Deliverable nr 15: A generic report from participants’ continuous dissemination The continuous dissemination ensured the project transparency and communicated project results during all the stages of the project progress, maintaining the interest of the public in the project during the whole demonstration. This was done by the means of the constantly updated project webpage:, project brochures in English and Bulgarian, conference papers, project exposure at international events, information meetings, networking and guided project site visits. The targeted dissemination was carried out by two international workshops organized in Sofia, Bulgaria in May 2006 and in Jönköping, Sweden in June 2006 in conjunction with the World Bioenergy 2006. Both workshops raised a broad interest in the project results and were attended by a large audience. The interest in the project increased during the demonstration period, both nationally and internationally, due to intense dissemination activity. This was reflected by an increased number of information requirements and guided visits organized at the project site by national and international delegations, organizations, interest groups, and private persons. Already from the planning, and throughout the construction phase the project was introduced to the large public and to specialists by newspaper articles in Swedish and international newspapers, as well as broadcastings on the Swedish national and regional TV-channels. Furthermore the project was presented at a number of information meetings with the national and international authorities, governmental and municipal representatives from all over the world and international organization and associations. The project concept was disseminated throughout conference papers and expert meetings and throughout guided study visits at the project site. The Bulgarian partner contributed to the dissemination efforts marketing the concept and approach of the project, in line with EU requirements and creating broad awareness and interest for similar projects in Bulgaria, where three towns, comparable in size with Västerås, were selected as potential locations for implementation of a similar project in Bulgaria. The dissemination activities in Bulgaria ranged from information meetings with Bulgarian officials and interest groups, TV and radio broadcasting and interviews, articles and national publications, conference presentations, production of dissemination materials in Bulgarian and a special webpage. 2001 The work so far has been to collect information from the different project partners in order to produce an information booklet regarding the project, the aim of the project and the different partners roll in the project. 2002 Dissemination for the EU project as a whole. We have developed a new graphic profile for the project. This for building up an identity for the project as such and also in the purpose to be recognised by the public. Work have also been done regarding building up a local home page connected to the home page of the Municipality of Växjö. This in information purpose to the local inhabitants of Växjö, as example farmers. SDU developped an international web-site for the EU project AGROPTI-gas as a whole for information towards the inhabitant of Europe. This home page will be the official home page of the EU project, financed by the Commission. The AGROPTI-gas project website was launched at the middle of august 2002. Please also see the web address SDU has also, together with the Municipality of Växjö, produced an informational booklet about the EU project AGROPTI-gas as such and the different partners taking part in the project. This booklet was, as an example, distributed at the conference regarding biogas in Amsterdam in June 2002. 2003 Main activities have been to elaborate a communication and information plan, which constitutes deliverable number D 10, according to the Deliverables List linked to the AGROPTI-gas project. In the plan, a list over the planned activities for the different interest groups, their estimated cost and which actor who has the main responsibility for the activity in question are presented. SDU has also contributed with a synopsis about the AGROPTI-gas project to a comprehensive booklet about bio- energy. The booklet is composed by Mr Erich Nägele, CEC EU INT. 2004 The work on a new website for information to the households and other interest groups has started. The website will cover information about the source separation of organic waste and other issues concerning waste handling. The website will also have a link to the AGROPTI-gas website. In Västerås the World Environmental Day was celebrated the 5th of June. At “Bondtorget”, a central square in Västerås, the project had an information stand. Information about the project, the biogas buses and cars were made. The farmers contributed with a stand, selling locally produced food. The project has drawn intense attention from a range of single persons, organisations and interest groups. During the period the project and plants under construction have been shown to several groups. Example of information activities were:
• Presentation of the project at a seminar about Environmental friendly cars at Mälardalen
• Presentation at Swedish Biogas Association annual technical seminar
• Visit of students from Mälardalens University (two different occasions) • Presentation of the project for representatives for the municipalities in the region
• Visit of representatives from ten Finnish municipalities
• Information about the project for representatives for the Ministry of Environmental in China • Visit of a number of farmers in the region
• The project was presented for the panel of experts for evaluation of research activities at JTI.
