Read at the Pharmaceutical Meeting, March 20.
EXTRACTUM SENEGAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Senega.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of eight
fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water,
finishing the percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding one fluidounce of glycerin to
the dilute percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs a
menstruum composed of two parts of alcohol and one part of water, and adds two per
cent. of water of ammonia to the fluid extract. The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
recommended diluted alcohol, with two per cent. of water of ammonia in the first one
hundred parts of menstruum; a sample thus prepared in January, 1880, is now
entirely without deposit, but there is on the top of the preparation a layer of
mucilaginous matter, nearly a quarter of an inch deep in a four-ounce bottle,
otherwise the fluid extract is in very good condition. The stronger officinal menstruum
is probably the best for this preparation, and the addition of the water of ammonia to
the finished fluid extract, instead of putting it into the menstruum, is a decided
improvement, although perhaps an insufficient quantity is employed, five per cent.
would more surely accomplish the object of its use.
EXTRACTUM SENNAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Senna.—For this preparation
the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of eight fluidounces of
alcohol, four fluidounces of glycerin, and four fluidounces of water, finishing the
percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding four fluidounces of glycerin to the dilute
percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs a mixture of three
parts of alcohol and four parts of water; this, as mentioned, when considering fluid
extract of ergot, is only a very little weaker than diluted alcohol. The Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy recommended diluted alcohol as the menstruum; a sample thus
prepared in January, 1880, now contains only a very slight precipitate, but there is a
considerable deposit of a black substance on the sides of the bottle, otherwise the fluid
extract is in good condition; as the menstruum used in the preparation of this sample,
was so near the strength of the officinal, it is highly probable that the product of that
menstruum would not keep any better. With the object of ascertaining if a weaker
alcohol would not answer the purpose, a number of experiments were made with a
menstruum composed of one part of alcohol and two parts of water alone, and with
various percentages of glycerin; while these menstruums exhausted the senna
readily, the fluid extracts prepared with them precipitated very much, the glycerin
not having the slightest effect in preventing this result; glycerin does, however,
appear to, cause all the separated matter to collect on the bottom of the bottle, and
not adhere to the sides. Therefore it seems probable that diluted alcohol, with five or
ten per cent. of glycerin in the first one hundred parts, would be the best menstruum
EXTRACTUM SERPENTARIAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Serpentaria.—For
this preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed alcohol, the present
Pharmacopoeia directs three parts of alcohol and one part of water, and the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended the same menstruum; a sample
thus prepared in November, 1879, now contains a slight granular precipitate and a
very thin coating of similar granules on the sides of the bottle; in all other respects the
EXTRACTUM SPIGELIAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Spigelia.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of eight
fluidounces of alcohol, four fluidounces of glycerin, and four fluidounces of water,
finishing the percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding four fluidounces of glycerin to
the dilute percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs diluted
alcohol, and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended the same
menstruum; a sample thus prepared in October, 1879, now contains only a very
slight precipitate and has undergone no apparent change whatever.
EXTRACTUM STILLINGIAE FLUlDUM.—Fluid Extract of Stillingia.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of twelve
fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and one fluidounce of water,
finishing the percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding one fluidounce of glycerin to
the dilute percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs diluted
alcohol, the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended three parts of alcohol
and one part of water, as the menstruum ; a sample thus prepared in December,
1879, now contains only a moderate precipitate, and in every other respect is in most
excellent condition; another sample made at the same time as the first, with diluted
alcohol, has likewise only a moderate precipitate, but there is on the sides of the
bottle, above the fluid extract, a considerable coating of yellowish. substance; in other
respects this sample is in moderately good condition,. but the stronger menstruum is
evidently the best for this preparation.
EXTRACTUM STRAMONII FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Stramonium.—This is
one of the eleven fluid extracts added to the list by the Committee of Revision; it is
directed to be made from the powdered stramonium seed with a menstruum.
composed of three parts of alcohol and one part of water; the product no doubt well
represents the drug, but having this preparation, the officinal tincture of stramonium
appears to be entirely superfluous, and if the same menstruum bad been directed, the
solid extract might have been very conveniently obtained from the fluid.
