Yale University Department of Astronomy 1. FOREWORD
• Pierre Demarque ͑emeritus͒ — Theoretical Solar and
The Department of Astronomy at Yale University is one
of the oldest astronomy programs in the country, and has
• Jeffrey Kenney — Observational Extragalactic As-
granted Ph.D.s since the nineteenth century. Yale has tradi-
tion strengths in stellar physics, stellar populations and as-
• Richard Larson ͑Dir. Undergraduate Studies͒ — Theo-
trometry, and newly invigorated programs in high-energy as-
retical Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy
trophysics and extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. The
• Priyamvada Natarajan — Theoretical Extragalactic As-
department is housed on the second floor of the Gibbs Labo-
ratory in New Haven, Connecticut, and owns telescopes at
• Peter Parker* — Nuclear Physics, Laboratory Stellar
Kitt Peak in Arizona and Cerro Tololo in Chile. The Yale
Southern Observatory operates telescopes in Argentina, and
• Sabatino Sofia — Observational and Theoretical Solar
Yale is part of consortium that operate telescopes in Venezu-
ela and on Mt. Palomar in California. Yale also has a joint
• Jeffrey Snyder* — Astronomical Instrumentation, Ob-
program with the University of Chile, through which re-
searchers have access to the Chilean share of the many tele-
• Andrew Szymkowiak* — Astronomical Instrumenta-
scope facilities located in that country. Further information
tion, Observational High Energy Astrophysics
on all departmental activities can be found at http://www.astro.yale.edu.
• Meg Urry* — Observational High Energy Astrophysics
Yale offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in As-
tronomy. We typically enroll 3-4 new graduate students
• William van Altena — Astrometry, Observational Ga-
studying for the PhD each year. Undergraduate majors have
numbered between 2 and 7 per year in recent years. Remark-
• Pieter van Dokkum — Observational Extragalactic As-
ably, 18 out of the last 24 undergraduate majors have been
women. The relatively small size of the undergraduate major
• Robert Zinn — Observational Galactic Astronomy and
and the graduate program allow an unusual level of personal
An event of particular importance over the past two years
has been the founding of the Yale Center for Astronomy and
2.2 Post-Docs and Research Staff 2003-4
Astrophysics ͑YCAA͒. This Center, directed by Prof. Meg
Michelle Buxton, Eleni Chatzichristou*, Dana Dinescu,
Urry, is designed to bring together efforts in astrophysics
Gordon Drukier, Eric Gawiser, Terry Girard, Dorrit Hoffleit,
underway in the Departments of Astronomy, Physics and
Vladimir Korchagin, Linghuai Li, Nicholas Morgan*, Sean
Applied Physics at Yale. As part of the development of the
O’Brien, Katherine Rhode, Kenneth Rines*, Frank Robin-
YCAA, the Yale Department of Physics has initiated a major
increase in its astrophysics group, including new faculty and
post-doctoral positions. While this report is primarily fo-cussed on the Department of Astronomy, it should be noted
2.3 Graduate Students 2003-2004
that considerable effort, particularly in astronomical instru-mentation and cosmology, is being conducted at the YCAA
Pedro Capelo, Bethany Cobb, Juan Cortes*, Hugh Crowl,
outside the purview of the Astronomy Department proper.
Sonia Duffau*, Andres Escala*, Leonor Huerta*, Dipankar
Many department members, including graduate students, are
Maitra, Eric Murphy, Kwang-Ho Park, Ryan Quadri, Brooke
Simmons, Ezequiel Triester*, Jeffrey van Duyne, KatherineVieira, Jong-Hak Woo, Bing Zhao
͑* ϭ Yale/Chile joint graduate program͒
2.1 Yale Faculty 3. FACILITIES
• Charles Bailyn ͑Chair͒ — Observational High Energy
3.1 WIYN Telescope
Yale owns 1/6 of the 3.5m WIYN telescope, located at
• Charles Baltay* — Observational Extragalactic As-
Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. This modern alt-azimuth
telescope has exceptionally fine image quality, with a median
• Sarbani Basu ͑Dir. Graduate Studies͒ — Theoretical
delivered image quality of 0.7Љ. Current instrumentation in-
cludes the ‘‘mini-mosaic’’ imager, which covers a 10Ј field,
• Paolo Coppi — Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics
the Hydra Multi-Object Spectrograph, and the sparsepak and
densepak fiber arrays. Yale researchers also use the Roches-
ter Institute of Technology speckle interferometer at WIYN.
including Yale, Caltech, and JPL. In driftscan mode, this
Arrangements have also been made to borrow IR imagers.
camera can obtain four-color data down to 19th magnitude
Current instrumentation plans include development of a high
over Ͼ 300 square degrees in a single night.
throughput spectrograph at Yale, and a One Degree Imageras a WIYN consortium project. Much of Yale’s observing
3.6 Computing
time at WIYN is devoted to graduate student research.
In addition to an extensive network of linux workstations,
the department is a major player in a university-wide high-
3.2 Joint Program with the University of Chile
performance computing cluster now under construction. Fur-
Yale and the University of Chile have established a Joint
ther details can be obtained from Prof. Paolo Coppi.
Program in education and research in Astronomy. The re-search program provides for the creation of joint projects
involving researchers from both institutions. Through these
4.1 Astrometry
joint projects Yale researchers have access to the wide rangeof astronomical instrumention in Chile, including the Euro-
van Altena continued speckle interferometry at the WIYN
pean VLT, and telescopes at CTIO, Las Campanas and La
telescope in collaboration with E. Horch ͑U. Mass Dart-
Silla. Current joint projects include the MUSYC Deep Sur-
mouth͒ and Z. Ninkov ͑Rochester Institute of Technology͒.
veys project, the Local Group group, and a smaller project
Yale Graduate student R. Meyer received his Ph.D. for a
dissertation on binary star photometry, based on speckle in-terferometry. The observations at WIYN during the lastyears are a part of our long-term effort to provide high-
precision relative astrometry of binary stars. Relative astrom-
Yale has a 14% share in the SMARTS consortium, which
etry has now been published for nearly 800 speckle observa-
operates four small telescopes, including the Yale 1m tele-
tions at WIYN. A second major speckle program involves
scope, at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in Chile.
observing Hipparcos double star discoveries since the publi-
Yale faculty member Charles Bailyn serves as principal sci-
cation of the Hipparcos Catalogue ͑ESA, 1997͒. Of the tar-
entist of the SMARTS consortium. In 2004, it is expected
gets observed, a substantial fraction of the Hipparcos stars
that the SMARTS instrumentation configuration will include
observed have exhibited large changes in separation and/or
the CTIO 0.9m ϩ 2K CCD; the Yale 1.0m ϩ 4K CCD; the
position angle since the Hipparcos observation ͑1991.25͒. To
1.3m ͑2MASS͒ telescope ϩ ANDICAM dual channel
date 23 Hipparcos doubles with probable or definitive orbital
optical/IR imager; and the CTIO 1.5m ϩ RC spectrograph
motion have been discovered. An NSF award has just been
made to Horch, van Altena and Ninkov ͑RIT͒ to use theexisting WIYN speckle archive in addition to new observa-tions and other information in the literature to investigate the
3.4 Yale Southern Observatory
statistics of binaries in the nearby region of the galaxy.