The committee members were: Thomas Johansson, Agronomist, Vice President, Federation of Swedish Farmers, (LRF) Stockholm, Sweden, Josse de Baerdemaeker, Professor Dr. Ir. Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium and Aad A. Jongebreur, Director, ir. Wageningen University & Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands.
• Oral presentation of the project by JTI during the annual meeting of The Foundation for
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Research (SJMF). The Foundation consists of ca 60 industry members representing agriculture and environmental engineering.
• The annual report of JTI was published. On page 13, the AGROPTIgas project is presented.
• The project was presented for delegates from Michigan State University, led by Prof.
• During the visit to JTI from Weststart CALSTART, an organisation from California working
on promoting the development of environmental friendly transportation, the project was presented. The participants came from the following organisations; California Energy Commission, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, RCM Digesters, Sustainable Conservation, University of California at Davis
• The 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion in Montreal, Canada. The project was
presented by JTI, especially the laboratory and pilot studies, which was used a decision support for building the biogas plant.
During the period, approximately ten articles about the project have been published in both local newspapers and magazines spread all over the country. One article has also been published in a German waste-handling magazine. The regional TV-channel, TV4 Bergslagen, has at two times reported about the project.
The Bulgarian partner has developed a proposal to PHARE/TAIEX for a study visit to EU countries members of the project. The proposal was submitted by the end of May. Because enlargement and acceptance of the ten new countries, there might be some delay in TAIEX decision. Because some delay about decision concerning extension of the project, BAI has started some organisational procedure about an international seminar in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian partners efforts and participation in this project, beyond the contractual agreement, is to market the “project’s concept and approach”, in line with EU requirements, to create awareness and a broad interest for practical solutions in Bulgaria. The project is already presented to the Bulgarian Ministry of regional development and construction work. Within the framework of pre-accession funds ISPA EC provides financing for environmental projects. BAI’s efforts and participation in this project, beyond the contractual agreement, is to market the “project’s concept and approach”, in line with EU requirements, to create awareness and a broad interest for practical solutions in Bulgaria.
2004-2005 Project networking, communication and correspondence have been performed in accordance with the working programme. The interest for the project has increased during the period. Information about the project has been given at seminars and for visiting groups at the plant.
Information activities in Västerås were:
• Visits of the reference group for the research project “Organic Residues in Circulation”
• Visit of shareholders for Vafab (70 persons)
• Visits Visit of representatives for municipalities in Estonia
• Visit of students from Mälardalens University
• Visit of representatives for municipalities in the Vafab region working with waste
• Visit of Svensk Biogas AB, Linköping • Visit of a group from Renova (The waste management company in Gothenburg)
• Visit of a group from the municipality in Vallentuna
• Visit of LRF INNOVA (Part of LRF for promoting farmers with new ideas how to improve
• Visit of a group of farmers in the “Energy network” at Grästorp • Oral presentation of the project at a seminar arranged by The Royal Swedish Academy of
• Information about the project for a group of farmers nearby Katrineholm
• Visits of the Technical Society in Västerås
Växjö presented the AGROPTI-gas project for a Finnish group studying bio energy in Sweden. In the group scientists from Jyväskylä Science Park, Jyväskyla University, FINBIO (Finnish Bioenergy Association) and companies in the waste business were represented. During the period JTI made one presentation of the project (041210) for a group of farmers. Many people, communities and other interest groups both from Sweden and other countries are interested in the project. Information about the project has been given at seminars and for a number of visiting groups at the plant. Some examples of the vast information activities in Västerås during the report period are:
• Study groups from the Mälardalens högskola, Poland, National environmental Protection
Agency, Technical Department of Örebro Community, Edströmska School for Driving School Teachers, The owners of Vafab (twelve municipalities), The Technical society in Västerås, three municipalities from Latvia, VKU in Wienna, Austria, The company ICA, Members of the EU-parliament and The Association of Ecological Farmers in the region
• Information about the project at World Environmental day in Västerås
• Presentation of the project at the National seminar on biogas as vehicle fuel “Full gas” and at