EXTRACTUM TARAXACI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Taraxacum.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of eight
fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water,
finishing the percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding one fluidounce of glycerin to
the dilute percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs two parts
of alcohol and three parts of water, and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
recommended the same menstruum, with ten per cent. of glycerin in the first one
hundred parts. A sample thus prepared in January, 1880, now contains only a very
slight precipitate, and is in all other respects in most excellent condition; two other
samples were recently prepared, one the same as the above, and the other with the
officinal menstruum; the first has undergone no change whatever, the second
contains a slight flocculent precipitate, but if no further change occurs it will be
evident that glycerin serves no useful purpose in this preparation.
EXTRACTUM TRITICI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Triticum.—For this newly-
introduced preparation the Pharmacopoeia directs one hundred grammes of finely-cut
triticum, to be percolated with boiling water until it is exhausted; the percolate is to be
evaporated to eighty cubic centimeters, to which is to be added twenty cubic
centimeters of alcohol, and then after being set aside for forty-eight hours, it is to be
filtered, and to the filtrate is added enough of a mixture of four parts of water and one
part of alcohol to make the fluid extract measure one hundred cubic centimeters. The
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended. the following process: add to one
hundred parts of triticum three hundred parts of boiling water, and digest in a covered
vessel for five hours; then strain off the infusion, pack the triticum in a percolator,
and add, first the infusion and then boiling water, until the triticum is exhausted;
evaporate the percolate to eighty-five parts, and when cool, add fifteen parts of
alcohol; a sample thus made in January, 1880, now contains only a moderate
precipitate, and appears to have undergone no change whatever. Another sample,
containing no alcohol, was prepared at the same time as the first, by adding thirty
parts of glycerin to the percolate and evaporating the whole to one hundred parts; this
now contains about five times as much precipitated matter as the other sample.
EXTRACTUM UVAE URSI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Uva Ursi.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed a menstruum composed of eight
fluidounces of alcohol, three fluidounces of glycerin, and five fluidounces of water,
finishing the percolation with diluted alcohol, and adding one fluidounce of glycerin to
the dilute percolate before evaporation. The present Pharmacopoeia directs diluted
alcohol, with ten per cent. of glycerin in the first one hundred parts; the Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy recommended a menstruum composed of one part of' alcohol and
two parts of water, with twenty per cent. of glycerin in the first one hundred parts; a
sample thus prepared in November, 1879, now contains only a moderate precipitate,
and is in every other respect in good condition; as this sample has kept so well, the
use of the stronger officinal menstruum appears to be unnecessary.
EXTRACTUM VALERIANAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Valerian.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed stronger alcohol. The present
Pharmacopoeia directs a menstruum composed of two parts of alcohol and one part
of water, and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended the same; a sample
thus prepared in August, 1879, is now in good condition, containing only a small
precipitate and a very slight deposit of separated matter on the sides of' the bottle
The present officinal menstruum has been thoroughly tried, and the product proved to
be, in many respects, superior to the product of that formerly officinal.
—For this preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed stronger alcohol; the
present Pharmacopoeia directs alcohol and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
recommended the same menstruum; a sample thus prepared in December, 1879, now
contains only a very slight precipitate, and appears to have undergone no change
Having this fluid extract, it seems superfluous to have also an officinal tincture of half
EXTRACTUM VIBURNI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Viburnum.—This newly-
introduced fluid extract is one of the eleven added to the list by the Committee of
Revision. The Pharmacopoeia directs a menstruum composed of two parts of alcohol
and one part of water; a sample prepared in August, 1880, with diluted alcohol, now
contains a considerable deposit and a thin coating on the sides of the bottle, but the
fluid extract is still of a deep red color, and transparent in thin layers; the stronger
officinal menstruum is Do doubt the best for this preparation.