The Yale Southern Observatory operates the 51-cm
Recent advances in understanding the nature of Cen-
double astrograph at Cesco Observatory in El Leoncito, Ar-
tauri - the most massive Milky Way globular cluster - have
gentina. CCD observations have now begun with this facil-
now placed on a firmer ground its accretion origin as op-
ity, which is primarily used by the Yale astrometry group,
posed to formation within the Milky Way. Unlike the major-
directed by Prof. van Altena. Major improvements in hard-
ity of the Milky Way globular clusters, Cen is a complex
ware and software have greatly increased the efficiency of
chemical system with an extended star formation history.
Korchagin and Dinescu, in collaboration with T. Tsuchyia of
One of the original instruments of the YSO, the
the Astronomishes Rechen-Institut, have explored an accre-
Schlesinger 26-inch refractor was destroyed by a firestorm
tion origin for omega Cen by N-body modeling of the orbital
on January 18, 2003, along with the other telescopes on
decay and disruption of a Milky-Way dwarf satellite. A
Mount Stromlo, the workshop, library and many of the resi-
range of models with two different density profiles for the
dences. This event was a sad ending to a telescope that
satellite, ͑King and Hernquist͒, were used in the analysis. It
played a major role in defining our knowledge of the dis-
was found that a capture scenario can produce an Cen-like
tances, motions and masses of the brighter stars during the
object, exhibiting the current low-energy orbit of the cluster.
middle of the 20th century. van Altena and Hoffleit ͑2003͒
The best model is a nucleated dwarf galaxy with a Hernquist
have summarized the history of Schlesinger’s telescope.
density profile that has an initial mass of 8 ϫ 109 M ᭪ , anda half-mass radius of 1.4 kpc.
The Southern Proper Motion ͑SPM͒ Program continued,
on several fronts, under the supervision of van Altena with
The QUEST group, under the direction of Prof. Charles
significant effort from Girard and Dinescu, as well as Carlos
Baltay, has built two large astronomical imagers over the
Lo´pez of the Universidad de San Juan, Argentina and Paulo
past few years. The first is operating on the 1m Schmidt
Holvorcem of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Bra-
telescope at the Venezuelan national observatory at Llano
zil. CCD observations have begun using the 51-cm double
del Hato. The second is now in operation at the 1.5m
astrograph at Cesco Observatory in El Leoncito, Argentina.
Schmidt telescope at Mt. Palomar, as part of a consortium
These will eventually fill in the approximately two thirds of
the SPM survey region for which second-epoch photographic
Ph.D. thesis of A. Katherina Vivas. 380 sq. deg. of the sky
observations do not exist. A new version of the SPM Catalog
were surveyed for these stars in a band 2.3° wide in decli-
has also been released this year, one which is based solely on
nation, centered at dec.ϭϪ1°, and covering ϳ11 hours in
photographic material, as in previous versions. However, this
right ascension. The bright ͑due to CCD saturation͒ and the
version, the SPM3 Catalog, is near-complete to Vϭ17.5, and
faint limits of the survey are V ϳ13.5 and ϳ19.7 respec-
contains absolute proper motions, positions, and B and V
tively, which correspond to distances of ϳ4 and ϳ60 kpc
photographic photometry for 10.7 million objects in the
from the Sun. A total of 498 RR Lyrae variables were dis-
covered in the survey, 86% of which are new. This survey
has identified several substructures in the galactic halo that
Based on SPM plate material, absolute proper motions of
may have been produced by the tidal disruptions of satellite
4 globular clusters ͑NGC 6266, NGC 6304, NGC 6316, and
galaxies or globular clusters. The most prominent feature is a
NGC 6723͒, located in the bulge region, have been deter-
clump of about 80 RR Lyrae variables at roughly 50 kpc
mined with uncertainties ranging between 0.3 and 0.6 mas/
from the Sun. This feature, which is about 30 kpc long, is
yr. The absolute proper motions are on the Hipparcos sys-
part of the northern tidal stream from the Sagittarius dSph
tem, and, in combination with distances and radial velocities
galaxy, which had been detected previously in other types of
already published, yield space velocities. Interestingly, only
surveys. Other features have also been identified.
NGC 6723 of the two metal-poor clusters has kinematics
A large program to measure the radial velocities and the
consistent with halo membership, while that of NGC 6266
metallicities of the the RR Lyrae variables in the most con-
indicates membership to a rotationally supported system of
spicuous features revealed by the QUEST survey was begun
the thick-disk type. The kinematics of the two metal-rich
as part of the Yale-U. de Chile project on the Local Group.
clusters are consistent with their metallicity-based bulge
Observations have been obtained with the 8m VLT, the 1.5m
membership, however NGC 6304 seems to have significant
ESO, the 3.5m WIYN, and 1.5m CTIO ͑SMARTS͒ tele-
rotation, more closely resembling the thick disk, rather than
scopes. The VLT observations have shown that the radial
velocities of the RR Lyrae variables in the 50 kpc clump ͑see
Girard, Korchagin, and van Altena submitted 88 minor-
above͒ are in good agreement with the predictions of models
planet position measurements to the Minor Planet Center,
of the tidal streams from the Sgr dSph. The WIYN observa-
based on observations with the YALO 1-m telescope at
tions were obtained at the infra-red Ca II triplet during the
CTIO. This is part of a NASA-funded program at Yale to
same observing runs as some of the observations of the
make Southern-sky observations of Near Earth Objects. This
Draco and Ursa Minor dSph galaxies. Graduate student So-
program is continuing, using the SMARTS 1.3-m telescope
nia Duffau, Zinn, and Vivas have developed a technique to
measure the metallicities of the stars using the Ca II lines,which are blended with Paschen series hydrogen lines, and
4.2 Stellar Populations and Galactic Astronomy
unblended Paschen lines as a temperature index.
The research of Robert Zinn concentrated in two areas:
Winnick completed her PhD thesis under the direction of
the stellar populations of the satellite galaxies of the Milky
Zinn, and continued to work at Yale as a SMARTS post-doc.
