Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.


American Association of Airport Executives SOUTHWEST WINS AUCTION FOR ATA ASSETS
and will be completed in phases, ASA said.
Southwest was the winning bidder at last week’s bank- FCC TO REVIEW BAN ON INFLIGHT CELL PHONES
ruptcy court-approved auction for cer tain assets of ATAAirlines. Southwest said that bankruptcy court approval The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) last for the transaction is expected Dec. 21.
week proposed to relax its current ban on the use of Southwest’s approved bid calls for payment of $80 cellular telephones on airborne aircraft.
million in cash to ATA at closing. Assets acquired The commission’s rules currently require that cellular include the leasehold of six Chicago Midway Airport handsets be turned off once an aircraft leaves the gates and an aircraft maintenance hangar. The purchase ground to avoid interfering with terrestrial cellular price for the assets is $40 million, with the remaining systems. FAA regulations also currently restrict the use $40 million in debtor-in-possession financing. In addition of mobile telephones and other portable electronic to the cash, Southwest will guarantee payment of a $7 devices on aircraft to ensure against interference with million ATA construction loan to the city of Chicago.
onboard communications and navigation equipment. The Additionally, Southwest said it has committed to FCC cautioned that any steps it ultimately takes with purchase $30 million of convertible preferred stock, in respect to the use of cellular and other wireless devices cash, for 27.5 percent of the new ATA. The stock is non- aboard aircraft are subject to the rules and policies of voting, and Southwest said it plans to liquidate that stock “in an orderly manner over time.” Further, South- Specifically, the FCC proposed to permit the airborne west and ATA are working on a codeshare agreement to operation of “off the shelf” wireless handsets and other exchange passengers, initially at Midway Airport, devices, so long as the device operates at its lowest power setting under control of a “pico cell” located on the Meanwhile, AirTran said that while it is disappointed aircraft, and the operation does not allow unwanted radio that its bid for ATA’s Chicago Midway gates was not frequency emissions to interfere with terrestrial cellular successful, the airline will continue the expansion plan systems. The commission called for public comment on in place before the ATA opportunity arose.
whether the proposal should apply only to devices “We saw Midway Airport expansion as a good operating in 800 MHz cellular spectrum, or whether opportunity, but we were not going to overpay for those devices operating on other spectrum bands, such as the assets. We congratulate the parties on the conclusion of PCS band or Advanced Wireless Services bands, the auction,” said Joe Leonard, chairman and CEO of AirTran. “Before this opportunity came along, the airlinehad a successful growth blueprint in place, and we will DOT OUTLINES PLAN FOR AVIATION SYSTEM
continue to move forward with that plan.” DOT Secretary Norman Mineta and officials from the ASA TO RENOVATE ATLANTA’S CONCOURSE C
National Aeronautics and Space Administration outlineda plan designed to meet the demands of a future Delta Connection carrier Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) announced that it will begin a $20 million renova-tion of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International’s Con- ANTN TRAINING TOPICS.
The renovation will include new carpeting, seating .for the week of December 20: Monday, Airports A-Z and signage in 15 gate areas; new permanent covered Interactive: Sexual Harassment; Tuesday, Stormwater walkways between each gate and the aircraft; state-of- Regulations, Part One; Wednesday, Stormwater Regula- the-art flight information displays at every tions, Part Two; Thursday, Aviation News Today, gate, and new elevators throughout the con- and Friday, Christmas holiday, no broadcast.
For information on AAAE’s ANTN Digicast, Additionally, Delta will construct a new 6,800- contact Pat Raker at (703) 824-0500, Ext. 125.
square-foot Crown Room Club near Gate C26.
For information on custom training videos, Construction is expected to last two years AIRPORTREPORT Express
aviation system that someday could include air taxis, NEW DIGICAST PROGRAMMING
micro-jets and commercial space vehicles.
At a press briefing last week, Mineta described the AAAE’s ANTN Digicast has developed a number plan as “a blueprint that will lead to the transformation of of new programs for subscribers that include Drug America’s air transportation network.” A copy of the Awareness, Airport Design and Layout, and Noise Integrated National Plan for the Next Generation Air Compatibility. For a complete list of new program- Transportation System is available at http:// ming options and the broadcast schedule, go to www.jpdo.aero/site_content/NGATS_v5.pdf.
• Developing airport infrastructure to meet future demand by empowering local communities and regionsto create alternative concepts of how airports will be as identify unwanted airport services that can be eliminated. The first unbundling efforts are likely to begin • Establishing an effective aviation security system without limiting mobility or civil liberties by embedding Unisys noted that the traveling public is becoming security measures throughout the air transportation more accepting of identity/biometric technologies, which system, from curb to curb. Creating a transparent set of will allow greater participation in programs such as security layers will deliver security without creating TSA’s biometric-based Registered Traveler pilot pro- undue delays, limiting access, or adding excessive • Creating a responsive air traffic system by devising AIR PASSENGER, FREIGHT GROWTH FORECAST
alternative concepts of airspace and airport operationsto serve present and future aircraft.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) ispredicting 6 percent annual growth for both international BUSH SIGNS INTELLIGENCE REFORM BILL
airline passengers and air cargo during the period 2004-2008.