EXTRACTUM XANTHOXYLI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Xanthoxylum.—For this
newly-introduced preparation the Pharmacopoeia directs alcohol, and the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended two parts of alcohol and one part of
water, as the menstruum; a sample thus prepared in December, 1879, remains in
good condition, except that a considerable quantity of a crystalline deposit has
formed, which may be readily redissolved by placing the bottle for a few minutes in
warm water; a change of menstruum is evidently required, but that it need be alcohol,
or even that it need be as strong as the one used for this sample, continued
EXTRACTUM ZINGIBERIS FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Ginger.—For this
preparation the Pharmacopoeia of 1870 directed alcohol (s.g .835). The present
Pharmacopoeia directs alcohol, and the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
recommended the same menstruum; samples thus prepared in November, 1879, with
Jamaica and African ginger, remain at present with only a very slight deposit, and
— — — — — — —
Having now noticed the entire list of officinal fluid extracts, a brief review will be given
of the ten rejected from the list recommended by the Philadelphia College of
EXTRACTUM ANTHEMIDIS FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Chamomile.—For this
preparation a menstruum composed of one part of alcohol and two parts of water was
recommended. A sample thus prepared in November, 1879, now contains a
considerable precipitate; another sample, prepared at the same time, with one part of
alcohol and three parts of water, now contains less than half as much precipitate as
the first, in all other respects both samples are in excellent condition.
EXTRACTUM ASARI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Wild Ginger.—Alcohol was
recommended as the menstruum for this preparation; a sample thus prepared in
January, 1880, is now entirely without precipitate, and is in every respect in most
excellent condition; another sample prepared about the same time, with a
menstruum of three parts of alcohol and one part of water, now contains a
considerable deposit of soft resinous matter, which cannot be again dissolved in the
fluid extract by shaking Alcohol is evidently the proper menstruum for this
The Committee of Revision not only rejected this preparation, but also dismissed
asarum from the Pharmacopoeia. This is to be regretted, for although the article may
have had only a very limited employment by physicians, it is considerably used in
EXTRACTUM AURANTII DULCIS CORTICIS FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Sweet Orange Peel.—This was recommended to be made from the recently dried, yellow
portion of the peel of sweet oranges, using alcohol as the menstruum; a sample thus
prepared in January, 1880, now contains a very slight resinous deposit, and the flavor
is also slightly deteriorated, but the preparation kept for nearly two years without
perceptible change. If the percolation was allowed to proceed slowly, and occasionally
stopped altogether for some hours, the orange peel would be exhausted before one
hundred parts of percolate would be obtained, thereby avoiding the necessity for
evaporation, and its doubtless injurious effect on the permanence of the preparation.
EXTRACTUM ERIGERONTIS CANADENSIS FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Canada Erigeron.—As the menstruum for this preparation the Pharmacopoeia of
1870 directed alcohol (s.g. .835); the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy recommended
alcohol (s.g. .822), and a sample thus prepared in November, 1879, now contains only
a slight, apparently resinous deposit on the bottom and sides of the bottle; but as this
preparation was chiefly recommended because it was already officinal, and as
whatever medicinal value Canada erigeron may possess, is no doubt fully represented
by the volatile oil, which is also officinal, the Committee of Revision acted wisely in
dismissing this evidently superfluous preparation.
EXTRACTUM HELIANTHEMI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Frostwort.—For this
preparation a menstruum composed of one part of alcohol and two parts of water,
was recommended; a sample thus prepared in December, 1879, now contains a
rather large precipitate, but is otherwise in good condition; but frostwort having been
dismissed from the Pharmacopoeia, no preparations of it were adopted.