Way and the detection of substructure in the Milky Way’s
Using the 3.5m WIYN telescope and the Hydra multiobject
halo. The major goals were to document the star formation
spectrograph, she measured the metallicities of numerous
and chemical enrichment histories of dwarf galaxies and to
stars in three nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The large
determine whether the galactic halo contains stellar streams
samples of stars in each of Draco, Ursa Minor and Sculptor
from disrupted satellite galaxies. As part of the Yale-U. de
allow a more detailed study of the metallicity distributions.
Chile joint project on the Local Group galaxies, both spec-
Despite similar abundance spreads, each galaxy exhibits a
troscopic and photometric observations of the Fornax dwarf
different distribution. The differences suggest that star for-
spheroidal ͑dSph͒ galaxy were obtained with 8m VLT.
mation and chemical enrichment processes proceeded some-
Color-magnitude diagrams that extend ϳ2 magnitudes be-
low the main-sequence turnoff of the oldest stars were con-
Also as part of the Calan-Yale Local Group Key Project,
structed for three fields in Fornax. The spectroscopic obser-
Demarque has published three papers on LMC cluster
vations of 117 red giants at the infra-red Ca II triplet reveal a
CMD’s, based on VLT photometry. The first paper ͑Gallart
surprisingly large variation in Ca II line strength. The colors
et al. 2002͒ presents the observations. For comparison, two
of the red giants of the highest metallicities are much bluer
independent analyses, one using the Yale models ͑Woo, J.H.
than the colors of very old red giants of the same metallicity,
et al. 2002͒, the other using the Padua models ͑Bertelli et al.
such as the ones in galactic globular clusters. This indicates
2002͒, Papers 2 and 3 respectively, were made.
that the metal-rich Fornax stars are considerably younger. An
Drukier, Bailyn, van Altena, and Girard finished their
age-metallicity relation was constructed from the combina-
study of the proper motions in the center of the globular
tion of the spectroscopy of the red giants and the deep color-
cluster NGC 6752. The resulting central velocity dispersion
magnitude diagrams. It suggests that the metallicity of For-
for this unusual cluster is about 12 km sϪ1, indicating a
nax climbed quickly to ͓Fe/H͔ϳϪ1 when Fornax formed
higher-than-expected central mass-to-light ratio. In connec-
and then rose more slowly over the past ϳ10 Gyrs.
tion with this Drukier and Bailyn have estimated the number
Zinn also participated in the QUEST survey in Venezuela,
of high-velocity stars to be expected in the central part of
searching for RR Lyrae variables. This effort constituted the
globular cluster hosting a massive black hole. They have
begun reduction of HST data with the aim of testing this
understand the details of the structure and dynamics of the
solar interior. The second is to determine internal variability
Graduate student B. Zhao continued his Ph.D. thesis re-
mechanisms that change the structure and the global param-
search with Bailyn on binary stars in globular clusters. By
eters of the Sun ͑mainly luminosity͒ and may have signifi-
analyzing HSF images of the cores of clusters, Zhao has
cant consequences for climate change and other terrestrial
demonstrated interesting differences in the binary popula-
phenomena. To accomplish these tasks, we use primarily
tions of M3 and M13, a so-called ‘‘second parameter’’ pair
theoretical tools, which we complement with the helioseis-
of clusters, similar in most respects, but quite different in
mic analysis and interpretation of data available from space-
horizontal branch morphology. The techniques thus devel-
based and from ground-based observatories. For the case of
oped are now being extended to 47 Tucanae.
one specific global parameter, the solar diameter, which our
Korchagin, Girard, Dinescu and van Altena in collabora-
studies suggest to be critical, but for which at the present
tion with T. Borkova from the Institute of Physics, Rostov
time no adequate national or international observational pro-
University, Russia, re-estimated the surface density of the
gram exists, we have established our own program to fill in
Galactic disk in the solar neighborhood within Ϯ 0.4 kpc of
this lacuna. This is a balloon-based observational program,
the Sun using parallaxes and proper motions of a kinemati-
called the Solar Disk Sextant ͑SDS͒ that we have been pur-
cally and spatially unbiased sample of 1476 old bright red
suing in collaboration with the NASA/Goddard Space Flight
giant stars from the Hipparcos catalog which have measured
Center for the last 20 years, and more recently, in collabora-
radial velocities. The vertical distribution of the sample to-
tion with colleagues at the University of Rome at Tor Ver-
gether with its accurately measured velocity dispersion com-
gata. Since one of main uncertainties in solar and stellar
bine to yield a determination of the surface density of gravi-
models is that which results from the incomplete treatment of
tating matter in the Galactic disk as a function of the Galactic
coordinate z. The surface density of the disk increases from
dimensional simulations of convection to study the proper-
10.5 Ϯ 0.5 M ᭪ / pc2 within Ϯ 50 pc to 42 Ϯ 6 M ᭪ / pc2
ties of convective transport in the Sun and other stars at
within Ϯ 350 pc. The estimated volume density of the Ga-
lactic disk within Ϯ 50 pc is about 0.1 M ᭪ / pc3 which is
Helioseismology: We have been studying the structure
close to the volume density estimates of the observed bary-
and dynamics of the Sun using data from both the Global
onic matter in the solar neighborhood.
Oscillation Network Group ͑GONG͒ project and the Michel-
Korchagin in collaboration with N. Orlova ͑Institute of
son Doppler Imager ͑MDI͒ on board SOHO. We find that
Physics, Rostov University, Russia͒, S.M. Miyama and N.
although solar frequencies change with solar activity, there is
Kikuchi ͑National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo, Japan͒
no observable change in the structure of the inner layers of
and A. Moiseev ͑Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia͒
the Sun, the evidence points to changes only in the outer
have tested the applicability of the global modal approach in
3-4% i.e., in the near-surface layers. Solar dynamics however
the density wave theory of spiral structure for a sample of
shows considerable change — solar zonal flows from the
spiral galaxies with measured axisymmetric background
mid-latitude regions converge towards the equator as solar
properties. Using the observed radial distributions for the
activity increases, while the high latitude flows moved to-
stellar velocity dispersions and the rotation velocities, they
wards the poles. The meridional flows changed too — the
have constructed equilibrium models for the galactic disks in
maximum flow velocity decreased with increase in solar ac-
each galaxy and implemented two kinds of stability analyses
tivity. We have paid particular attention to studying the base
- the linear global analysis and 2D-nonlinear simulations. In
of the convection zone, where the solar dynamo is believed
general, the global modal approach is able to reproduce the
to be located. We find that there is no significant temporal
observed properties of the spiral arms in the galactic disks.
