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Pearce, L. R. (2009). Helping children with emotional difficulties: A response to intervention investigation. The Rural Educator, 30(2), 34-46.
Helping Children with Emotional Difficulties: A Response to Intervention Investigation Lee R. Pearce
This article describes a Response to Intervention (RTI) model of service delivery implemented within a rural elementary school for students in kindergarten through fifth grade experiencing significant emotional and behavioral difficulties. A multi-tiered model is presented that includes school wide interventions in Tier 1, as well as a six separate interventions applied within Tier 2 and Tier 3. These included applied behavioral analysis, social skills training, counseling, differentiated instruction, cognitive behavioral interventions and parent involvement designed to assist identified students with improving prosocial skills. Nine children were treated within this program model over a two year period, resulting in two students being placed in special education under the category of emotional disturbance by the project’s termination. Positive and negative aspects of the project’s implementation are reviewed, along with directions for future research.
The challenge of meeting the educational needs of
special education teachers due to low salaries, limited
children exhibiting severe emotional and behavioral resources, geographic isolation and a paucity of funds and problems has been well documented within the research
time for ongoing staff development. In addition, Miller,
literature (Gresham, 2005; Simpson, 2004; Harris-Murri,
Brownell and Smith (1999) indicated there is some evidence
King, & Rostenberg, 2006). These issues appear that Special Education teachers who are inadequately particularly problematic within the rural educational setting
prepared are more likely to leave teaching for alternative
(Murray, 2005). A Response to Intervention (RTI) model
employment. This lack of highly qualified staff directly
can provide a methodology to assist this population in being
affects the rural school’s ability to meet the demands of No
successful within the academic environment. While the
Child Left Behind, including their accountability for student
majority of research to date has involved the application of
growth academically and behaviorally (Nagle, Hernandez,
RTI models to the treatment and identification of learning
Embler, Mclaughlin & Doh, 2006). Hughes and Adera
disabilities (Fletcher, Francis, Morris & Lyon, 2005;
(2006) suggested these issues are exacerbated when
Kavale, Holdnack & Mostert, 2005; Marston, 2005), others
considering service provision for students with emotional
have indicated the appropriateness of this process to the
disabilities. In addition, researchers have identified factors
treatment of behavioral and emotional challenges many
that impact the threat of litigation regarding the delivery of
students face (Batsche, Elliot, Graden, Grimes, Kavaleski,
special education services in rural areas (Scheffel, Rude, &
Prasse, et al, 2005; Reschly, 2006; Gresham, 2005). This
Bole, 2005) and specifically to the provision of services for
program evaluation describes the implementation of a RTI
students experiencing emotional disabilities (Murray, 2005).
model, within the framework of positive behavioral These factors include staff expertise in dealing effectively supports, in helping children in kindergarten through fifth
with children with emotional disabilities and the ability to
grade who experience challenging behavior that adversely
communicate compassionately and effectively with parents
of children experiencing these challenges. Finally,
Several barriers to the provision of special education
Thornton, Hill & Usinger (2006) suggested rural schools
services within rural areas have been enumerated in the
struggle with a lack of integrated, systemic approaches
research literature including recruitment and retention of
when considering ways to improve the adequate yearly
highly qualified teachers, meeting the demands of No Child
progress of students as mandated by No Child Left Behind.
Left Behind and the threat of litigation regarding service
Rural schools tended to deal with isolated subgroups (e.g.,
delivery methods. These barriers have issues in common.