EXTRACTUM JUNIPERI FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Juniper.—For this
preparation the juniper was recommended to be in number eight powder, and diluted
alcohol the menstruum to be used; a sample thus prepared in January, 1880, now
contains only a moderate precipitate, but there is also a considerable quantity of soft,
brown, resinous matter on the sides of the bottle above the fluid extract; in other
respects the preparation has not deteriorated, the odor and taste remaining as
aromatic, and sweet as when first prepared. The specific gravity of this sample of
fluid extract is 1.115, and the weight of dry residue from the juniper was fifty-eight per
Juniper, if fresh and of good quality, is very difficult to percolate if finer than number
eight powder, and to prove that so coarse a powder may be exhausted, another
sample of the fluid extract was prepared at the same time, using the entire fruit,
carefully selecting only such as were unbroken; this sample now contains about the
same quantity of precipitate as the other, but instead of the brown matter in the
upper part of the bottle, there is a very thin coating of a bright green color; the odor
and taste are as well preserved as in the other sample, the specific gravity is 1.066,
and the weight of dry residue was sixty-one per cent.
Although juniper may not be a very important remedial agent, it is considerably used
by physicians, and so elegant and permanent a preparation as this fluid extract
EXTRACTUM LAPPAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Burdock.—For this
preparation a menstruum composed of one part of alcohol and two parts of water,
was recommended; a sample thus prepared in December, 1879, now contains only a
slight precipitate, and is otherwise entirely without change. Burdock does not,
however, appear to be of sufficient medicinal value or employment to require any
EXTRACTUM SPIGELIAE, ET SENNAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract Of Spigelia and Senna.—For this preparation the following formula was recommended; Spigelia
sixty parts, senna thirty parts, anise five parts, and caraway five parts, all to be
mixed together, reduced to number forty powder, and percolated with diluted alcohol; a
sample thus prepared in January, 1880, now contains only a very moderate
precipitate, which formed soon after its preparation, and a thin coating of separated
matter on the sides of the bottle above the fluid extract; in every other respect the
preparation is in excellent condition, and although no longer officinal, it will, no doubt,
continue to maintain with physicians and the public the prominent and popular
EXTRACTUM SUMBUL FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Sumbul.—For this
preparation a menstruum composed of two parts of alcohol and one part of water,
was recommended; a sample thus prepared in January, 1880, now contains only a
very slight precipitate, is very dark in color, deep red and perfectly transparent in thin
layers; it has kept remarkably well, and no doubt fully represents the drug. Another
sample, with alcohol as the menstruum, was prepared at the same time, this is much
lighter in color, and soon deposited a white crystalline substance all over the bottom
and sides of the bottle; alcohol is evidently not the proper menstruum for this
preparation, although the present officinal tincture, containing one part of sumbul in
ten, is directed to be made with that menstruum; but as the dose of sumbul in powder
is stated to be from ten to twenty grains, this tincture, in addition to being made with
an improper menstruum, would contain in an ordinary dose, sufficient alcohol to
seriously interfere with the remedial action of the drug; the tincture of the British
Pharmacopoeia is made with proof spirit, but still the quantity of alcohol is entirely
too large in the full dose of the preparation.
The fluid extract recommended above should have been admitted, as it would have
proved to be, an elegant, pleasant, and efficient addition to that small and very
disagreeable class of medicines to which asafetida and valerian belong.
EXTRACTUM THUJAE FLUIDUM.—Fluid Extract of Arbor Vitae.—For this
preparation alcohol was recommended as the menstruum, and. a sample thus
prepared in December, 1879, now contains only a moderate precipitate, and does not
appear to have undergone any other change whatever; but as arbor vitae, when dry,
is said to be no longer efficient, a tincture of the fresh tops would seem to be
All of the formulas for fluid extracts requiring the use of alcohol, it seemed advisable
to examine commercial specimens as to the actual percentage of absolute alcohol
contained therein. Five samples, from as many different manufacturers, were
therefore obtained and examined, with the following results, at 15.6º C. (60ºF.)