variation in the depth of the convection zone. This implies
The growth of spirals in the galactic disks can be physically
that any variation in the magnetic field at base of the con-
understood in terms of amplification by over-reflection at the
vection zone has to be small. We do not see any significant
corotation resonance. The results support the global modal
temporal variations in the dynamics of this region ͑the ‘ta-
approach as a theoretical explanation of spiral structure in
Using local helioseismic techniques we have investigated
Girard, Korchagin, and van Altena submitted 88 minor-
the differences in the acoustic properties of solar active re-
planet position measurements to the Minor Planet Center,
gions. Frequencies of acoustic oscillations are higher in ac-
based on observations with the YALO 1-m telescope at
tive regions when compared to those in the quieter regions of
CTIO. This is part of a NASA-funded program at Yale to
the Sun. On inverting the frequency differences between ac-
make Southern-sky observations of Near Earth Objects. This
tive and quiet region, we find that active regions have lower
program is continuing, using the SMARTS 1.3-m telescope
sound-speeds ͑and hence temperature͒ than quiet regions im-
mediately below the surface, but the sound-speed ͑and tem-perature͒ rises sharply in the active regions at depths below
4.3 Solar Physics
5-7 Mm. We have also studied the evolution of active re-
Investigations into solar physics are conducted at Yale by
gions that produce flares. We find that in most cases, during
faculty members Sofia, Demarque and Basu, and research
the period of high flare activity, power in acoustic modes is
staff Li and Robinson. Two principal objectives guide the
larger compared to that in a non-flaring region active region
solar research in our department. One, is to determine and
Solar Variability Models: The main purpose of monitor-
the solar granules. Extending our ideas to the evolved Sun at
ing the solar-cycle related changes in the Sun is ultimately to
11.3 and 11.6 billion years, we find that the horizontal size of
try and understand what causes the changes. To this effect
the granules are larger. By extrapolating our result to a su-
we have been constructing solar models that include mag-
pergiant such as Betelgeuse, we tentatively estimate about
netic fields as a part of the structure equations. We therefore,
600 granules would occupy the surface of a supergiant such
do not treat the effects of magnetic fields as a perturbation on
as Betelgeuse. This is in rough agreement with the spectral
the structure of a non-magnetic star. We have looked at the
observations by ͑D.F. Gray 2000, ApJ, 532, 487͒.
effect of placing magnetic fields of various strengths at dif-ferent depths inside the Sun, and compared the results withobservations related to the irradiance, effective temperature
4.4 Stellar Physics
and frequency changes in the Sun as a function of activity.
Basu and Sofia have been a program of theoretical re-
Given that most evidence points to changes taking place in
search into asteroseismology. This work has been made very
the outer layers of the Sun, we have paid particular attention
relevant by the recent success in observing stellar oscilla-
to convection and turbulence. Our best models include prop-
tions from the ground and by the launch of space missions.
erties of convection and turbulence as obtained from 3-D
We have been concentrating on trying to determine what we
simulations of convection in the outer layers of the Sun. We
can learn about stellar parameters using low-degree oscilla-
find that a variable magnetic field is not enough to reproduce
tion modes. We find that we can do reasonable inversions to
the observable solar cycle related changes in the Sun. While
find the sound-speed profile of stellar cores. We also find that
the irradiance and effective temperature variations can be
it is possible to determine the envelope helium abundance of
reproduced by many magnetic-field configurations, the
low-mass stars using low degree modes. For frequency errors
changes in the oscillation frequencies are not easy to repro-
of 1 part in 104, we expect errors Y in the estimated helium
duce. A variable magnetic field at the base of the convection
abundance to range from 0.03 for 0.8M᭪ stars to 0.01 for
zone that can reproduce the observed irradiance and tempera-
1.2M᭪ stars. The task is more complicated in evolved stars,
ture changes produces observable changes in the position of
such as subgiants, but is still feasible if the relative errors in
the base. Such changes are not seen in the Sun. Additionally,
the frequencies are less than 10Ϫ4.
the frequency changes are not reproduced. The shape of the
Demarque’s work on the Yale-Yonsei (Y 2) isochrones
frequency changes as a function of frequency requires a shal-
has continued, following up on Paper 1 which contains iso-
low magnetic field. However, this does not reproduce the
chrones and luminosity functions for the scaled solar abun-
sign of the changes. Observations show that solar frequen-
dances ͑Yi, Demarque, Kim, Lee, Ree, Lejeune & Barnes
cies increase with increase in activity, while in the models an
2001, ApJS 136, 417, 2001͒. Paper 2 ͑Kim et al. 2002͒,
increase in the magnetic field led to decrease in frequencies.
which contains isochrones for mixtures in which ␣-enhanced
We find that a crucial role is played by turbulence in the
elements have twice and four times the solar abundance͒, and
sub-surface layers. To reproduce the sign of the frequency
Paper 3 ͑Yi et al. 2003͒, which contains evolutionary tracks,
change, we need to introduce a negative feedback between
have recently been published. Paper 4, which deals with the
turbulence and magnetic fields. A negative feedback is not
treatment of convective core overshoot in the isochrones, is
surprising since magnetic fields are known to inhibit turbu-
being prepared for submission. Work is proceeding on ex-
lence. We are currently in the process of developing codes to
tending the isochrone tables to different helium abundances
construct two dimensional solar models that will enable us to
and on updating the equation of state at the low mass end.
test more realistic magnetic field configurations.
The isochrone tables, together with interpolation pro-
The SDS Program: During this past year we have been
developing sophisticated techniques to analyze data obtained
http://www.astro.yale.edu/demarque/yyiso.html. A web in-
during all the past flights of the SDS for which the instru-
terface for the CMD synthesis code based on the Y 2 iso-
ment had acquired the final stable configuration. Those
chrones, written by graduate student J.H. Woo, is under con-
flights occurred in 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 2001. We
struction with the help of graduate student Eric J. Murphy.
find that the solar diameter during the descending phase of
Christian W. Straka, a visiting postdoctoral fellow from
the activity cycle was increasing. Although the phase of the
Heidelberg, is investigating the signature of convective core
increase agrees with the result from the analysis of the
overshoot on the seismic properties of stars near the main
f-mode oscillations, the magnitude is substantially larger. Al-
sequence. He is focussing on Procyon, a star on the first
though both experiments measure the radius changes at dif-
target list of the asteroseismic space mission MOST. Straka
ferent solar layers, it will be interesting to understand those
has implemented the Kuhfuss ͑1986, A&A, 160, 116͒ theory
of core overshoot in the Yale stellar evolution code and com-
Convection Simulations: In the case of the Sun we find
pared the predictions with other simpler core overshoot pre-
that the mixing length theory breaks down within about 1000
Km of the solar surface. By putting the turbulent pressure
Also, in anticipation of the MOST observations, evolu-
and kinetic energy from the 3D model back into the 1D
tionary interior models have been constructed by graduate
stellar evolution code, we find that the re-computed adiabatic
students Eric J. Murphy ͑51 Pegasi͒ and Bethany Cobb (
p-mode frequencies were a better match to the observed val-
Ceti͒, and their pulsation properties have been calculated.