President Bush on Friday signed the intelligence reform China and India will be the main engines of growth for bill. Among other provisions, the measure authorizes, passenger traffic, IATA said. International markets within but does not appropriate, an additional $150 million Asia Pacific are expected to grow by 8.3 percent over annually for the installation of inline explosives detection the forecast period. Europe-Middle East growth, while from a much smaller base, will grow 7.7 percent,reflecting rapid expansion plans by Middle Eastern OUTLOOK: AIRPORTS TO REDUCE COSTS
The 6 percent freight growth forecast through 2008 Airports will begin “serious efforts” to reduce costs in relies heavily on Asia-Pacific with markets linked to response to increased pressure from airlines worldwide, China and India expected to growth most rapidly, IATA Unisys stated in a new report that forecasts major said. Europe to Asia-Pacific will be the fastest growing aviation trends for 2005. At the same time, the firm said market with 7 percent annual growth. Freight traffic airports and government security agencies will continue within Asia Pacific and between the Middle East and to seek ways to improve passenger flows through Europe also will be above the global average at 6.1 To survive in 2005 and beyond, the transportation industry must continue to reduce costs and reinvest in AIRBUS PREDICTS STRONG AIRCRAFT MARKET
solutions that can help them more easily and quicklyrespond to changes in their business, technology and More than 17,300 new passenger and freight aircraft consumer buying trends, Unisys said.
with a value of $1.9 trillion will be required by aircraft In addition to creating lower cost facilities specifically operators between 2004 and 2023, according to the for low-cost airlines—a strategy that Singapore Changi latest Airbus Global Market Forecast.
Airport currently is implementing—airports will begin to Airbus predicted that 16,600 new passenger aircraft unbundle their services and associated charges so of more than 100 seats will be needed in the coming 20- airlines can select and pay only for those services that year period, creating an average delivery of 830 passen- are required, Unisys forecast. This unbundled treatment ger aircraft per year. This requirement results from an of airport services can reduce costs to airlines, as well AIRPORT REPORT Express is published twice-weekly by the American Association of Airport Executives
601 Madison Street • Alexandria, VA 22314 • (703) 824-0504 • Fax (703) 820-1395 • E-mail: [email protected] AIRPORTREPORT Express
annual increase in passenger traffic of 5.3 percent, and sponsors of the Dec. 13 AAAE/TSA/DHS Aviation the replacement of 9,200 less fuel-efficient passenger Security Summit: Exhibitors were: Comprehensive Health Services; Lockheed Martin; Reveal Imaging Air freight is forecast to grow even faster, Airbus Technologies; pan; Broadware Technology; Corrugated said, with freight volume increasing annually by 5.9 Metals; SureScan Corp.; L-3 Communications Security percent over the same period, generating the need for & Detection Systems; OKI; Michael Stapleton Associ- more than 700 new and 2,400 converted freighters.
ates; Tymetal; ObjectVideo; QinetiQ; Sun Microsystems; Overall, this period includes the strongest traffic- Telephonics Corp.; Laser Data Command; Perimeter growth recovery seen since 1980 and highlights the Products; Dreambox, a Division of Perimeter Products.
resilience of the industry to the effects of recent world Sponsors were: The Boeing Co.; Lockheed Martin Transportation and Security Solutions; SureScan Corp., The strong economic development of the Asia-Pacific region, especially in emerging economies, and theincreasing impact of low-cost carriers in all domestic REGISTER EARLY FOR THE ARFF CHIEFS AND
markets will significantly contribute to this growth, AIRPORT EMERGENCY RESPONSE SCHOOLS!
Don’t miss the opportunity to register early for the US AIRWAYS, ATTENDANTS REACH PACT
13th Annual ARFF Chiefs and 14th Annual AirportEmergency Response Schools, to be held Jan. 30- US Airways and its flight attendants have reached a Feb. 4, 2005, in Naples, Fla., hosted by Southwest tentative agreement on $94 million in cost savings as part of the company’s reorganization plan Early bird registration cutoff date is Dec. 24, 2004, The agreement was negotiated with the Association and hotel registration cutoff is Jan. 7, 2005. For of Flight Attendants (AFA) and must be approved by the program information, contact Barbara Sanders, AFA’s approximately 5,200 members and by the bank- AAAE, (703) 824-0500, Ext. 186, or e-mail ruptcy court. Terms were not disclosed. The ratification [email protected]. For registration process is expected to be completed by the end of information, contact Kathy Houston, AAAE, Ext. 185, or e-mail [email protected]. Visit In other news, US Airways reported that it won www.aaae.org/meetings to register online. bankruptcy court approval to proceed with the previ- Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are avail- ously announced aircraft leasing, financing and engine able. For information, contact Loan Fierst, AAAE, at services agreement with GE Capital Aviation Services, The agreement provides US Airways with $140 million in interim liquidity through a new bridge facilityand the deferral of aircraft debt and lease payments coming due over the next six months.