The officinal alcohol (s.g. .820), containing ninety-one per cent. by weight and ninety-
four per cent. by volume, it will be observed that three of the five specimens contain a
slightly larger percentage of absolute alcohol than the officinal; and also that only one
of the samples is considerably below the officinal standard, and this one is said to be
not the product of a regular manufacturer of alcohol, but the surplus, or rejected
goods, which have been made for another special trade demand. If, during the warm
season, no greater variations in the strength occur, no appreciable difference in the
In conclusion it may be stated that none of the formulas for the fluid extracts require
any special or expensive apparatus in carrying them out, and that they all appear to
have been so arranged as to induce the pharmacist to make this important class of
preparations himself; the danger of injury from heat, in the evaporation of the dilute
percolate, and of loss of activity by precipitation in the finished product, have both
been over-estimated by writers, on fluid extracts, whose papers have had, perhaps
unintentionally, a tendency to deter the pharmacist from trusting himself with their
preparation, and led him to rely too much on the reputation and supposed superior
facilities of the wholesale manufacturer.
Read at the Pharmaceutical Meeting, April 17
During the past year several physicians of Schuylkill county have been using
different preparations of the stigmata of Zea Mays for catarrh of the bladder and
similar diseases with very good results. The preparations should be made from the
fresh article, as the dried seems to be worthless, at least that is the experience of
those who have had the subject under investigation; cases under treatment, which
were not benefited by the powder or other preparations made from the dried article,
yielded to a tincture prepared from the fresh, or green stigmata. It would be advisable
to gather the drug before it begins to change in color, or select only that portion
having a green or greenish-yellow color. The writer manufactured a quantity of the
tincture last September, which has all been prescribed and used by our physicians,
and I am now compelled to purchase the fluid extract to supply the demands. One of
our medical practitioners, who is very particular, has great confidence in the curative
properties of corn silk; his choice of all the preparations is the syrup which I have
made and would recommend to be made from the fluid extract. This is an expeditious
mode of making the syrup, and one which is entirely satisfactory, the syrup
containing only a very small percentage of alcohol. The diseases for which corn silk is
recommended are of such a nature—generally of an inflammatory character—that
the patient should not use alcohol in any form, because it produces irritation, and
irritants should be left out of the preparations as much as possible.
Should the drug prove to be as valuable a remedy as some medical men consider it to
be, there is no doubt but its use would become general. Either the fluid extract or the
syrup, or both, would be the best preparations to recommend for introduction,
although the tincture gave fair satisfaction; yet I do not believe it to be the most
It should be remembered that the fresh drug contains a large amount of moisture; it
contains certainly not less than fifty per cent., and likely considerably more. I would
suggest that not less than double the quantity of the drug be used; for example, if a
hundred parts of syrup or tincture was to represent twelve parts of the dried
material, then twenty-four parts of the fresh or green corn silk should be used. I would
Cut the silk into small pieces, either with a large pair of scissors or a tobacco cutter;
after which, place in a mortar and beat into a pulp with a small quantity of the diluted
alcohol. Prepare a cylindrical glass percolator, by closing the lower orifice with a cork;
transfer the silk pulp to the percolator, and add sufficient of the menstruum to form a
layer over the pulp; cover the percolator closely and allow to macerate for forty-eight
hours; then loosen the cork enough to permit percolation to proceed at the rate of
forty drops per minute; add enough diluted alcohol and continue the percolation until
one hundred parts are obtained. The tincture possesses the characteristic odor of
corn silk, is of a yellow straw color, and of a pleasant, sweetish taste. Dose for an
adult, one or two fluidrachms (gm. 4-8).
Cut the silk into small pieces. Mix the glycerin with eighty grammes of diluted alcohol.
Place the cut corn silk into a mortar, and beat into a pulp with a portion of the
menstruum; after which, pack in a cylindrical glass percolator; add sufficient of the
mixture to cover the pulpy mass, and when the liquid commences to drop from the
percolator close the lower orifice; cover the percolator tightly, and allow to macerate
for forty-eight hours; then permit percolation to go on slowly, about forty drops per
minute; add the remainder of the glycerin mixture, and then diluted alcohol until the
drug is exhausted, reserving the first seventy cubic centimeters of the percolate;
evaporate the remainder to thirty cubic centimeters, and mix with the reserved
portion, making in all one hundred cubic centimeters. The odor and taste is similar to
that of the tincture, but much stronger, and a shade or two darker. Dose for an adult
from half to one fluiddrachm (gin. 2-4).