ues. We also find that the auto-correlation length of the ver-
Demarque is currently implementing in these models the ef-
tical velocity provides a well defined vertical length scale for
fects of turbulence on the pulsation frequencies, starting
from the 3D simulations of Robinson et al. ͑2003͒, and using
optical lightcurves were strongly correlated, with the optical
the formalism of Li et al. ͑2002͒.
delayed by Ϸ25 seconds from the X-rays, strongly implying
Sean O’Brien continued his work on variable and binary
stars, including time-series spectroscopy obtained with the
D. Maitra has begun PhD thesis work under Bailyn’s di-
Hubble Space Telescope and Keck, and time-series photom-
rection, focussing on state changes in X-ray binaries. A pa-
etry obtained with the Whole Earth Telescope collaboration.
per has been submitted studying in detail the 2001 outburst
He was also awarded HST time to measure the parallax dis-
of Aql X-1, demonstrating clearly that the sequence of X-ray
tance to a neutrino-luminous white dwarf. The ultimate goal
states is somewhat different during the rise as compared to
of this work is to test lepton theory in dense plasma by using
information from pulsation to determine the neutrino lumi-
Post-doc Buxton and Bailyn, along with undergraduate L.
nosity of hot white dwarf stars. O’Brien is also studying the
Jeanty, are investigating whether the MACHO database can
results of LMC microlensing events reported by the MA-
reveal X-ray binaries in quiescence. A series of criteria have
CHO collaboration, to determine whether the events are best
been developed to identify potential quiescent X-ray bina-
explained by a hypothetical population of white dwarfs in the
ries, and promising candidates will be followed up spectro-
galactic halo or low mass stars within the LMC itself. Yale
scopically with the WIYN and other telescopes in the future.
undergraduate student Meredith Hughes is assisting with this
Bailyn and van Dokkum have established a collaboration
with J. Bloom ͑CfA͒ to use the SMARTS telescopes to study
Coppi, Larson and former student Volker Bromm contin-
the optical/IR afterglows of gamma-ray bursts. The ability to
ued their collaboration on understanding primordial star for-
carry out target of opportunity observations in the optical and
mation. Using an adaptive refinement method developed inhis thesis, Bromm carried out a new high resolution simula-
IR simultaneously from an excellent southern hemisphere
tion of accretion onto a primordial protostar which adds
site makes SMARTS potentially an excellent facility for this
more support to the hypothesis that the very first stars were
purpose. The first fruits of this effort were a study of GRB
massive. Bromm received the 2002 Trumpler ͑Astronomical
030329, which demonstrated that the absorption from the
Society of the Pacific͒ prize for his work on primordial star
Coppi obtained Chandra time to follow up four of the
most powerful, narrow-lined H␣ emitting objects found inthe QUEST objective prism survey of 700 square degrees of
4.5 High Energy Astrophysics
equatorial sky down to Rϭ19. All objects were detected, butproved to be extremely faint with soft spectra. This result
Observational and theoretical research into High Energy
indicates very obscured AGN activity or unusually powerful
Astrophyiscs is carried out at Yale both in the Department of
star formation activity. In either case, these objects are part
Astronomy, and at the YCAA. Here we describe the research
of a new class of X-ray emitting objects whose H␣/X-ray
carried out in the department. We note that a very significant
emission characteristics lie very far from the correlation be-
effort in Active Galactic Nuclei is being conducted by Meg
tween H␣ luminosity and X-ray emission established by
Urry and her associates in the YCAA, and there is close
collaboration between the YCAA and astronomy department
Together with post-doc Henric Krawczynski, Coppi ob-
tained 700 kilosec of target-of-opportunity ͑TOO͒ time on
Bailyn continued research into black hole candidates and
the RXTE X-ray satellite for simultaneous X-ray/TeV obser-
other X-ray binaries. Much of this research centers on
vations of TeV blazars. All TOO’s were triggered and suc-
SMARTS data from the optical and infrared ͑OIR͒ counter-
cessfully carried. The most intriguing result was the discov-
parts of these sources. Daily OIR observations are being ob-
ery of an ‘‘orphan’’ gamma-ray flare that had no counterpart
tained from over a dozen soft X-ray transients, many of
at X-ray energies, contrary to the predictions of the standard
which are dynamically confirmed black hole candidates. Re-cent highlights of this work include the following.
synchrotron-self Compton ͑SSC͒ models. Together with
1͒ The discovery of an IR reflare coincident with radio
Krawczynski and Felix Aharonian ͑MPIK, Heidelberg͒,
emission in the 2002 outburst of black hole candidate
Coppi also carried out a detailed SSC modeling analysis of
4U1543-47. No X-ray emission was observed at the time,
X-ray/TeV data from the 1997 outburst of Mkn 501. The
suggesting that this radiation may be synchrotron emission
results strongly suggest that a non-variable, soft X-ray com-
associated with the formation of a radio jet.
ponent needs to be considered in future TeV blazar modeling
2͒ The 4-year lightcurve of neutron star transient Aql X-1,
and also raise significant questions about the overall SSC
which has revealed the presence of short ‘‘mini-outbursts,’’
model because of the extreme model parameters found.
which may be interpreted as instability events that start on
Graduate student Maccarone completed and published his
the inside of the accretion disk and propagate outwards, in
thesis with Coppi on spectral and timing constraints on mod-
contrast to the traditional ‘‘outside-in’’ instabilities that trig-
els for galactic black hole binary sources. Maccarone’s dis-
covery of a hysteresis effect in the outburst of both neutron
3͒ Intensive study of the 2003 outburst of the black hole
star and black hole system drew considerable attention. The
binary V4641 Sgr, which included simultaneous X-ray ob-
results suggest that a common mechanism is responsible for
servations with RXTE and optical observations obtained by
the state transitions in both systems, and that source lumi-
A. Chen at the Lu Lin observatory in Taiwan. The X-ray and
nosity, i.e., accretion rate, is not the only quantity respon-
sible for determining which X-ray emission state a black
Natarajan is conducting a wide range of research into the-
oretical extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, including
Coppi, Larson and graduate student Andres Escala initi-
ated a collaboration to study the impact of gas on the merger
1͒ Gravitational Lensing: combining strong and weak
of massive black holes using the GADGET smooth particle
lensing analysis techniques; use of lensing as a probe to
hydrodynamics ͑SPH͒ code. Simulations of galaxy mergers
study galaxy evolution in clusters via local weak shear ef-
that do not include gas show that while the central black
fects; weak lensing by large-scale structure; using lensing as
holes of the merging galaxies often move rapidly to the cen-
a probe of the shapes of dark matter halos; and understand-
ter of the merged system, the black holes can ‘‘hang up’’ and
ing intrinsic correlations in the shapes of galaxies.