special education or minority students not making adequate
Kossar, Mitchem, and Ludlow (2005) reported rural schools
yearly progress in math) rather than tackling the more
face problems recruiting and retaining highly qualified
difficult system challenges that may result in school failure
(e.g., shortcomings of the core curricula or instructional
practices of the general educator). Likewise, Murray (2005)
identified the need to look outside traditional operations,
South Dakota, the state in which this study was conducted,
programs and practices to successfully meet the needs of
ranks 16th in land area and 46th in population with only
students with emotional disabilities, indicating a need for
781,919 citizens accounting for approximately 0.3% of the
schools to address comprehensive changes at the systemic
U.S. total (U.S. Census, 2006). The educational cooperative
level to ensure educational progress for all students. RTI
providing a variety of related services (e.g., speech and
processes focusing on the needs of students with learning
language, psychological, physical therapy, occupational
and emotional disabilities show promise in addressing many
therapy) to the thirteen schools within this region of South
of these identified issues (Gresham, 2005; Batsche et al,
Dakota serves one of the least populated areas in the United
States. The concept of rural may not provide an adequate
RTI involves continuous performance monitoring for
description of this area. Perhaps the concepts of remote or
purposes of early identification and early intervention for
frontier offer a truer picture of this geographical region.
students exhibiting problem behavior within their schools
The Office of Rural Health Policy Resources and Services
(Jimerson, Burns, and VanDerHeyden, 2007). Further, RTI
Administration within the Department of Health and Human
involves the implementation of a multi-tiered model and
Services (1998) designated areas with population density
mandates the use of research based interventions to assist
under twelve people per square mile as “frontier.” Consider
students in being successful within their academic setting
that approximately 60,000 people occupy this large
(Batsche, et al, 2006; Compton, Fuchs, Fuchs, & Bryant,
landmass (approximately 11,250 square miles), resulting in
2006; Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). In addition, Fuchs and Fuchs
a population density of just over 5 people per square mile.
(2005) described two RTI models: (a) the problem solving
Issues pertaining to the provision of Special Education
model promulgated by practitioners and, (b) the standard
services within rural areas are certainly applicable to this
protocol model advanced by researchers. The problem
solving model follows an assessment, planning, Approximately 350 students attended each of the two implementation, evaluation and redesigning format. By its
elementary schools involved in the program. There were
very nature, interventions may vary across students, five kindergarten teachers and corresponding classrooms, as classrooms and grades. Standard protocol models, on the
well as six teachers in each of the other grades. There were
other hand, embody the implementation of standard 15-18 students placed in each classroom. Nine tenured interventions for specified periods of time and designed for
teachers participated in the study having taught at least four
specific problems (e.g., reading or math disability). In both
years within the school district. Six of the teachers held
models, assessment of student progress drives movement
bachelor’s degrees in elementary education; two of the
from one tier of intervention to the next. Given the variable
teachers had bachelor’s degrees in elementary education and
nature of social and emotional difficulties, staff expertise,
special education; while one held a master’s degree in
classroom environments, social settings, and ease of education. The teachers were identified for inclusion within implementation of individual strategies the problem solving
the study based on having the children of concern placed
model would appear to be the most applicable to the
treatment of emotional disabilities (Fairbanks, Sugai, Guardino and Lathrop, 2007). This was the model utilized
Nine students were involved in this program during the
two years of its implementation. Table 1 provides
descriptions of each student’s problem behaviors, diagnoses
before or during the program implementation (if available),
grades in school during the project, measures of general
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the intelligence, and prescribed medications taken during the
implementation of an RTI model in the treatment and
course of the study. These students were identified as
identification of students in kindergarten through fifth grade
needing support due to significant emotional and behavioral
who experienced significant emotional and behavioral
problems manifested within the school setting. At the time
problems within a rural school setting. The program was
of referral to the program, parents provided permission for
implemented during two successive academic years (2004-
their child’s involvement in the supports and interventions
2005; 2005-2006), within two elementary schools in a rural
community in an upper plains state. One school served
children from kindergarten through second grade, while the
other school served children in grades three through five.
