT revealed hypoperfusion on both temporal-parietal lobes and, albeit with less intensity, on the frontal
lobes. More evident on the right hemisphere. According to the report, these data are indicative of AD (see Fig. 2).
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Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2008, Vol. 13 (3), 219-228
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In May 2002, the patient began treatment with
Reminyl (4 mg) (galantamine), and his dose wasincreased by the Memory Unit of the GeriatricsService, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, to12 mg in September 2002. In February 2004,he continued with the prescribed pharmacolog-ical treatment, Reminyl, at the same dose and be-gan to take Axura (memantine). He also startedtreatment with a vitamin complex, Auxina E
mentioned data were collected, a complete neu-
400, an anti-platelet drug to prevent cardiovas-
ropsychological assessment was made over four
cular diseases, Adiro 100, Ginko Bilova and
In the first session, the following areas were
evaluated: general cognitive state, state of mind,level of dependence in daily activities, and abil-
ity to carry out tasks. In the second session,executive function and attentional capacity,
The patient was an irregular attender at group
episodic and semantic memory, praxic capac-
sessions of the Alzheimer’s Relatives Association
ity, and level of dementia were tested (see Ta-
(AFAL) in Madrid. Since January 2004, he has
bles 2 and 3). The third and fourth sessions
been taking fortnightly sessions of psychomotricity
were dedicated exclusively to the evaluation
exercises with a therapist geared towards reality
of the production and comprehension of Span-
orientation in his home. Since February 2005, he
has been attending twice-weekly physical activi-
Throughout the tests, the patient was happy
ty group sessions coordinated by a therapist.
with his performance and showed neither anx-iety nor frustration. At all times, he was collab-orative, empathetic, and totally willing to carry
out the tests. He does not seem to have beenaware of his difficulties. In these sessions, there
After the semistructured interview with the
was no inter-language interference or contam-
patient and his wife, during which the above-
ination: he was completely able to keep both
Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2008, Vol. 13 (3), 219-228
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Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive evolution of a bilingual alzheimer patient
Table 2. Results of the neuropsychological assessment in the first and second session evaluation
— Mini Mental State Examination (MEC) (Lobo, Ezquer-
Scores under 26/27 = cognitive deterioration.
— Clock Drawing Test (on order) (Cacho, García-García,
Arcaya, Vicente, and Lantada, 1999).
Scores between 0 and 6 = cognitive deterioration.
— Information-Memory-Concentration-Test (Blessed, Tom-
— Depression scale (GDS) (shortened version) (Yesavage
— Blessed Dementia Rating Scale (Blessed, Tomlinson,
Scores above 4 points = probable deterioration.
— Informer Test (shortened version) (Jorm and Korten, 1988)
Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Eld-erly (IQCODE), Spanish version (Morales et al. 1992)
— Stroop Test (Stroop, 1935) (45 seconds per card).
Scores above 57 = probable cognitive deterioration. 1st card, W = 74; 2nd card, C = 34; 3rd card, WC = 12. Errors = 0. Interference: –8.9. The means for the Spanishpopulation are: W = 113; C = 71; WC = 43. Interference = 1.73.
— Trail Making Test (CTMT) (Reitan, 1958).
Version A: Time: 1’ 40»Version B: He did not understand the test. The test was sus-pended.
— Barcelona Test (Peña-Casanova, 1990): (subtests were
Subtests in which the patient’s performance was below the
selected according to the cognitive function to be eval-
30th percentile (probable deterioration) are shown below in
— The Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) (Reisberg, Fer-
Level 4-(5) Stage = moderate cognitive deterioration (Scale:
— Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) (Hughes et al. 1982).
Level 1 = mild dementia (Scale: 0 to 3).
Table 3. Subtests of the Barcelona Test with points
languages separate, made decisions easily, and
The results of the neuropsychological tests
supported the diagnosis of probable AD ac-
cording to the criteria of the National Institute of
Neurological and Communicative Disorders and
the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders
al. 1984). Similarly, the results of the neuropsy-
chological evaluation lead us to believe that the
patient was in the early stages of the disease.