form a long-lived binary. Preliminary results from this study
2͒ Clusters of Galaxies: using lensing, X-ray and
were presented at a press release at the May 2003 AAS meet-
Sunyaev-Zeldovich data in conjunction to study the dynam-
ing and indicate that the presence of gas can have a very
ics of galaxies in clusters; velocity anisotropy of galaxy or-
important effect, allowing the coalescence of the black hole
bits; characterizing cluster growth and evolution in phase
binary to proceed rapidly. This has important implications
space and physics of the relaxation process.
for supermassive black hole formation scenarios, and the
3͒ Accretion physics: issues of the alignment of the spin
gravitational wave signal rate expected for the LISA space
of disks and the central black holes; the evolution of warped
accretion disks; Lense-Thirring precession; the Blandford-Znajek mechanism, and the accretion history of supermas-
4.6 Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
4͒ Issues in galaxy formation and the fueling of quasars:
Very substantial work in this area is conducted in the
the connection between high redshift galaxies, active galactic
YCAA. Meg Urry is a major player in the GOODS survey,
nuclei and their central black holes; the black hole mass
which is the focus of PhD thesis work by Astronomy Depart-
function; role of quasars and their outflows in galaxy forma-
ment graduate students B. Simmons, J. van Duyne and J.-H.
tion; kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from quasars; the
Woo. The QUEST group also works out of the YCAA. Be-
physics of feedback processes in galaxy formation; stellar
low we describe in more detail research being conducted
contributors to the X-ray background and the evolution of
primarily in the Department of Astronomy.
A major effort involving many members of the depart-
5͒ Binary Black Holes: the merger and evolution of su-
ment, including faculty members Coppi and van Dokkum,
permassive black hole binaries in gas-rich galaxy cores; the
and post-docs Castander and Gawiser, and graduate students
electro-magnetic and gravitational wave signatures from
Quadri and Triester, has been the Yale-Calan Deep Survey
these systems; the implications for structure formation at
collaboration, now called MUSYC. This is the largest of the
joint projects between Yale and Chile, and has obtained sig-
Kenney continued to work on dynamics and star forma-
nificant amounts of telescope time to carry out its square
tion of the inner regions of galaxies, and on the effects of
degree, ‘‘Phase II’’ multi-band imaging ͑U,B,V,R,I,Z,J,K͒
environment on the evolution of galaxies. Much of this work
and spectroscopy survey. The ‘‘Phase I’’ version of the Yale-
focussed on obtaining a detailed understanding of particular
Calan survey, now completed, followed up faint Chandra
galaxies in the Virgo cluster. Observations with the WIYN
X-ray sources in the optical and near infrared. The survey
telescope, and with the Owen’s Valley millimeter wave in-
discovered one of the first X-ray selected, optically faint
terferometer are of particular importance. Graduate students
AGN at high redshift ͑zϭ4.2͒. Recently, the survey has dis-
Crowl and Murphy are beginning thesis work in this area,
covered another at redshift zϭ4.6. A detailed description of
this project can be found at http://www.astro.yale.edu/
Rhode completed her PhD thesis under the direction of
van Dokkum’s research focuses on observational studies
Bailyn and former faculty member Zepf ͑now at Michigan
of the formation and evolution of galaxies, using the Hubble
St͒ and continued work at the department as an NSF fellow
Space Telescope and a large range of ground based facilities.
jointly at Yale and at Wesleyan University. Her thesis work
Current projects include studies of a newly discovered popu-
was a survey of globular clusters in elliptical and spiral gal-
lation of red galaxies at very high redshift. He is co-PI of the
axies outside the Local Group. The survey combines images
MUSYC survey, a joint project of the Universidad de Chile
from the WIYN and Mayall telescopes at KPNO with archi-
and Yale, which encompasses a broad range of projects uti-
val HST data to study the global properties of the galaxies’
lizing the excellent telescopes in Chile.
globular cluster systems. With advisors Stephen Zepf ͑Mich.
Post-doc Gawiser’s work also focussed on the MUSYC
State͒ and Charles Bailyn, Rhode quantified the total num-
survey, with a particular emphasis on optical spectroscopic
bers, spatial and color distributions of globular clusters in
followup. By studying quasars, Lyman break galaxies, Ly-
each galaxy, in order to test models of galaxy formation.
man ␣ emitters, and damped Lyman ␣ absorbers, all of
Futre efforts will focus on spectroscopy to study the kine-
which represent families of protogalaxies selected in differ-
matics of globular clusters in massive galaxies, and also in-
ent ways, he hopes to determine the extent to which these
vestigate the connection between low-mass X-ray binaries
different types of protogalaxies overlap and cluster with each
and globular clusters using optical images and data from the
son of Solar p-Mode Parameters from MDI and GONG:
Ambastha, A., Basu, S., & Antia, H.M., 2002, ‘‘Effect of
Mode Frequencies and Structure Inversions,’’ ApJ, 591,
flares on solar oscillation characteristics,’’ in Proc.
SOHO11: From Solar Minimum to Maximum, ESA SP-
Basu, S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Thompson, M.J., 2002,
‘‘SOLA inversions for the core structure of solar-type
Ambastha, A., Basu, S., & Antia, H.M., 2003, ‘‘Flare In-
stars,’’ in Proc. 1st Eddington Meeting ‘‘ Stellar Structure
duced Excitation of Solar p-modes,’’ Solar Physics, in
and habitable Planet Finding,’’ ESA SP-485, 249
Basu, S., Mazumdar, A., Antia, H.M., Demarque, P., 2003,
Ambastha, A., Basu, S., Antia, H.M., 2003, in Proc.
‘‘Asteroseismic determination of helium abundance in
SOHO12/GONG2002 workshop ‘‘Seismic signatures of
solar flares,’’ ‘‘Local and Global Helioseismology: The
Basu, S., Simmons, B., 2003, ‘‘A Method for Inverting
Present and Future,’’ ESA SP 517, 219
High-Degree Modes,’’ in Proc. SOHO12/ GONG2002
Bailyn, C., Maitra, D., Buxton, M., Jeanty, L., Gonzalez, D.,
workshop ‘‘Local and Global Helioseismology: The
2003, ‘‘X-ray & Optical Activity in V4641 Sgr ͑ϭSAX
Present and Future,’’ ESA SP 517, 393
Basu, S., Simmons, B., & Bogart, R.S., 2003, ‘‘Near-surface
Baltay, C. and 27 others, including C. Bailyn 2002, ‘‘A
sound-speed from ring-diagrams,’’ in Proc. SOHO12/
Large Area CCD Camera for the Schmidt Telescope at
GONG2002 workshop ‘‘Local and Global Helioseismol-
the Venezuelan National Astronomical Observatory,’’
ogy: The Present and Future,’’ ESA SP 517, 227
Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac. 114 , 780.
