Letter to the Editor Safety First
Several weeks ago, while working on my pool, I was
Display Your House Number
stung by a wasp. I have been stung before and did not
think much of it. Twenty minutes later my face was rather
In an emergency, seconds count. Precious time can be
swollen and I was developing hives on my chest and neck.
wasted trying to locate an unmarked house. Help your
I decided to go to the Ellenville Hospital, a five-minute
local emergency service providers by displaying your
I did not know that my life was in jeopardy. I simply
House numbers should be displayed on the building,
went to the hospital to get the itching to stop. I walked
or in front of it, in a prominent and conspicuous place and
into the emergency room feeling fine except for the swel-
in such manner as to be legible from the street.
ling and itching. Without wasting any time the people at
All numbers should be at least 3-inches in height, and
the Hospital, led by Nurse Cathy Smith, put me in a bed,
be located approximately 4-feet above the ground.
hooked me up to an IV and started administering intrave-
The colors of said numbers should be in sharp con-
trast to the color of their background.
At this time I don’t believe anyone knew I was in
When practical, the numbers should be placed near a
serious trouble. Although I know Cathy and the staff were
light so that they may be readily seen at night. If the num-
watching for any problems. I was joking with the staff
bers are not illuminated, they should be reflective.
when I felt a little short of breath. I mentioned it to nurse
The street number must be visible from both
Smith, and within three seconds my life was in great dan-
If the house is more than 75-feet from the roadway,
I was in great pain and only heard one person’s voice
the number should be displayed on a post or mailbox, no
throughout the entire incident, Nurse Smith’s. She cleared
farther than 25-feet from the edge of the street, and on the
the room, called for help and as things turned worse she
same side of the street as the house.
called “code red,” knowing how close I was to dying.
In the event that more than one house has access
I was immediately administered epinephrin (adrena-
from a single driveway, the number of the house must be
line). I felt I was going to die and was told later by Nurse
displayed at each location at which the driveway access
Smith, my physician, and my allergist, that I indeed was
diverges, in addition to being displayed on the house.
near death. The medicine, Nurse Smith, and the ER staff’s
In addition to displaying your house number, it is
important to remember that your telephone service address
Although this has been a very important incident to
and billing address may not be the same. Even though
take place in my life, and I will never forget what the
your phone bill is getting to your correct mailing address,
quick actions of the Ellenville Emergency Room did for
it is vital that you update your service address with your
me, I feel it is important to write this to say how important
Ellenville Regional Hospital is to our community.
Take the time now to ensure that your correct infor-
At different times in my ten years living in Ellenville,
mation is on file with your local phone company, and that
there have been attacks on the hospital and threats to close
your address is clearly displayed on your home. This will
it. My family has always supported the hospital, but now I
reduce the amount of time it takes for help to arrive at the
feel a debt to not ever let our little town lose such a
How many other lives have been saved, or stabilized
so they could be moved to a hospital that could more spe-
cifically treat their sickness? My family doctor and my
allergist assured me that, had I gone into anaphylactic
shock at home or on my way to the hospital, I would have
died. The fact that the hospital is so close, and is staffed
with such competent people saved my life.
My family, including three-year old-son and eight-
year-old daughter, thanks you. We will never underesti-
mate the importance of the Ellenville Hospital, nor will we
stand by idly if Ellenville Hospital needs our help. Owned & Operated by Tweak Enterprise Inc. Valley Mall, Rte. 209 Box 39, Napanoch 12458 20% OFF Jewelry During September WITH THIS AD ONLY
Wawarsing.Net Magazine • 2005 September
Manual para el Estudiante de la Escuela Secundaria de Van Buren 2011-2012 La Acreditación La Escuela Secundaria de Van Buren esta totalmente acreditada por el Departamento de educación del Estado. La Escuela también es miembro de la Asociación Centro-Norte de Colegios y Escuelas Secundarias, lo que la hace tener el rango mas alto posible que una escuela puede recibir. El ser miembro d