When implementing effective RTI models, a core team
of educational professionals must take responsibility for
program implementation and evaluation (Jimerson, Burns,
tier of the RTI program, (b) what interventions were
and VanDerHeyden, 2007). Within the context of the RTI
implemented and at what point in time, (c) evaluation of
effort described here, this team consisted of the building
child progress to determine if additional interventions were
level principal, classroom teacher of the student exhibiting
necessary or if interventions could be faded out, (d) overall
challenging behavior, school counselor, school psychologist,
program evaluation to ensure the welfare of the identified
special education teacher, teacher aides and parent(s) of the
student, as well as their peers, and (e) determination of when
identified student. This team was responsible for referral for special education evaluation occurred. determining (a) what students were referred into the second Table 1 Participant Profiles, including diagnosis and medication
tolerance, theft, running away from classroom
Students 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9 had average intelligence; Students 2 & 6 had low average intelligence. Intelligence was measured by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition or the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children– Fourth Edition. Tiers of Intervention within the RTI Model
continuation of interventions utilized within Tier 2),
supports from mental health systems outside the school
Tier 1 Interventions. The RTI model implemented in this
and/or placement in alternative educational settings (Lane,
effort to assist students with emotional and behavioral
challenges had three tiers of intervention. Tier 1 interventions involved classroom and building level
Interventions Utilized Within the RTI Model
approaches designed to promote positive behavior
throughout the entire student population. Teachers within
The interventions utilized within Tier 2 and Tier 3 of this
this program utilized Assertive Discipline as described by
study are described below. Many of these interventions were
Canter and Canter (1992). This program assisted the teacher
consistent with the Individuals with Disability Education
in identifying classroom rules (i.e., 4-6) that were designed
Act of 2004 regarding the use of functional behavior
to guide expectations for classroom behavior. In addition, a
assessments, positive behavior supports and the
hierarchy of negative consequences (i.e., 3-5) were development of behavior intervention plans for students identified and applied at the occurrence of maladaptive
whose behavioral or emotional status was compromising
behavior from the students. Many teachers utilized a “name
their ability to benefit from their educational program
on the board” system with color coded markers that
(IDEA, 2004). These interventions have been shown to be
identified increasing levels of behavioral inappropriateness.
effective in supporting behavior change for at-risk students.
Finally, a system of rewards (e.g., class parties, weekly free
Applied Behavior Analysis. Interventions within this
time) for appropriate behavior was implemented within the
domain included applications of reinforcement programs to
classrooms to encourage prosocial behavior. In addition, the
increase behaviors (i.e., including the use of token
school also implemented Character Counts (2001), a
economies and differential reinforcement procedures); use
program that emphasizes the development of six character
of time out or work away programs to interrupt and redirect
traits including trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, maladaptive behavior; and the application of antecedent fairness, caring and citizenship. Children were identified by
control strategies to set the stage for certain behaviors to
teacher nomination as “model citizens” for exhibiting the
occur (Alberto & Troutman, 2006). Reinforcement
traits noted above and received public praise and feedback
programs designed to promote positive behavior were
regarding their accomplishments. Finally, Tier 1 developed to provide high rate (i.e., continuous) interventions included individual disciplinary processes
feedback/reward initially, while this feedback was then
implemented by the building level principals. These
faded to fixed interval schedules of reinforcement. Fixed
included talking to the child regarding their misbehavior,
interval schedules appeared to be easier for staff to manage
contacting parents, and the removal of privileges (e.g.,
(i.e., as opposed to fixed ratio schedules). Work away
programs were designed to provide a quiet setting for
Tier 2 Interventions. Tier 2 interventions within this model
children to access in order to regain behavioral or emotional
involved the application of one or more of the interventions
control when their behavior became disruptive. At times,
noted below. The application of these interventions was
this area was within the classroom, while areas within the
determined as a result of hypotheses generated from
special education resource room were also designated for
functional behavioral assessments (Gresham, Watson, &
this purpose. The time intervals for these procedures ranged
Skinner, 2001; Ervin, Ehrhardt, & Poling, 2001). Following
from 10-30 minutes. Environmental restructuring programs,
these assessments, the intervention team met and brain-
as part of antecedent control strategies, were implemented to
stormed possible strategies that would assist the student in
redesign environments so children were less likely to engage
being successful based upon identified problem behavior
in negative behavior and more likely to engage in pro-social
and potential behavioral deficits. These interventions behavior. These approaches involved changing of (a) included strategies from applied behavioral analysis, physical aspects of the classroom (e.g., position of cognitive behavioral interventions, social skills training,
whiteboard relative to targeted child; location of learning
counseling, differentiated instructional practices and parent
centers or individual work centers); (b) seating of various
involvement. In addition, a method of application and
students near (or away from) each other; and (c) increased
withdrawal of these interventions followed a format outlined
supervision by staff during unstructured times (e.g., lunch,
by Barnett, Daly, Jones and Lentz (2004). An intervention
recess). The application of aversive stimuli or negative
was implemented and student adjustment continued to be
sanctions (apart from brief time out/work away intervals)
monitored. If the student’s behavior did not improve to the
was not utilized within this model. Much of the current
point of acceptance by the intervention team, additional
research in this area can be found in the Positive Behavior
interventions were initiated. Once behavioral control was
Supports and functional behavioral analyses literature (
established, interventions were faded.
