Microsoft word - program pages 13th workshop 03-03-06.doc

Scientific Program
Thirteenth Workshop on Vitamin D
All speaking sessions will be held in the Lecture Theatre of the Victoria Conference Centre. Friday, April 7: PM
Fairmont Empress Hotel, Palm Court/Crystal Ballroom Saturday, April 8: AM
OPENING REMARKS: R. Bouillon, A.W. Norman
Session I: VDR and Gene Regulation A Session Chairpersons: C. Carlberg, M.R. Haussler

Ligand-Induced Transrepression Mechanism by Nuclear Receptor through Chromatin Remodeling/Modification Complexes Multiple Enhancer Regions at Significant Distances Upstream of the Transcriptional Start Site Mediate Rankl Gene Expression in Response to 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Structural Basis for the Control of VDR Function in L.A. Zella
Enhancers Located in the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Mediate Transcriptional Autoregulation by 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Session II: Chemistry and Structure-Function A Session Chairpersons: A. Mourino, G. Posner

G.H. Posner
Novel Hybrid Analogs of Calcitriol With Unconventional 1- Substituents and Potentiating Side-Chains M.T. Mizwicki
On How the Structure-Function Results of 1,25D Side-Chain Metabolites Can Be Potentially Understood by a VDR Two Pocket Molecular Model P. DeClercq
Creative Synthesis of Novel Vitamin D Analogs for Health and Session III: Poster Session A

11:15 – 1:30 PM
Saturday, April 8: PM
Session IV: Cancer A Session Chairpersons: D. Feldman, C. Johnson

J.E. Welsh
Vitamin D Signaling in Mammary Gland: What Have We M.J. Larriba
The Inhibition of WNT/b-Catenin Signaling By 1α,25- Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Is Abrogated by Snail1 and Restored by Ectopic VDR Expression in Colon Cancer Cells H.P. Koeffler
1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 and its Analogs in Leukemia Epigenetic Silencing of CYP24 in Tumor-Derived Endothelial Cells (TDEC) Contributes to Selective Growth Inhibition by Calcitriol D. Feldman
Calcitriol Regulation of Diverse Target Genes Provides Multiple Pathways for Inhibition of Prostate Cancer Cell Growth Session V: Kidney - Actions Session Chairperson: D. Bikle

H.S. Tenenhouse
Phosphate Transport: Molecular Basis, Regulation and The Phosphatonins and the Regulation of Phosphate Session VI: Vitamin D Nutrition Aspects A Session Chairpersons: R. Mason, R. Bouillon

E. Giovannucci
Predictors of Vitamin D Status and Cancer Incidence B.A. Gilchrest
PLENARY LECTURE: Sun Protection and Vitamin D:
Sunday, April 9: AM
8:15 – 8:30 AM
Young Investigator Awards Ceremony
Session VII: VDR and Gene Regulation B S. Christakos
J.W. Pike
Vitamin D Receptor-Regulated Enhancers Located at Diverse Sites Within Target Genes Function Both to Modify Chromatin Structure and As Recruitment Centers for RNA Polymerase II Differential Role of Two VDR Coactivators, DRIP205 and SRC3, in Keratinocyte Proliferation and Differentiation C. Carlberg
How Does the Vitamin D Receptor Recognize Its The Importance of Nuclear Import in Protection of the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) from Ubiquitination and Proteasome-Mediated Degradation Y. Yamamoto
A Tissue-Specific Function by Unliganded Nuclear Session VIII: Structure-Function B Session Chairpersons: J.C. Fleet, P. De Clercq

10:20 – 10:40 AM
H.F. Deluca
The Use of Selected Analogs of 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 R. Masuyama
Partial VDR Rescue in Intestine Reverses Impaired Bone A. Kittaka
Creative Synthesis of Novel Vitamin D Analogs for Health Session IX: Poster Session B

11:25 PM – 1:30 PM

Sunday, April 9: PM
Session X: Immunology
Session Chairpersons: L. Adorini, C. Mathieu

1:30 – 2:00 PM
R. Modlin
TLR2/1 Induction of a Vitamin D Dependent Antimicrobial Response is Related to Skin Pigmentation A.R. Martineau
Vitamin D Enhances Antimycobacterial Immunity in vivo C. Mathieu
Novel Insights in the Immune Function of the Vitamin D Increased NF-kB Activity in Fibroblasts Lacking the Vitamin Sunday, April 9: PM
Session XI: Vitamin D Hydroxylases and Metabolism
Session Chairpersons: H.L. Henry, M. Hewison
In Memory of John L. Omdahl and E. Barbara Mawer
M. Hewison
Extra-Renal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-1α-Hydroxylase in PTH/cAMP-Induced 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D)- C/EBPb Interactions Mediate 1,25D Tight Transcriptional Control of Renal 1,25D Production Calcium Sensing Receptor-Mediated Regulation of 25- Hydroxyvitamin D3-1α-Hydroxylase Activity in Human G.S. Reddy
Metabolism of 1α,25 Dihydroxy-16-ene-20-Epi-Vitamin D3 and its C-3 Epimer through a Novel C-1 Esterification Pathway in Rat Osteosarcoma Cells (UMR 106) N. Isoherran
Identification of Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases Catalyzing Hepatic 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Conjugation J.R. Muindi
CYP24 Splicing Variants Are Associated With Different Patterns of Constitutive and Calcitriol-Inducible CYP24 Activities in a Human Prostate Cancer Cells M.J. Rowling
Megalin Mediated Endocytosis of Vitamin D Binding Protein Correlates with 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 Actions in Career Awards Ceremony
Monday, April 10: AM
Session XII: Transgenic Models Session Chairperson: M.B. Demay
D. Goltzman
New Concepts of Vitamin D Action As Illuminated By Session XIII: Vitamin D Nutrition Aspects B Session Chairpersons: S. Whiting, P. Lips