Arup, an international consulting engineering firm, isseeking a senior baggage systems specialist to be Delta will begin daily service between New York’s based in North America, New York or Toronto. Consider- Kennedy International and Chennai (Madras), India, with ation also will be given to applicants who wish to remain a stop at Paris Charles de Gaulle International, begin- in San Francisco, Los Angeles or Boston. The candidate ning May 9. The new service will be operated with 767- will be a senior member of a North American logistics team, with an involvement in Arup airport activitiesworldwide. Serves as a technical specialist providing LOUISVILLE ADDS AIRPORT VOLUNTEERS
advice to clients on baggage systems and logisticsprojects; plays an active role in the business develop- The Louisville (Ky.) Airport Ambassadors, a new volun- ment; acts as a project manager for baggage system teer corps, on Dec. 17 received their red vests with the projects; develops a wider logistics team; acts as a international ‘i’ icon, symbolizing information assistance, client contact and relationship manager. Extensive as part of a ceremony that signaled their graduation industry experience is preferred. The candidate will work from classroom and on-the-job training.
closely with airport owners and operators, airlines andconsultants within the airport sector. For details, visit AVIATION SECURITY SUMMIT HELD
AAAE expresses appreciation to the exhibitors and American Association of Airport Executives AIRPORT CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE
NEW DATES February 14-18, 2005 • Alexandria, Virginia • Mtg. #041121 Distinguish Yourself
DAY 1 (7.5 hours)
AAAE is proud to introduce another comprehensive profes- • Introduction to the Review Course
sional certification program. This is one of four discipline • History and Policy Development in Aviation Security
specific certification programs designed to establish a general • Aviation Security System
knowledge base for airport professionals working in the fluid • 49 CFR - Transportation Security Regulations: 1500, 1520, 1540
security environment. The Airport Certified Employee (ACE)
DAY 2 (7.5 hours)
– Security program is an extensive curriculum based on 49
• 49 CFR - Transportation Security Regulations: 1542
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – 1500 Series: Transporta- • Practical Airport Security
tion Security Administration Regulations and the InternationalCivil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 17. Distinguish DAY 3 (7.5 hours)
yourself within the aviation community by earning this uniquely • Complete Practical Airport Security
comprehensive security certification today.
• Aircraft Operator Security
• 49 CFR - Transportation Security Regulations: 1544, 1546, 1548

Cross-Functional Security Background
Carefully designed for aviation personnel tasked with security
DAY 4 (7.5 hours)
• 49 CFR - Transportation Security Regulations
responsibilities from the airport, air carrier, indirect air carrier, • Weapons and Tactics
and general aviation sectors, this unique blend of U.S. and • Emergency Planning and Incident Command
international regulatory advisory information will create abaseline of knowledge for operating in the dynamic DAY 5 (7.5 hours)
airport security environment. When you understand the roles • International Civil Aviation Organization
of your peers in other aviation security sectors, you increase • Class-Requested Discussion Items and
your overall effectiveness, coordination, and response in • Final Review & Exam
maintaining the safest airport environment possible.
Course Structure and Content
In addition to earning certification from the world’s leading airport The ACE – Security program is an interactive course is com- association, there are several other benefits to becoming an ACE: prised of professionally developed material and is delivered Learn from aviation professionals with extensive experience in and through several methods: lectures, case studies, and videos.
knowledge of security. Obtain a thorough security education and use Active airport security personnel at large, medium and small your knowledge to improve the safety and efficiency of your airport hub (Classes 1, 2, 4) airports around the country reviewed the operating environment. Increase your promotional and career opportu- course materials. This course expands beyond the minimum nities in the aviation field. Earn a prestigious designation and become a requirements of the Transportation Security Administration part of an elite group of aviation professionals. Receive the latest in Regulation 49 CFR 1542.3 and incorporates aircraft operator airport security information through a Continuing Education Unit security, international security, indirect air carrier security, and (C.E.U.) program that AAAE is developing in conjunction with ACE general aviation security. The course includes a written final exam that must be passed in order to receive certification.