Kern, Hilt, & Gresham, 2004; Strichter, Hudson, & Sasso,
Tier 3 Interventions. Tier 3 interventions in this model
2005; Gresham, Watson & Skinner, 2001; Sterling-Turner,
included support made available as a result of being placed
Robinson & Wilczynski, 2001; Burnhill, 2005; Killu,
within the Special Education program (which included the
Weber, Derby & Baretto, 2006; Stormont, Lewis, & Smith,
Differentiated Instructional Approaches. Researchers
have documented that academic challenges can create or set
Social Skills Training. This intervention method was
the stage for manifestation of student behavior problems
utilized based on the assumption that many of the students’
(Roberts, Marshall, Nelson & Albers, 2001; Treptow, Burns
emotional and behavioral difficulties emanated from their
& Comas, 2007). This is exacerbated by many students with
inability to successfully negotiate social situations. These
emotional and behavioral difficulties having co-existing
skill deficits were identified via functional behavioral
learning disabilities. As such, it is extremely important to
assessment (FBA) completed by the intervention staff. The
ensure that academic material is presented at a level and in
social skill training sequences were implemented by school
such a manner that learning will occur as easily as possible
counselors and the intervention team members (e.g., special
for this group of students. As Hughes and Adera (2006)
education teachers) following training by the school indicated, one of the best deterrents for inappropriate psychologist. Social skill training programs followed behavior within a classroom setting is meaningful and processes outlined in McGinnis and Goldstein (1997) and
relevant academic instruction with materials that are aligned
Gresham, Van, and Cook (2006). While the training
to the student’s instructional level and are emotionally and
sequences resembled those outlined in these sources (i.e.,
intellectually engaging. The use of differentiated instruction
including coaching, introduction of the skill, modeling, role
provides the basis for this portion of the treatment model.
playing and rehearsal, feedback and ongoing assessment of
Information contained in Tomlinson (1999) and Tomlinson
skill utilization), the amount of time involved in training did
and McTighe (2006) provided the structure for these
not match the time outlined in Gresham, Van, and Cook
processes. The majority (6 of 9) of the students involved in
(2006). The students were engaged in initial training
this program experienced academic failure. They were
sequences where they practiced specific skills (e.g., asking
unable to successfully complete work at their respective
for help, disengaging in conflict with peers, being assertive
grade level. As such, presenting academic material in a way
rather than aggressive, asking permission and managing
and at a level to ensure success at least 80% of the time
angry feelings). Students were involved in 5-10 initial
became the goal of this intervention. This involved
training sessions that lasted for approximately 30 minutes
differentiating content, process and products (Tomlinson,
per session. This training occurred within a resource room
1999) to ensure the success rate noted above. Content was
outside of the regular classroom setting. Additional social
frequently altered to allow the student to engage in the topic,
skill training sessions were implemented as the need was
but at a level they could comprehend. If the class was
identified, after significant behavioral events or when
working on double digit addition and the student had not yet
identified by intervention staff during weekly staff meetings.
mastered single digit addition, his work would reflect that.