Reciprocal coordinationSuperimposed images
The most important results were as follows:
1. Memory and learning and executive func-tion. The patient had difficulties with temporal
orientation—he responded correctly to 2 of the
5 items in the temporal orientation section of
the MEC (Lobo, Ezquerra, Gómez, Sala, and
Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología
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Seva, 1979) and to 3 of the 6 items from the In-
(ashtray). This was corroborated by the naming
formation-Memory-Concentration test (IMC)
tests. In the Barcelona test, the subject lies in the
(Blessed, Tomlinson, and Roth, 1968). In learn-
lowest zone of the profile: he correctly named
ing and episodic memory of immediate and de-
92% of the items both in Spanish and in Italian.
ferred facts, the subject responded correctly to
In the Semantic Memory Evaluation Battery
1 of the 3 items in the MEC, 0 of 1 item in the
(EMSDA) (Peraita, González Labra, Sánchez
IMC, and 7 of 23 in immediate recall of texts,
Bernardos and Galeote, 2000), he correctly named
5 of 23 in recall of texts with questions, and 6
88% of the items in Spanish and 97% of the items
of 23 from the Barcelona Test in deferred mem-
in Italian. The results of the tests of reading
ory with and without questions (see Table 3).
logatomes, words, and text were normal in both
Difficulties in learning and recall were con-
languages (all answers correct). The production of
firmed by the patient’s wife’s responses to the In-
written language as evaluated by dictation tests
formant Test (Jorm and Korten, 1988). He made
was unaltered (all answers correct). In oral com-
mistakes concerning historical events (2 of 4
prehension analysed using the Barcelona sub-
correct answers in the IMC). The Ribot phe-
tests—pointing out pictures and parts of the body
nomenon—memories are lost inversely to when
and comprehension of verbal orders—his result
they are acquired, that is, the memories that are
was within the normal range (all answers correct).
closest in time disappear first, and more remote
Alteration of written comprehension was verified
memories (such as memories from childhood)
using the subtests of the Barcelona test on com-
take longer to disappear—was also observed
prehension of written orders (he scored 6 out of
throughout the evaluation. As far as operative
12 in Spanish and 7 out of 12 in Italian) and com-
memory was concerned, the patient’s perform-
prehension of phrases and texts (he scored 6 out
ance was below normal and his ability to initi-
of 8 in Spanish and 7 out of 8 in Italian).
ate behaviours, plan and sequence actions, andinhibit inappropriate or interfering behaviour
3. Motor function. The patient found it dif-
was altered (see Table 2, points awarded in the
ficult to carry out movements (apraxia) both
Stroop and Trail Making tests). In the Clock
unimanually and bimanually. In the subtest im-
Drawing Test, he scored 3 out of 10: this indi-
itating right postures, he scored 9 out of 10 (30th
cates not only difficulties in executive function,
percentile), and in the imitation of bilateral pos-
but also difficulties in semantic and episodic
tures he scored 6 out of 8 (below the 10th per-
memory, attention, and capacity for abstraction.
centile). In the subtest arbitrary right sequencesand in reciprocal coordination, he scored 4 out
2. Language.: The production of spontaneous
of 8, but his graphic execution was normal in
oral language was evaluated in Spanish and Ital-
ian using three subtests of the Barcelona test (Peña-Casanova, 1990): conversation-narration, thematic
4. Perception, attention, and capacity for
narration, and description. The patient maintained
abstraction. The patient experienced perceptive
phonological and syntactic components in both
discrimination and attention difficulties in sev-
languages. At the lexical level, he produced cir-
eral areas of the Barcelona test: discrimination
cumlocutions, confabulations, and repetitions,
of superimposed images (he scored 16 out of
which were confirmed mainly by the thematic
20), face matching (he scored 3 out of 6), and al-
narration test. The joint evaluation of the above
terations in attention capacity and in capacity
tests means that the information content was poor
for abstraction, as shown by the Clock Drawing
both in Spanish and in Italian. In spontaneous lan-
Test (he scored 3 out of 10). With regard to solv-
guage, his speech was fluent and relevant, but he
ing tasks involving logical opinion or capacity for
could not always find the right word in Spanish—
abstraction, he made mistakes in the Barcelona
he said asiento (chair) instead of mesa (table),
subtest similarities-abstraction (0 out of 12).