JTI disseminated results at a workshop organised by the EU-project CROPGEN and IEA bioenergy in Utrecht 22 Sept with approx. 60 participants. The aim was to bring together leading specialists in related aspects of sustainable energy production and agricultural systems to share lessons and explore common concepts. Special emphasis was on energy crops for biogas production. During the workshop preliminary results from the AGROPTI-gas project was presented with focus on the handling system of ley crops and the experiences from the first season of harvest. There was a big interest for the project since it is, as far as known, the only project dealing with centralised solutions for digesting energy crops. BAI continues to devote some time to extensive dissemination of project information to the most important players, farmers and organise meetings with farmers and municipalities to introduce them to the EU approach to renewable energy sources and its implication on agriculture. Växjö presented the AGROPTI-gas project at IEA Bioenergy working group on Socio-economic drivers meeting in Croatia in June. A paper was published with the proceedings, Agropti-gas – a joint venture : From household waste and crop to organic fertiliser and biogas. The project has also been presented in connection with several study visits from Japan and USA. 2005-2006 The project is drawing an increasing attention from different groups both from Sweden and from other countries. Information about the project has been given at seminars and for a number of visiting groups at the plant and at national and international seminars. A brochure has been produced and the seminars in Sofia and Jönköping have been prepared. A new web-site design and management system has been taken in operation and the web-pages has been updated and expanded by Växjö. Some examples of the vast information activities in Västerås during the report period are:
• Groups of farmers from Sweden and Finland
• A group of European journalists invited by Volvo Cars
• The Swedish biogas association • Representatives from cities in England • Representatives for city of Toronto
• Representatives for the cities of Novgorod and Minsk
• Representatives for the city of Murmansk • Representatives from the environmental authorities in the Nordic countries
• Representatives from cities in Italy • Personnel from the farming unit at the county administrative board
• A group joining a study tour organised by FAO • A group from Örebro County Energy and Environmental Network • A group of consultants from Sweco
• Presentation of the project at the ASEM Workshop on Community-Level Actions for Global
Environmental Agenda in Tokyo and at a seminar at the Swedish Embassy in Tokyo.
The activity of SDU during the reported period consisted of finalising the arrangements and the programmes for the workshop and study tour in June 2006 in Sweden and of the one in May 2006 in Bulgaria, in collaboration with the AGROPTI-gas coordinator, Svebio and BAI.
Dissemination of the project during the period was made at the 7th FAO/SREN-workshop held in Uppsala, 30 Nov-02 Dec 2005, “The future of biogas for sustainable energy production in Europe”. The workshop was organised in cooperation with FAL in Germany. Approximately 40 participants from 13 different countries participated during the 3-day event. During the last day a study visit was arranged to the Växtkraft biogas plant in Västerås, where the biogas production and up-grading plant was shown including the bus depot. The visit and the information about the AGROPTI-gas project were highly appreciated by the foreign visitors. The study within WP 8 “Evaluation of a handling system for ley crop used in biogas production” has been disseminated through a web-notice on the JTI web-page. JTI have assisted a group of students from the University of Uppsala with information on the project. The six students made a 5-credit study in technology and science history where they compared the outcome and the factors influencing why the plant in Västerås was realised and why the plant in Växjö was not realised.
The interest for producing biogas from crops in the city of Stockholm has led to a pre-feasibility study with the objectives to investigate how 100 GWh of biogas could be produced from energy crops. JTI is participating in that pre-feasibility study and the information about and experiences from the Växtkraft plant and the AGROPTI-gas project has been an important input to the calculations and in the communication with the municipality and the energy company. The local waste management company TRAAB in Vänersborg has initiated a project regarding use of energy crops in their biogas plant and also the possibilities of using digestate for growing energy crop. JTI participates in this project, where information from the AGROPTI-gas project is of great importance. JTI has accomplish presentations at three Swedish conferences where information about and dissemination of gained experiences from the AGROPTI-gas project has been a part in the presentation.
1. The Swedish Gas Association (, 6th of April 2006 in Stockholm.
Theme for the presentation: Biogas today and in the future; Audience of about 70 people. Mostly decision makers working with natural gas.