An adulteration of Senega Root, with about 15 per cent. of the root of Ionidium1 Ipecacuanha has been noticed in France by Charbonnier. The latter root, which is one
of the so-called false ipecacuanhas of Brazil, is greyish-white, in pieces about 5 to 6
centimeters long, and of the thickness of a goose quill; it is irregularly undulate,
branched below, and above has small remnants of the ligneous stems; it is strongly
wrinkled longitudinally, and irregularly fissured transversely; the bark is thin and
adheres firmly to the thick meditullium, which is of a yellowish color.—Jour. Phar. Chim., 1883, Jan., p. 40.
Delphinium Consolida, Lin.—E. Masing obtained from 5 kilos of the dried flowering
herb about 1 gram of alkaloid, for which he proposes the name calcatripine, derived
from flores calcatripae, under which name the flowers were formerly officinal. The
1 Hybanthus Ipecacuanha - so-called White Ipecac - MM
alcohol dissolved in one thousand parts of acidulated water, gave precipitates with the
various group reagents for alkaloids; tannin yielded a faint turbidity after 24 hours;
mercuric chloride, ammonium molybdate,, and potassium bichromate had no effect.
Sulphuric acid, sp. gr., 1.84 gave a red brown color, changing to violet brown, and after
24 hours to grey-brown. Fröhde's reagent colored olive green, becoming gradually
deeper, then fading to grey-yellow. Sugar and sulphuric acid gave a red-brown color,
slowly changing to greenish blue. Sulphuric acid followed by nitric acid or a nitrate,
causes the red-brown color to change to orange-red, then orange-yellow, and finally
golden yellow. The alkaloid, which was not quite pure, is soluble in alcohol, ether and
chloroform, and appears to be easily decomposed by chemical agents.—Phar. Zedschr. Russ., 1883, W. 3.
Jequirity.—The seeds which have been recently introduced under this name as a
remedy in opthalmic complaints, are derived from Abrus precatorius, a leguminous
plant, indigenous to Africa and Southern Asia, and naturalized in tropical America.
The hard seeds have a bright red integument with a black spot surrounding the raphe.
They are used in Oriental countries for ornaments and similar to beads; in Brazil they
have been highly valued for several centuries in the treatment of certain diseases of
the eyes, an infusion being made of 32 powdered seeds (about 3 gm.), which are
macerated for 24 hours with 500 gm. cold water, after which 500 gm. of hot water is
added, and, when cooled, the liquid is filtered.
The results obtained by L. de Wecker, show that this infusion produces conjunctivitis
purulenta or cruposa as rapidly as inoculation, and that with due care, the desired
inflammation may be well regulated. The experiments have not been concluded yet,
and the active principle of the seeds is still unknown; an alkaloid prepared by Rigand
& Dusart, did not give similar good results, whether used by instillation or
subcutaneously.—Phar. Centralhalle, 1883, p. 145. Klin. Mon. F. Augenheitkunde.
Pongamia glabra.—Nat. Ord. Leguminosae is a tree extensively diffused throughout
Southern India, Malacca and the Indian Archipelago, and also found in Southern
China and North Australia. It has smooth, imparipinnate leaves, composed of 5 or 7
egg-shaped or broadly elliptical leaflets, and loose axillary racemes of flowers. In India
all oil called pongamia or kurung oil is expressed from the seeds and is described in
most works on Hindu materia medica as being a favorite remedy amongst the
natives for various skin diseases. The oil is of a deep yellow color, inclining to reddish-
brown, and is fluid at temperatures above 60ºF., but below that it becomes solid.