vaso (glass) instead of florero (vase)—or in Ital-ian—he said pascolo (meadow) instead of bosco
In summary, the areas which the patient pre-
(forest), piattino (plate) instead of possacenere
served within the normal range were reading and
Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2008, Vol. 13 (3), 219-228
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Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive evolution of a bilingual alzheimer patient
writing, both when copying and in dictation (all
sult that the latter were less frequent.
answers correct). Although some mistakes were
Because our main objective was to ascertain
observed in the semantic memory system, it was
whether the conceptual representations of this
less deteriorated than the (recent) episodic sys-
bilingual patient were shared, we designed some
tem. In fact, in two of the Barcelona subtests that
identical classification tasks to be applied in
evaluate the semantic system—categorical evo-
each language in the corresponding sessions
cation of animals and completion by denomina-
(Díaz and Peraita, 2004; Díaz and Peraita, 2005).
tion (in which the subject should complete sen-
We designed a classification task (shopping
tences where the last word was missing)—the
basket) to show one of the main functions of
patient had a satisfactory performance for his
the semantic memory system, that is, the ca-
age and level of education (50th percentile in the
pacity of the subject to form groupings, rele-
first test and 95th percentile in the second).
vant to the logical and/or psychological and/orcontextual points of view. The patient was pre-sented with 48 colour photographs represent-
Intervention sessions and follow-up evaluations
ing the shopping basket—24 foods and 24 ob-jects—and he was told to make as many groups
After obtaining the results of the neuropsy-
of objects as he thought necessary, but to make
chological evaluation, we decided to draw up
an intervention programme to help stimulatethe different preserved cognitive functions andnot only intervene in those where deficits were
observed. The final objective was to maintaincognitive skills and/or processes for as long as
To illustrate the course of deterioration in this
possible. The intervention programme was in-
patient, Table 4 shows the results of some of the
tegral in that it included activities from each of
evaluations over time. Others could not be ap-
the cognitive processes: attention, memory, lan-
plied due to the cognitive problems experienced
guage, executive functions, and praxia. The tech-
by the patient, mainly in written and oral com-
niques used were reminiscence, cognitive stim-
ulation therapy, and reality orientation. A detailed
The shopping basket task was applied in five
explanation of this intervention programme will
sessions over the three years in both languages,
and the results are summarised in Table 5. The
In order to avoid problems of interference be-
patient’s performance in both languages was
tween the two languages, sessions were carried
very similar in all the sessions, as was the per-
out in Spanish or in Italian, but the languages
centage of correct answers in the categories of
were never mixed in one session. Every attempt
was made to ensure that each session in Span-
As for control in both languages, at the be-
ish was followed by an identical session in Ital-
ginning of the cognitive intervention programme,
ian. This was not always possible, with the re-
no differences were detected in the performance
Table 4. Evaluation results of the patient in different tests and at different points in time
Note: * Subtest of the Barcelona test
Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología
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Table 5. Results in the classification task «Shopping basket» N = 48 items (24 foods and 24 objects)
of the activities, regardless of the language used. ca, puledro (pony) instead potro, garòfano (car-
The patient was competent in both languages
nation) instead of clavel, camicia (shirt) instead
during the production of spontaneous speech
of camisa, piccolo (little) instead of pequeño.
and content was adequate for the conversation-
al context. As the illness progressed, he changed
ished—it became impossible to get to the cen-
from one language to another when he was talk-
ter, thus making it necessary to use another type
ing to a person, something that did not occur at
of intervention—the main caregiver, the patient’s
the beginning. Nevertheless, he managed a cer-
wife, was extremely positive, in the sense that
tain control of the situation as he only changed
she was aware that her husband maintained some
from one to another whilst talking to a person
cognitive and emotional capacities which she
who spoke both languages, not only Spanish.