2. The Swedish Bioenergy Association (, 15th of March 2006 in
Södertälje. Theme for the presentation: Biogas from the Swedish agriculture; Audience of about 70 people. Mostly representatives from agricultural companies and decision makers in municipalities.
3. The Swedish Agricultural Engineering Association together with The Swedish Association for
consultants in Agricultural Engineering, 31th of October 2006 in Örebro. ( Theme for the presentation: Bioenergy in the future agriculture; Audience of about 100 people, mostly farmers and consultants in Agricultural Engineering.
BAI has continued its work to prepare for a seminar in Bulgaria. The place for the seminar was selected; town of Sofia. Three towns, comparable in size with Västerås, has been selected as potential places for implementation of a project similar to that carried out by the municipality of Västerås. After the seminar study trips are planned to these towns and meetings with professional organisations and NGOs are planned as well. The AGROPTI-gas project was presented by Växjö at a regional seminar in Borås with focus on EU-projects for public sector, and at various local events and study visits.
Apart from the targeted dissemination activities, each partner contributed to the dissemination of the project results by own initiatives.
JTI has accomplished four presentations at three different conferences where information about and dissemination of gained experiences from the AGROPTI-gas project have been presented. Two conferences were in Sweden and one in Bulgaria.
4. AGROPTI-gas dissemination meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, 9th and 10th of May 2006. Theme for the two presentations: A)Socio economic aspects: Is win-win possible? by Andras Baky B) Digestate as fertiliser in cereals production by Åke Nordberg.
5. World Bioenergy 2006 ( ) in Jönköping, 1st of June
2006, Sweden. Socio economic aspects: Is win-win possible? by Andras Baky
6. A 10 years biogas anniversary celebration in Trollhättan.
(, 31st of May, Sweden. Theme for the presentation: Biogas from crops by Åke Nordberg; Audience of about 80 people with participates from 10 different countries.The Swedish participated where mostly decision makers from municipalities and from biogas companies.
The gained results from the ley crop handling system at Växtkraft plant has been communicated with the Swedish consultant company SWECO VIAK AB. For instant, they have used this information in a feasibility study for the municipalities Trollhättan and Grästorp where production of energy crop from 2200 ha for biogas production has been studied. During the whole project duration, BAI has done an intensive dissemination activity. Up to June 2006, the following state institutions were informed twice a year about the AGROPTI-gas developments: Ministry of environment and water, Ministry of agriculture and forest, Ministry of economy and energy, Ministry of construction and regional development, Agency for renewable energy resources, EC Delegation in Sofia – a letter (Ref.N NN-3-8/01/2002) to Mr Dimitris Kourkoulas, head of Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria. Information meetings were held with representatives of municipalities having economic potential, according to local standards, to carry out similar project within EU financed program ISPA. All municipalities received hard copies of project description. To the end of 2005 were organised meetings with representatives from 17 municipalities to discuss different activities within the project. After the AGROPTI-gas workshop in Sofia, BAI has assisted mayors of towns of Sadovo and Asenovgrad to submit their applications to EC, TAIEX, for a study visit to the project site in Västerås, Sweden. After the workshop in Bulgaria, two municipalities have submitted a proposal for a seminar in Bulgaria with lecturers from the EU on the issues concerning biomass action plan in EU and practical implementation of such projects as the project in Västerås. In 11-12-13 May 2006 the AGROPTI-gas project team 5 municipalities (Sadovo, Asenovgrad, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven and Kiustendil upon request of these municipalities. In order to assess the potential for biomass production and administrative ability of municipalities to carry out a similar project, the AGROPTI-gas team visited private farms, a fish breading farm, a composting site and landfills and met NGOs and private investors, interested in biological waste treatment and management. They gave