R.P. Heaney
PLENARY LECTURE: The Case for Improving Vitamin D
S.M. Kimball
Dosing with the Upper Limit for Vitamin D3 Intake Has No Effect on Serum Calcium or Calcitriol Levels in School Children The Assessment of Circulating 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D: Session Chairpersons: A.W. Norman, R. Bouillon Vitamin D Intake and Nutritional Status in Europe and Asia S.J. Whiting
Dietary Intakes of Vitamin D in North America and In Asia- Pacific Countries Are Not Sufficient to Prevent Vitamin D Insufficiency Review of Vitamin D Safety: Revision of the Tolerable B.W. Hollis
Circulating Vitamin D3 and 25(OH)D in Humans: An Important Tool to Define Adequate Nutritional Vitamin D Status Summary of the North American Conference on UV, OPEN FORUM

Tuesday, April 11: AM
Session XIV: Renal OsteodystrophySession Chairperson: E. Slatopolsky, R. Thadhani
In Memory of Jack W. Coburn
A.J. Brown
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism and Vitamin D Analogs: M.V. Arcidiacono
TGFa/EGFE-Induction of Dominant Negative C/EBPB (LIP) Mediates the Severity of Parathyroid Hyperplasia and the Onset of Vitamin D Resistance in Chronic Kidney Disease R. Thadhani
Therapeutic Role of Vitamin D Receptor Activator in Session XV: Rapid ResponsesSession Chairperson: B. Boyan, A.W. Norman
B.D. Boyan
1α,25(OH)2D3 Is an Autocrine Regulator of ECM Turnover and Growth Factor Release Via ERP60 Activated Matrix Vesicle MMPS A.W. Norman
1α,25(OH)2D3, Nucleus, Genomic Responses, Caveolae, Rapid Responses, Vitamin D Receptor WT and KO: Integration via a Conformational Ensemble Model K.M. Dixon
In Vivo Relevance for Photoprotection by the Vitamin D
Session XVI: Hair
Session Chairperson: R. Kumar

10:55 – 11:15 AM
M.B. Demay
Role of the Vitamin D Receptor in Hair Follicle Biology Session XVII: Poster Session C

11:20 – 1:30 PM
Tuesday, April 11: PM

Session XVIII: Cancer B
Session Chairpersons: D.L. Trump, G. Studzinski

L. Adorini
Control of Prostate Growth and Inflammation by the Vitamin M.J. Campbell
Identifying 1α,25(OH)2D3-Responsive Transcriptional M.F. Holick
Evaluation of Novel Gemini Vitamin D Analogs for the Treatment of Colon, Prostate and Pancreatic Cancers T.M. Beer
Targeting the Vitamin D Receptor with High Dose Pulse C. Johnson
Calcitriol Enhances Anti-Tumor Activity of Ketoconazole/Dexamethasone in vitro and in vivo in Human Prostate Cancer PC-3 Model Through Caspase-8/Caspase 6 and Mitochondrial/AIF Apoptotic Pathways P.P. Dwivedi
Role of Oncoprotein Growth Factor Independent-1 (GFI1) in Repression of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 1-alpha Hydroxylase (CYP27B1) Gene In Human Prostate Cancer Cells Session XIX: Bone Session Chairpersons: J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen, H.F. Deluca

N. Kurihara
Enhanced Vitamin D Receptor-Mediated Signal Transduction Appears to Be Requested for Development of Pagetic Osteoclasts P.H. Anderson
Autocrine Activities of 1α,25(OH)2D3 in Human Osteoblast- P.T.M. van
TRPV Calcium Channels, Vitamin D and Bone Metabolism Session XX: Skin-Heart - Session Chairperson: M. Garabedian
Sequential Regulation of Keratinocyte Differentiation By R. Simpson
Characterization of Heart Function and Structure in the 7:00 – 10:00 PM
Grand Banquet at the Royal BC Museum

Wednesday, April 12: AM

Session XXI: Osteoporosis Session Chairpersons: J.C. Gallagher, N. Kubodera

T. Matsumoto
ED-71, A New Active Vitamin D, Increases Bone Mass Regardless of Serum 25(OH)D Levels in Osteoporotic Subjects H. Bischoff-
Estimation of Optimal Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels J.C. Gallagher
An Age Related Decrease in Creatine Clearance is Associated with an Increase in Number of Falls in Untreated Women but Not Women Receiving Calcitriol COFFEE BREAK
Session XXII: VDR and Gene Regulation B Session Chairpersons: J.H. White, J.W. Pike
M.R. Haussler
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) and Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 (FGF-23), Inextricably Linked Reciprocal Endocrine Partners in the Regulation of Phosphate and Bone Metabolism J.H. White
Genomic Approaches to Identification of 1,25- Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Target Genes Implicated in its L. Verlinden
1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3-Induced Down-Regulation of the Checkpoint Proteins, CHEK1 and CLASPIN, is Mediated by the Pocket Proteins p107 and P130 S. Christakos
New Insights into the Function and Regulation of Vitamin D H.D. Marks
Transgenic Expression of the Human Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) in Duodenum of VDR-Null Mice Attenuates Age-Dependent Decline in Calcium Absorption P. Dhawan
Novel Regulation by Glucocorticoids of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 24-Hydroxylase (24(OH)ASE) Through A Functional Renal Protective Role of Vitamin D in the Development of CLOSING REMARKS: R. Bouillon, A.W. Norman


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