Participants must be an eligible member (Affiliate, Participat- The ACE Process
ing, Associate, Corporate, and Military) of AAAE before How can you earn this prestigious and unique designation? 1) Become enrolling in an ACE program. Student members are NOT
a AAAE member. If you are already an eligible member, please eligible at this time. Corporate members are eligible to partici- include your membership number on your application. 2) Pay the ACE pate. However, the corporate membership rate covers only the – Security program fee listed on this same registration form. 3) first three staff members. Additional staff members are wel- Register for the Review Course. 4) After being accepted into the comed at the Associate Membership Rate. Progarm Fees and program, you will receive a welcome letter with detailed instructions Review Course fees apply to all members.
on how to become an ACE. Your course modules will be sent to you
when AAAE has received payment. Exceptions may be made for
those attending Review Courses. 5) Pass the written exam within three This program is not a substitute for the Transportation Security Administration’s guidance and directives. The intent is tosupplement the existing aviation security workforce with a For further program information, contact Teakoe Coleman, AAAE,
foundation of knowledge that increases the awareness of the at (703) 824-0500 ext. 173 or e-mail [email protected].
roles and responsibilities of aviation professionals.
For registration information, contact Kelcey Mitchell, AAAE, at
Ext. 196, or e-mail [email protected].
American Association of Airport Executives AIRPORT CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE
NEW DATES February 14-18, 2005 • Alexandria, Virginia • Mtg. #041121 Hotel reservations—Rooms are being held at the Sheraton Suites Alexandria, 801 N. St. Asaph Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 836-4700. All at-
tendees will receive a special rate of $179 single/double occupancy. Reservations must be made by November 22, 2004, in order to guarantee this
Reservations made after this date can only be honored on a space available basis. To make your hotel reservations, call the hotel directly at (888)
627-7049 and identify yourself as part of the AAAE group. The Sheraton Suites is located directly across the street from AAAE Headquarters.
Airline reservations—American Airlines and Delta Air Lines have been selected as the official air carriers for this meeting. Attendees can receive 10%
off American’s and Delta’s full coach fare or 5% off all other published fares. Rules and restrictions apply. To take advantage of American’s and Delta’s
special fares, call American Airlines directly at (800) 433-1790 from 6 a.m.-1 a.m. eastern standard time daily and refer to star file #1125AO; call Delta
Air Lines directly at (800) 241-6760 from 8 a.m.-11 p.m. eastern standard time daily and refer to file number 198265A.
Ground transportation—The most convenient form of transportation from Reagan Washington National Airport to the hotel is via the Sheraton Suites
Airport Shuttle. The Sheraton’s transportation desk will accept advance reservations, or you can use the courtesy phone in the airport’s baggage claim
area to call the shuttle. Pick-up points are located outside baggage claim areas 5 and 9. Avis Rent-A-Car is the official rental car company for this meet-
ing. To make reservations or for further information about Avis, please call Avis directly at (800) 331-1600 and reference J097316.
NOTE: AAAE reserves the right to cancel this program if the number of registrants is insufficient. In this event, we will notify all registrants and refund
the registration fee in full. However, any costs incurred by the registrant, such as hotel cancellation or airline penalties, are the responsibility of
the registrant
. Confirmation letters will be faxed to attendees. If you have not received a confirmation letter via fax two business days prior to the
meeting, and you enrolled at least 15 days prior to the meeting, please contact the AAAE Meetings Department at (703) 824-0504. Non receipt of the
confirmation letter before the meeting is not justification for seeking a refund.
The information below will be used for future correspondence and will be reflected in the AAAE Membership Directory.
I would like to be contacted about upcoming meetings/promotions by fax
by email
Please indicate any special needs to participate and attach Registrations and cancellations must be submitted in writing. Refund requests received before January 28, 2005,are subject to a $125 processing fee. There will be no REGISTRATION FEE (in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank)
refunds after this date. Substitutions will be accepted without (includes one reception, five continental breakfasts, five lunches, penalties and no-shows will be billed. For all inquiries regarding cancellations and refunds, please contact theAAAE Meetings Department at (703) 824-0504. 3. Annual Membership Fees (Separate):
o Affiliate Membership Fee
$225 (Public-Use Airport)
o Military Membership Fee $150 (Active Duty)
o Participating Membership Fee $275 (Government)
o Associate Membership Fee $325 (Non-Government)
Total Fees
NOTE: The Corporate Membership Rate Covers Up to 3 Staff Members. Course Registration and ACE Program Fees still apply. This
course is worth 24 credits in the AAAE Continuing Airport Management Education Unit (CEU) program.

Upon receipt of this form, please charge my (circle one): Signature
RETURN TO: AAAE • 601 Madison St., #400 • Alexandria, VA 22314 (USA) or Fax to (703) 820-1395. Photocopies of this form will be
accepted. AAAE accepts registration regardless of race, religion, sex, physical disability and national or ethnic origin. This includes but is not limited to

Source: http://www.aaae.org/fs03/Airport_Report_Express/December202004.pdf


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