Surgeon-Major Dymock, of Bombay, has recently called attention to the use of
pongamia oil in pityriasis versicolor. Several cases occurring on the neck, face and
shoulders were cured in less than a fortnight by rubbing in the oil twice a day. He
concludes that it is likely to be of service in other skin diseases which, like pityriasis,
are attended by the growth of a fungus. Dr. Dymock considers this oil much more
effective than acetic acid, while it has the advantage over iodine and Goa powder of
not discoloring the part (often the face) to which it is applied. Dr. Thin has recently
stated that sulphur ointment is an admirable remedy for ringworm, but pogamia oil
might be used in cases where the disease is of a recurrent character.—Wm. Elborne,
in Phar. Jour. and Trans., 1883, Feb. 24th, p. 688.
Constituents of Kino.—A. Kremel has examined Malabar kino, Butea gum,
Eucalyptus kino, and kino from Coccoloba uvifera, and found them all free from kinoin
discovered by Etti, (see Amer. Jour. Phar., 1872, p. 600); instead of a body acquiring
like kinoin, a red color with ferric chloride, protocatechuic acid was obtained, alone or
The presence of pyrocatechin in kino has been observed by Eichstedt, Flückiger, and
others (see Amer. Jour. Phar., 1872, p. 210). Preusse ascertained that pyrocatechin
is extracted by ether from an alkaline solution, while for the extraction of
protocatechuic acid, the solution requires to be acidulated. Following this process,
Kremel proved the absence of pyrocatechin from the above named varieties of kino;
the ether residue was amorphous, insoluble in hot water and the alcoholic solution
without action on ferric chloride. But from the acidulated solution of Malabar and
eucalyptus kino, ether took up a crystallizable body, of acid reaction which in aqueous
solution, like pyrocatechin was colored green by ferric chloride; sodium bicarbonate
added to this caused a violet color; the crystals were, therefore, protocatechuic acid.
Butea gum and coccoloba kino treated in the same manner yielded crystals of neutral
reaction, becoming green by ferric chloride, but on the further addition of sodium
bicarbonate, ferric hydrate was precipitated. The nature of these crystals could not
The different kinds of eucalyptus kino examined, yielded from ether, besides
protocatechuic acid, also a body the aqueous solution of which acquired after the
addition of sodium carbonate, gradually an emerald green color, which on the addition
of hydrochloric acid turned red and finally became decolorized; these reactions prove
On preparing kinic red by Etti's process from eucalyptus kino, extracting the product
with ether, fusing it with caustic potassa, dissolving in water, acidulating and
extracting with ether, Kremel obtained considerable amount of protocatechuic and
gallic acid.—Phar. Post, 1883, No. 11. Mullein Leaves in Pulmonary Consumption.—The leaves of Verbascum Thapsus are
popularly used in Ireland, in consumption, and the plant in addition to growing wild, is
cultivated in gardens, occasionally on a rather extensive scale. The mullein is
administered by boiling an ounce of the dried leaves or a corresponding quantity of the
fresh ones, in a pint of milk for ten minutes, and giving the strained liquid warm, with
or without a little sugar. From his observations, Dr. F. J. B. Quinlan regards mullein
as having a distinct weight-increasing power in early cases of pulmonary
consumption. The hot decoction causes a comfortable sensation, and when patients
take it they experience a physiological want for it. It eases phthisical cough, some
patients scarcely requiring cough medicines at all. Its power of checking phthisical
looseness is very marked, and it also gives great relief to the dyspnea; but for
phthisical night sweats it is utterly useless. In advanced cases it does not prevent
The decoction in milk is liked by the patient; in watery infusion it is disagreeable, and
the expressed juice preserved by glycerin still more so.—Brit. Med. Jour.
Assay of Nux Vomica.—W. R. Dunstan and F. W. Short, have found the following
process a satisfactory one: One part of nux vomica is made into a paste with a
solution of two parts of crystallized sodium carbonate, the mixture dried over a water-
bath and powdered; the powder equal to five grams of nux vomica is packed in a
suitable extraction apparatus and exhausted by 40 cc. of chloroform containing 25
per cent. of alcohol. This is usually accomplished in one or two hours. The solution
thus obtained is well agitated with 25 cc. of a 10 per cent. solution of sulphuric acid.