had not expected. At this stage, the patient was
His cognitive flexibility was excellent at the be-
capable of speaking with an interlocutor, even
ginning of the intervention programme as he was
if the content of his conversation was very poor,
capable of alternating between both languages
and he maintained a connection with his im-
during oral production. He did this only if the
mediate and near environment. The programme
other speaker did the same and was able to speak
has helped him maintain a high level of effi-
Spanish only when the interlocutor spoke in
ciency, he felt useful, and the working sessions
Spanish; therefore, he was competent in both the
were rewarding for him, despite the effort. Fur-
bilingual and monolingual mode. This reveals
thermore, he had no important behavioural al-
complex attentional control, i.e. greater capaci-
ty in bilinguals to change linguistic code (Byal-istock et al. 2004; De Vreese, al. 1988).
Seven months later, we detected the intrusion
of some Italian words during the tests in Span-ish and vice versa, in particular during the flu-
This descriptive study has allowed us to con-
ency and classification tasks. During the se-
tribute more data to the field of progressive lan-
mantic fluency test in Italian, we observed
guage deterioration in a bilingual (Span-
intrusions of words from the second language in
ish/Italian) Alzheimer’s patient, by means of a
the first, such as the word gallina (hen) instead
follow-up within the framework of a three-year
of gallina—these were cognates—corbata (tie)
intervention programme. This is particularly in-
instead of cravatta, and clavel (carnation) in-
teresting, given that there are very few reports
stead of garòfano. This had not happened pre-
on this type of patient in which an evaluation
viously or was extremely sporadic. From Octo-
and intervention are made in both languages, a
ber 2002, the errors were more obvious in the
fundamental aspect if we want to determine the
Spanish tasks because he answered in Italian in-
real linguistic ability of a person, as pointed out
stead of Spanish. Some of these intrusions were
lumaca (snail) instead of caracol, formaggio
Even though no comparable empirical stud-
(cheese) instead of queso, espàndere (spread)
ies exist, the most relevant conclusion for our ob-
instead of untar, pìzzico (pinch) instead of piz-
jectives is that the patient’s competence in both
Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2008, Vol. 13 (3), 219-228
Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología
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Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive evolution of a bilingual alzheimer patient
Byalistock E., Craik, F.I.M., Klein, R., and Viswanathan,
languages survived with almost no interference
M. (2004). Bilingualism, aging and cognitive control:
during the first three years of the disease. This
Evidence from the Simon Task. Psychology and Ag-
probably means that the patient sustained at-
tentional control of both languages, and that this
Byalistock E., Craik, F.I.M., and Freedman, M. (2007).
control was only inhibited at the end of the third
Bilingualism as a protection against the onset of symp-
year, as seen through spontaneous conversation
toms of dementia. Neuropsychologia, 45, 459-464.
and specific tests, such as verbal fluency for se-
Cacho, L.J., García-García, R., Arcaya, J., Vicente, J.L.,
mantic categories, description of objects, and
and Lantada, N. (1999). Una propuesta de aplicación y
puntuación del test del reloj en la enfermedad de
This decline is particularly significant in terms
Alzheimer. Revista de Neurología, 28, 7.
of the control of the languages in which he is
Crawford, J.R., Garthwaite, P.H., Azzalini, A., Howell,
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Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología
B’rosh Hashanah yikatayvoon, uvYom tzome Kippur yaykhtaymoon…mee yekhyeh umee yamoot; mee vehkitzo oomee lo vehkitzo… “On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed … who shall live and who shall die, who will attain a full measure of life and who not.” This is the true story of Lewis Blackman as first reported in The State newspaper of Columbia, South Carolina
Merkblatt für Ärzte und Polizei FTC Haartests zum Nachweis von Betäubungsmitteln und Medikamenten (K.o.-Mitteln) Bei Routineuntersuchungen der Haare werden Opiate, einschließlich Codein und Dihydrocodein, sowie Cocain, THC (Cannabis), Amphetamin und die Designer-Drogen Methamphetamin, MDMA, MDEA und MDA nachgewiesen. Die "Treffsicherheit" ist bei den einzelnen Drogen s