Doxycycline and osteoarthritis: what does it show us? Original article Brandt KD et al. (2005) Effects of
pain and function were used as secondary
doxycycline on progression of osteoarthritis. Results of a
randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Arthritis Rheum52: 2015–2025
A total of 431 patients were deemed eligible for
KEYWORDS doxycycline, joint-space narrowing,
this trial after successfully completing the run-in
period and were subsequently randomized to receive 100 mg doxycycline (n = 218) or placebo
(n = 213) twice daily. A total of 307 patients
Previous laboratory studies have suggested
completed the study, 149 from the doxycycline
that the tetracycline antibiotic doxycycline
group and 158 from the placebo group. At base-
can be effective in slowing the progression of
line, there were no significant differences in BMI,
radiographic severity, minimum JSN, pain and functional impairment in the knee and previous
treatment for OA between groups. Assessment
The objective of this trial was to determine
of the index knee showed significant difference
whether or not doxycycline can reduce disease
between the two treatment groups with respect
progression in patients with OA as determined
to overall rate of JSN (P = 0.009), baseline joint-
space width (JSW; P <0.001) and baseline pain (P <0.0001). At 16 months, the mean ± SD loss
of JSW in patients in the doxycycline group was
0.15 ± 0.42 mm, compared with 0.24 ± 0.54 mm in
controlled trial included obese women aged
the patients receiving placebo (adjusted P = 0.027).
between 45 and 64 years with unilateral knee
At the end of the trial, the mean ± SD loss of JSW
OA diagnosed by radiography. Patients with
was 33% less in the doxycycline group, compared
secondary knee OA, inflammatory arthritis or
with the placebo group of patients. Analysis
a history of tetracycline allergy were excluded
of data on the contralateral knee showed that
from this trial. Following a 30-day run-in period
both at 16 months and at the end of the study,
of placebo treatment, participating patients
loss of JSW was similar to that observed in the
were randomized to receive either doxy cycline
index knee. Reports of a mean increase in pain
greater than 20% in the index knee at follow-up
examinations of tibiofemoral joint-space
(as measured on the WOMAC pain scale) were
narrowing (JSN) were performed at baseline,
fewer in the patients receiving doxycycline. No
16 months and at the end of the trial. Joint pain
significant effect of doxycycline was observed in
was assessed at 6-month intervals throughout
JSN or pain of the contralateral knee. CONCLUSION OUTCOME MEASURES
The authors conclude that doxycycline is effec-
The primary outcome measure in this study
tive in reducing the rate of JSN in patients with
was the rate of JSN in the medial tibiofemoral
established knee OA, but does not reduce JSN
compartment of the knee. Changes in knee
2006 Nature Publishing Group
symptoms; end-stage patients might have little
or no cartilage and constant pain. Future trials
Tim D Spector
might have to be performed on both ends of
Associate Editor, Nature Clinical Practice.
the clinical spectrum unless MRI allows greater
The article by Brandt and colleagues details the
sensitivity to bone and cartilage changes. Competing interests
long-awaited findings of a placebo-controlled
Finally, having demonstrated that these drugs
study of doxycycline in obese women with
can retard joint damage, the following ques-
moderate knee OA. A small (33%), but significant,
tion needs to be addressed: is there a need for
beneficial change in JSN was found in the index,
new drugs and would patients adhere to new
more severely affected, knee and trends towards
treatment? Although a few patients adhere to
symptomatic differences were also observed. No
treatment with long-term antibiotics, most
effects of doxycycline were found in the mildly
patients and their doctors would feel uneasy
affected contralateral knee, however, which was
about doxycycline, even if patients coped with
one of the primary outcome measures. Also, the
the gastrointestinal symptoms, unless they
mode of action of doxy cycline is still unclear and
had inoperable disease and severe pain. It has
Received 13 October 2005
might involve cartilage, bone, or both.