detailed information about source separation of waste in Sweden. Information about the workshop in Bulgaria was sent to the Swedish Embassy in Bulgaria and about its outcomes. Several Bulgarian municipalities are planning a meeting with the Swedish Embassy in order to develop further co-operation with EU within biomass management. On 12 May 2006 the national TV broadcasted and interview with project co-ordinator, Mrs. Sarah Nilsson, Mr. Nedialko Nedialkov, chairman – BAI and with 5 participants on the workshop in Bulgaria, Sofia. All presentations at the Bulgarian workshop will be published in Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, an academic journal published by scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Science and other universities. Before the seminar brochures of the AGROPTI-gas project in English and Bulgarian were distributed to the relevant commissions in the Parliament, Council of Ministers and the relevant ministries, state agencies and municipalities. 100 English brochures were provided by Växtkraft team and sent out to municipalities after the workshop. Because of the great interest for the biogas plant in Västerås it was decided to upload the brochures on the internet, on a special web page
dedicated to the final results of the AGROPTI-gas project. The Bulgarian Academy of Science, BAI and Institute of Microbiology are planning a meeting, in September 2006, to discuss the outcomes of the Bulgarian workshop, in line with Bulgaria’s future EU membership and future R&D with EU partners. On regular basis BAI meets with NGOs involved in environment protection. These meetings are used also to present results of AGROPTI-gas project. During the interval 01 April – 30 June 2006, the project site was visited by a large number of people. All visits were guided by Växtkraft people. Among the visitors there were:
• The local housing organizations in Västerås, 20 persons • The Swedish Waste Association, 10 persons • EU-project "BiogasMax", Stockholm, 4 persons • The city of Ljubljana, 6 persons • The municipality of Jönköping, Sweden, 22 persons • The RagnSells Company, 5 persons
• The Swedish Waste Association, Working group Biological treatment, 20 persons • IEA Bioenergy Group, 8 persons
• Municipality of Tokyo, Japan, 4 persons • Four municipalities (FREVAR) from Norway • Four municipalities from the Northern Ireland, 40 persons • The municipality of Hallstahammar, 9 persons
• The conservatives (political party) in Västmanland, 10 persons
• Seniors from the Arosbygdens Lantmän, 34 persons
• The Swedish tax authority, 2 persons • Local housing organizations in Västerås, 18 persons
• The local bus company, 10 persons • The local university in Västerås, 14 persons
• The municipality of Östersund, Sweden, 18 persons
• The Swedish water Association, 64 persons
• The energy association of Västmanland, 14 persons
• The local Chemistry Association16 persons
• Representatives for the Swedish left wing party, 9 persons
• The local energy company, 11 persons
• The local university in Västerås, 12 persons
• Farmers from northern France, 20 persons
• The municipality of Falkenberg and EON, Sweden,4 persons
• The municipality of Panjim, Goa, India, 1 person
Within the same period, representatives of Växtkraft presented the project to all municipalities within the county of Västmanland and to the board of the local energy company. Apart from the contribution to the workshop in Bulgaria and in Sweden, the AGROPTI-gas project was presented by Thorsten Ahrens/FAL with the occasion of the seminar for German farmers in Werlte, Germany, on the 22nd of June 2006 and at the ”Tarmstedter Gespräche" within the exhibition "Tarmstedter Ausstellung" in Tarmstedt, Germany on the 8th of July 2006.
Economics 101 - Key for Midterm #2 April 18, 2001 Parts a, b, c and d are worth 6, 12, 7 and 8, respectively for a total of 33 points. 1a. The U.S. has a comparative advantage in the production of automobiles since it can produce automobiles at a lower opportunity (foregoes 1/2 shirt for 1 automobile) cost than Indonesia (foregoes 6 shirts for 1 automobile). Indonesia has a comparative
ARTIKEL HOMEOPATHIE MAGAZINE (OKTOBER 2010) Het is 1992 als bij Mieke Roerig de diagnose MS wordt gesteld. Acht jaar lang verplaatst zij zich met een scootmobiel. Als ze via haar man in aanraking komt met klassiek homeopaat Ton Jansen verandert haar leven. Vanaf het vierde bezoek aan Jansen´s praktijk kan ze weer zonder hulpmiddelen lopen. Ton Jansen, vader van vijf kinderen, is 23 jaar klass