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Zoccali, M. 2002, ‘‘Testing intermediate-age stellar evo-
Smith, I.A., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Kouveliotou, C., Rol, E.,
lution models with VLT photometry of LMC clusters.III.
Tilanus, R.P.J., Vreeswijk, P., 2003. SCUBA observa-
tions of the host galaxies of four dark gamma-ray
Bloom, J.S., Buxton, M., Bailyn, C., van Dokkum, P.G.,
Kulkarni, S.R., 2003, ‘‘GRB 030329: observations with
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structural changes with the solar cycle?,’’ in Proc.
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Basu, S., Antia, H.M., 2002, ‘‘Latitudinal and temporal
variations of the tachocline’’ in Proc. SOHO11: From So-
Bogart, R.S., Basu, S., 2002, ‘‘Changes in high-degree mode
lar Minimum to Maximum, ESA SP-508, ͑ed. A. Wilson͒
SOHO11: From Solar Minimum to Maximum, ESA SP-
Basu, S., Antia, H.M., 2002, ‘‘Temporal variations of the
solar meridional flows from ring diagram analysis,’’ in
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Proc. SOHO11: From Solar Minimum to Maximum, ESASP-508, 151
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solar minimum to maximum,’’ in Proc. SOHO11: From
tems?’’ in IAU Colloquium 152, Exotic Stars as Chal-lenges to Evolution, eds. C. Tout & W. Van Hamme, 239.
Basu, S., & Antia, H.M., 2003, ‘‘Changes in Solar Dynamics
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2002, ‘‘FIRST J102347.6ϩ003841: The First Radio-
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Selected Cataclysmic Variable,’’ PASP, 114, 1359-1363.
lar Structure and Dynamics,’’ in Proc. D Stellar Evolu-
Bridges, T., Freeman, K., Rhode, K., & Zepf, S. 2003, ‘‘2dF
Spectroscopy of M104 Globular Clusters,’’ in Extraga-
Basu, S., Antia, H.M., 2003, ‘‘ Temporal Variations in Solar
lactic Globular Cluster Systems, ed. M. Kissler-Patig
Structure,’’ in Proc. SOHO12/GONG2002 workshop
͑Springer-Verlag: New York͒, p. 305.
‘‘Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and Fu-
Bromm, V., Coppi, P.S., Larson, R.B., 2002. ‘‘The Forma-
tion of the First Stars. I. The Primordial Star Forming
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ogy: The Present and Future,’’ ESA SP 517, 235
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Buxton, M., Vennes, S., 2003, ‘‘Optical Spectroscopy of GX
339-4 - Paper I: Orbital Modulation,’’ MNRAS, 342, 105.
Basu, S., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Howe, R., Schou, J.,
Castander, F.J., Treister, E., Maccarone, T.J., Coppi, P.S.,
Thompson, M.J., Hill, F., Komm, R., 2003, ‘‘A Compari-
Maza, J., Zepf, S.E., Guzman, R., 2003. ‘‘High Redshift
Selected Quasars: CXOCY J125304.0-090737 Joins the
M. 2003, ‘‘Central Proper-Motion Kinematics of NGC
6752,’’ Astron. J. 125 , 2559.
Castander, F.J., Treister, E., Maza, J., Coppi, P., Maccarone,
Egidi, A., Caccin, B., Sofia, S., ‘‘ High Precision Measure-
T., Zepf, S., Guzman, R., Ruiz, M.T., 2002. ‘‘The CY-
ments of the Solar Radius and Oblateness by the Solar
DER Survey: First Results.’’ Astron. Nachrichten, 324,
Disk Sextant ͑SDS͒ Experiment,’’ in preparation
Escala, A., Larson, R.B., Coppi, P.S., & Mardones, D. 2003,
Chatzichristou, E.T., Conselice, C., Urry, C.M., et al.‘‘Accu-
‘‘The Drag on Protostars in a Gaseous Medium,’’ in Ga-
racy of Determination of Host Galaxy Morphologies in
lactic Star Formation Across the Stellar Mass Spectrum,
the GOODS Fields’’ January 2003, AAS 201, #06.12
ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 287, eds. J. M. De Buizer & N. S.
Chatzichristou, E.T., Urry, C.M. ‘‘Deep Surveys of the Ob-
van der Bliek ͑ASP, San Francisco͒, pp. 455–459.
scured Universe’’ 2002, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assem-
Franx, M., Labbe´, I., Rudnick, G., van Dokkum, P.G., Daddi,
E., Fo¨rster Schreiber, N.M., Moorwood, A., Rix, H.-W.,
Chatzichristou, E.T., Urry, C.M. ‘‘Deep Surveys of the Ob-
Ro¨ttgering, H., van de Wel, A., van der Werf, P., van
scured Unuverse’’ 2003, Advances in Space Research, ac-
Starkenburg, L., 2003, ‘‘A Significant Population of Red,
Near-Infrared-selected High-Redshift Galaxies,’’ ApJ,
Chatzichristou, E.T., Urry, C.M., Treister, E. and the
GOODS Team, ‘‘A Deep Multi-Wavelength Survey of
Gallart, C., Zinn, R., Pont, F., Hardy, E., Marconi, G., &
Obscured High-z Quasars’’ 2003, International Meeting
Buonanno, R. 2002, ‘‘The star formation and chemical
on Multiwavelength Cosmology, June 2003, Mykonos,
enrichment history of the Fornax dSph galaxy’’ Proceed-
ings of the conference ‘‘Galaxy Evolution: Theory and
Chen, A.B.-C., Lu, P.K., Me´ndez, R.A., van Altena, W.F.,
Observations.’’ RMxAA, in press.
2003, ‘‘Dark Matter: Local Volume Density versus Total
Gallart, C., Zinn, R., Pont, F., Hardy, E., Marconi, G., &
Buonanno, R. 2002, ‘‘Using color-magnitude diagrams
Costa, J.E.S., Kepler, S.O., Winget, D.E., O’Brien, M.S.,
and spectroscopy to derive star formation histories: VLT
Bond, H.E., Kawaler, S.D., & Dreizler, S., 2003, ‘‘WET
observations of Fornax,’’ The ESO Messenger, 108, 16.
Observations of PG 1159–035,’’ Balt. Astron., 12, 23-31.
Gallart, C., Zoccali, M., Bertelli, G., Chiosi, C., Demarque,
Cristiani, S., Alexander, D.M., Bauer, F., Chatzichristou,
P., Girardi, L., Nasi, E., Woo, J.-H., & Yi, S. 2002,
E.T. , et al., ‘‘The space density of high-redshift QSOs in
‘‘Testing intermediate-age stellar evolution models with
the GOODS Survey,’’ 2003, ApJL, accepted.