been argued that this ‘successful’ trial might
Accepted 12 December 2005
This study is important for several reasons.
lead to further futile efforts to develop drugs
Firstly, this is a proof-of-concept study that
for a condition that can be easily treated with
shows that a drug can reduce cartilage changes
sticking plaster, osteo tomies and joint replace-
in the knee in less than 3 years. Studies of gluco-
ment.5 The millions of patients who take
samine have inconsistently reported similar
long-term daily glucosamine or chondroitin
effects, but have not been widely accepted
without symptomatic relief, in the hope that it
for reasons of methodology and biology, and
will eventually help, suggest that there is a real
a study of dia cerhein showed a smaller effect
demand for disease-modifying drugs and this
on the hip; treatment reduced JSN but did not
nihilistic future view of pharmaceuticals for OA
is not shared by most. This author would rather
Secondly, the authors illustrate how difficult it
take a hypothetical safe drug for years, such as a
is to perform such studies effectively. This study
monthly bisphosphonate, than take any chances
took almost 15 years, from planning to publica-
with the surgeon’s knife. Further drug studies
tion, using ‘state-of-the-art’ X-ray techniques
in OA are, therefore, eagerly anticipated.
which now look outdated. The study coincided
with the lack of success of the large and expensive
et al. (2001) Evaluation of the structure-
risedronate OA program, which might have been
modifying effects of diacerein in hip osteoarthritis: ECHODIAH, a three-year, placebo-controlled trial.
partly explained by the sensitivity of the X-ray
Evaluation of the chondromodulating effect of
methods and lack of progressors;2 it is likely that
diacerein in OA of the hip. Arthritis Rheum44:
this will be one of the last large X-ray therapeutic
et al. (2005) Effect of risedronate on joint
studies performed. Meanwhile, the FDA and the
structure and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis: results
European Medicines Agency (EMEA) have yet to
of the BRISK randomised controlled trial. Arthritis Res
decide on rules for a therapeutic alternative using
Ther7: R625–R633 et al. (2004) Predictors of structural
progression in knee osteoarthritis over 24 months
Thirdly, it is difficult to correlate improve-
[abstract #254]. Arthritis Rheum254: S149 PRACTICE POINT
ments in JSW with symptoms. Until recently
et al. (2004) Pitfalls in the accurate
measurement of joint space narrowing in semiflexed,
there was little supporting natural-history data,
anteroposterior radiographic imaging of the knee.
although larger studies are now rectifying this.3
Arthritis Rheum50: 2508–2515
Any lack of correlation might be caused by lack
5 Dieppe P (2005) Disease modification in osteoarthritis:
are drugs the answer? Arthritis Rheum52: 1956–1959
of efficacy or X-ray sensitivity,4 but is more
likely to be because of case selection. Patients
TD Spector is a Consultant Rheumatologist and a
with early-stage disease have sufficient cartilage
Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at St Thomas’
and measurable, but only mild or intermittent,
2006 Nature Publishing Group
CE1 – CE2 Ce qui me paraît important à mettre en évidence : - la « libération » de Mme K au travers des illustrations (3 niveaux) : ? bulle bleue (esprit préoccupé) / tache noire (idées noires, elle broie du noir) / visage anxieux ? jusqu’à l’occupation pratiquement entière de la page par une immense tache ? disparition des bulles (une petite dernière au-dessus de sa têt
Studia Medyczne Akademi wiêtokrzyskiejMa³gorzata Nowak, Adam Kabza, Stanis³aw G³uszekZak³ad Chirurgi i Pielêgniarstwa KlinicznegoWydzia³ Nauk o Zdrowiu Akademi wiêtokrzyskiej w KielcachDyrektor: prof. dr hab. n. med. S. G³uszekNiepubliczny Zak³ad Opieki Zdrowotnej w. Aleksandra w KielcachINTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION DUE TO A COLONIC LIPOMAT³uszczaki s¹ rzadkimi ³agodnymi guzami