Project acronym TransBasin Project title Start and end date Funding programme A The topic the project: T F Transboundary water management, sustainable agriculture, ecosystems services,
environmental education, wastewater treatment, streams restoration. A short summary of the project:
In many parts of the world water resources traverse political boundaries. The sus-
tainable management of these transboundary water resources by necessity requires
regional cooperation among riparian states. Coupled with physical water scarcity
OJEC is increasing demand for water by growing populations and expanding economic
sectors. In regions in which political relations are fragile, these tensions can prevent
the establishment of a lasting peace or even erupt into active conflict.
In the proposed IRSES program, the aim is to study the Jordan River basin, shared by
Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, and the Guadiana River basin, shared
by Portugal and Spain. The objective of this program is to provide a scientific forum
CH PR for the establishment of a common ground for these basins as case studies of con-
flict and cooperation in river basin management and to identify the principles and
mechanisms that both promote and hinder cooperation. Lessons learned from this
project can be applied to other transboundary river basins in Europe and through-
The main objectives of the project:
∙ To bring together experts and regional decision makers to create momentum for
multilateral management of the Jordan River Dead Sea Basin and the Guadiana
RESEAR ∙ To develop collaborative projects that can be undertaken for the benefit of the
environment and the peoples of the two regions. The projects are in the fields of: Link to EU water policy:
13. Adaptation to Climate Change Framework
Link to business: Link to research: The main results the project already achieved:
∙ The kickoff meeting was held in March, and at this point the activities are still in
∙ Waste water treatment: small greywater treatment facilities were installed in West
Bank villages, and their effectiveness has been monitored; workshops have been
held for Palestinian and Israeli waste water specialists
∙ Environmental Education: a curriculum has been developed and students chosen
∙ Real work will begin in the fall, with the first secondments from Spain and Israel in
Jordan and Palestine, and from Jordan and Palestine to Israel
Dissemination activities and events planned in 2012 within the project:
In 2012, the project will hold two conferences in Israel for stakeholders and profes-
sionals, one on water and tourism in the Dead Sea, and one on solar desalination. Dissemination material: Contacts Project coordinator e-mail address Organisations in the consortium Name of institution Country Role
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas da
Chapter 22 Solutions 22.1. (a) Diagram below. (b) The null hypothesis is “all groups have the same mean rest period,” and the alternative is “at least one group has a different mean rest period.” The P -value shows significant evidence against H 0, and the graph leads us to conclude that caffeine has the effect of reducing the length of the rest period. Note: Students mig
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