VLT photometry of LMC clusters.I. The data,’’ AJ, 125,
Daddi, E., Ro¨ttgering, H., Labbe´, I., Rudnick, G., Franx, M.,
Moorwood, A., Rix, H.-W., van der Werf, P., van Dok-
Girard, T.M., Dinescu, D.I., van Altena, W.F., Platais, I.,
kum, P.G., 2003, ‘‘Detection of Strong Clustering of Red
Monet, D.G., and Lo´pez, C.E. 2003, ‘‘The Southern
K-selected Galaxies at 2Ͻz
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Demarque, P., Robinson, F.J., 2003, ‘‘Stellar Convection,’’
Hjorth, J., Thomsen, B., Nielsen, et al., 2002. The Afterglow
and Complex Environment of the Optically Dim Burst
Di Mauro, M.P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Rabello-Soares,
M.C., Basu, S., 2002 ‘‘Inferences on the solar envelope
Hoekstra, H., Franx, M., Kuijken, K., van Dokkum, P.G.,
with high-degree modes,’’ 2002, A&A, 384, 666
Dinescu, D.I., Girard, T.M., van Altena, W.F. and Lo´pez, C.
E. 2003, ‘‘Space Velocities of Southern Globular Clus-
Horch, E., Robinson, S.E., Meyer, R.D., van Altena, W.F.,
ters. IV. First Results for Inner Galaxy Clusters,’’ AJ,
Ninkov, Z., and Piterman, A., 2002, ‘‘Speckle observa-
tions of binary stars with the WIYN Telescope. II. Rela-
Dinescu, D.I., Korchagin, V.I. 2003, ‘‘A Capture Scenario
tive astrometry measures during 1998-2000,’’ AJ, 123,
for the Globular Cluster Omega Centauri,’’Tsochyia, T.,
Horch, E., Robinson, S.E., Ninkov, Z., van Altena, W.F.,
Dinescu, D.I., Majewski, S.R., Girard, T.M., Me´ndez, R. A.,
Meyer, R.D., Urban, S.E. and Mason B.D., 2002,
Sandage, A., Siegel, M.H., Kunkel, W.E., Subasavage,
‘‘Speckle observations of binary stars with the WIYN
J.P., Ostheimer, J. 2002, ‘‘Absolute Proper Motions to B
Telescope. III. A Partial Survey of A, F, and G Dwarfs,’’
ϳ 22.5. V. Detection of Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal De-
bris in the Direction of the Galactic Anticenter,’’ ApJ,
Jaunsen, A.O. et al., 2003.An HST study of three very faint
GRB host galaxies, A&A, 402, 125
Drukier, G.A. & Bailyn, C.D. 2003, ‘‘Are Globular Cluster
Kim, Y.-C., Demarque, P., Yi, S. & Alexander, D.R. 2002,
Black Holes Kinematically Detectable,’’ to be published
‘‘The Y 2 Isochrones for ␣-Element Enhanced Mixtures,’’
Drukier, G.A., Bailyn, C.D., Van Altena, W.F., Girard, T.
Kneib, J-P. et al., 2003. HST Study of Cl0024ϩ16: II Mea-
M., 2003, ‘‘Central Proper-Motion Kinematics of NGC
suring the Cluster Mass Distribution, ApJ, in press
Koekemoer, A.M., Alexander, D.M., Bauer, F. Chatzichris-
Drukier, G.A., Bailyn, C.D., van Altena, W.F. & Girard, T.
tou, E.T., et al., ‘‘A Possible New Population of Sources
with Extreme X-Ray/Optical Ratios’’ 2003, ApJL, ac-
mal Galaxies and Mergers: The Morphological Mix of
Galaxies to z 1 from GOODS ACS Imaging of the Chan-
Korchagin, V.I., Girard, T.M., Borkova, T.V., Dinescu, D. I.
dra Deep Field-South’’ January 2003, AAS 201, #06.13
and van Altena, W.F. 2003, ‘‘Local Surface Density of
Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., 2002. ‘‘Higher Order Vari-
the Galactic Disk from a Three-Dimensional Stellar Ve-
ability Properties of Accreting Black Holes.’’ MNRAS,
locity Sample,’’ AJ, 126, ͑in press͒
Krawczynski, H., Coppi, P.S., Aharonian, F., 2002. ‘‘Time
Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., 2002. ‘‘Short Timescale Cor-
Dependent Modeling of the Markarian 501 X-ray and
relations Between Line and Continuum Fluxes in Cygnus
TeV Gamma-Ray Data Take n During March and April,
Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S. 2003, ‘‘Hysteresis in the
Krawczynski, H., Hughes, S.B., Horan, D., Aharonian, F.,
Light Curves of Soft X-ray Transients.’’ MNRAS, 338,
Aller, M.F., Aller, H., Boltwood, P., Buckley, J., Coppi,
P., Fossati, G., Goetting, N., Holder, J., Horns, D., Kur-
Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., 2003. ‘‘Spectral Fits to the
tanidze, O.M., Marscher, A.P., Nikolashvili, M., Remill-
1999 Aql X-1 Outburst Data.’’ A&A, 399, 1151.
ard, R.A., Sadun, A., Schroeder, M., 2003. ‘‘Multiwave-
Maitra, D., Buxton, M., Tourtellotte, S., Bailyn, C., 2003,
length Observations of Strong Flares From the TeV
‘‘Aql X-1 optical/IR outburst,’’ ATel 125.
Blazar 1ES 1959ϩ650.’’ApJ, in press.
Martı´nez-Delgado, D., Zinn, R., Carrera, R., & Gallart, C.
Labbe´, I., Franx, M., Rudnick, G., Fo¨rster Schreiber, N.M.,
2002, ‘‘Remnants of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal
Rix, H.-W., Moorwood, A., van Dokkum, P.G., van der
Galaxy around the young globular cluster Palomar 12,’’
Werf, P., Ro¨ttgering, H., van Starkenburg, L., van de Wel,
A., Kuijken, K, Daddi, E., 2003, ‘‘Ultradeep Near-IR
Matheson, T., Garnavich, P.M., Foltz, C., West, S., Will-
ISAAC Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South,’’
iams, G., Falco, E., Calkins, M.L., Castander, F.J., Ga-
wiser, E., Jha, S., Bersier, D. & Stanek, K.Z., 2003, ‘‘The
Labbe´, I., Rudnick, G., Franx, M., Daddi, E., van Dokkum,
Spectroscopic Variability of GRB 021004,’’ ApJ 582, L5.
P. G., Fo¨rster Schreiber, N.M., Kuijken, K., Moorwood,
Meyer, R.D., 2002, ‘‘Binary star speckle photometry and
A., Rix, H.-W., Ro¨ttgering, H., Trujillo, I., van der Wel,
astrophysical implications,’’ Ph.D. Thesis, Yale Univer-
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