The separation of the chloroform is much aided by gently warming the mixture on a
water-bath. After repeated agitation the chloroform is separated by means of a
funnel and again shaken with 15 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid. The mixed acid solutions
from which all the chloroform has separated, should be filtered if necessary, then
made alkaline with ammonia and shaken with 25 cc. of chloroform in a separating
funnel; the clear chloroform solution is evaporated over a water-bath to a constant
weight and then weighed. The amount of mixed alkaloids thus -obtained from five
samples was 2.92, 3.57, 3.32, 3.38, and 2.56 per cent.—Phar. Jour. and Trans., 1883,
Colchicine has been obtained well crystallized by Dr. S. Zeisel. In a communication to
the Austrian Academy of Sciences the author states that the crystals were obtained
from a chloroform solution; the solvent adhering persistently to them, it is not
impossible that the crystals may be a compound with chloroform, though their
aqueous solution possesses all the characteristic properties of colchicine.
In preparing colchiceine from colchicine, the author obtained a new base,
apocolchiceine, which has both basic and acid characters. It may be obtained in
larger quantities, besides methyl chloride, on beating colchiceine with hydrochloric
acid; and on increasing and continuing the heat, another substance is obtained having
acid properties.—Phar. Post., 1883, W. 10.
Formic and Acetic Acid in Plants.—From a series of experiments made with thirty-
five plants belonging to different groups, Emil Bergmann concludes that these two
acids are constantly present in the protoplasm of the different parts of plants, those
containing chlorophyll, as well as those which are free from it; that most likely
propionic, butyric and other volatile fatty acids are likewise widely distributed in the
vegetable kingdom; and that these acids are formed as products of decomposition
from certain constituents of the vegetable protoplasm in growing plants.—Chem. Centralblatt, 1883, W. 1.2.
Vessels 1 and 2 are ordinary quart douche bottles; No. 3 is a common quart flask;
Nos. 2 and 3 are fitted with corks, through which one piece of glass tube is passed.
No. 1 is the reservoir; No. 2 is the percolator; No. 3 is the receiver.
The lower orifice of No. 1 is connected with No. 2 by means of a short piece of
The receiver is marked to indicate a pint.
To make a pint of ethereal tincture of' cantharides, or blistering liquid, sixteen troy
ounces of powdered cantharides are put into the percolator; a plug of tow is inserted in
the neck, followed by the cork carrying the glass tube. The bottle is inverted and its
contents packed as closely as possible, by gently slapping the sides of the vessel with
the hand. The side orifice near the bottom of the percolator is then connected with the
reservoir by means of the rubber tube. The reservoir stands on a shelf; the percolator
is supported by the rings of a retort stand. The cork of the receiver is first slipped on
to the glass tube of the percolator, and then brought down into the neck of the
receiver. This cork should have a small escape-hole in it. The apparatus is now ready.
The ethereal mixture, consisting of a pint of rectified ether and three ounces of acetic
ether, is poured into the reservoir, and the cork inserted. The flow is determined by
raising the cork of the reservoir from time to time. When the ethereal liquid has
completely permeated the powder, the supply of ether is stopped. The drug should be
allowed to macerate for a few hours, after which the percolation may proceed, drop by
drop. A pinch-cock on the rubber tube will regulate the flow. As soon as the reservoir
is emptied, half a pint of alcohol is poured in, and, when again empty, water is
If a steady stream of the menstruum is desired, a small piece of glass tube is passed
through the cork of No. 1, and connected, by means of rubber hose, with a similar
piece through the cork of No. 3. Equilibrium is thus maintained.
The exhausted powder may be removed from the percolator by means of a stream of
water, which is injected through the smaller orifice by the aid of a hose attached to
the faucet of the water supply. —Proc. Cal. Phar. Soc., 1883, p. 40.
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