Use of these strategies was prompted by intervention team
Differentiating process focused on the use of manipulatives,
members within the general milieu following initial training
activity-based instruction, visual representation of material,
through such questions as, “Do you remember what you
and inquiry based approaches which appeared to be more
need to do if you need to ask for help?” Continuous
engaging to this population. Differentiated products resulted
feedback was provided by intervention team members to the
students concerning their progress with use of these
Individual and Group Counseling. The role of the school
counselor in this model was central to several functions.
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions. These interventions
First, the counselor was a safe haven for the student
included problem solving processes (both written and
exhibiting emotional and behavioral challenges. Weekly
verbal), self monitoring programs, practicing of skills, self
(and crisis intervention) sessions were held to provide the
directed speech and feedback from peers and staff regarding
student with an opportunity to talk with a supportive adult
use of self control strategies. The strategies outlined in
and assist the child in understanding the social and academic
Bloomquist (1996), Braswell and Bloomquist (1991) and
ramifications of their behavior. This provided the counselor
Dobson (2001) provided the technical support and guidance
an opportunity to continually monitor the student’s
for these interventions. These strategies were initially
adjustment and emotional status, insight into their
introduced to the students following identification of these
difficulties, and an opportunity to practice the social and
processes as applicable to a particular child following FBA.
problem solving skill sequences introduced previously.
The training sessions occurred daily until the student
Information obtained from these sessions provided the
demonstrated mastery. This training occurred within a
intervention team with feedback regarding the need for
resource room setting outside of the regular classroom. Use
additional social skill training sessions or additional sessions
of these strategies was again prompted by the intervention
in acquiring cognitive behavioral strategies. In grades 3-5,
team members within the general milieu following initial
group sessions allowed the students additional opportunities
training. Continuous feedback was provided by team
to practice their social skills and cognitive behavioral
members to students regarding progress in the use of these
strategies, as well as talk about their adjustment. In addition,
the school counselor developed liaisons with other mental health providers working with the children and their
families. This allowed information to flow freely from the
teacher. Interviews of the general and special education
teachers indicated that students referred to Tier 2
Parental Involvement. The primary focus of this portion
interventions exhibited behaviors that endangered
of the treatment model was on improving communication
themselves or others; disruptive behaviors that could not be
between the school and the child’s parent or guardians. As
redirected; or behaviors that disrupted or interfered with the
reported by Marzano (2003), the number one intervention
learning of other students. Principals referred these children
identified as important to parents was their timely into Tier 2 of the RTI process when they did not respond to notification of child misbehavior. In addition, Gargiulo
the Tier 1 interventions, after 4 or more referrals to the
(2007) has indicated the process of acceptance of a
principal for maladaptive or disruptive behavior. The
disability by parents and other family members can be an
decision to refer to Tier 2 was jointly determined by the
arduous and lengthy ordeal. Involving parents in a principal and classroom teachers. Behaviors which resulted continuous communication process regarding their child’s
in these office referrals became the targets of intervention
adjustment assisted with this and helped to ensure a
and monitoring throughout the RTI process. Once Tier 2 of
cooperative partner in the intervention procedures. In
the RTI processes was implemented, intervention staff
addition, ensuring parents that they are being heard by
collected data daily regarding students’ identified
school personnel and are an integral part of the intervention
team decreased the likelihood of litigation (Scheffel, Rude
and Bole, 2005). This was accomplished via daily reports
home in a progress notebook, which gave parents timely
feedback and allowed them to share adjustment issues at
home. Within the RTI model described here, most parents
did not have to provide contingencies at home for behaviors
Fidelity of Tier 1 interventions was assessed through
occurring at school. There were significant concerns about
discussions with the building principal and teachers. The
fidelity with this practice. The intervention staff did,
results indicated variable implementation across classrooms.
however, assist parents in learning skills to review daily
There appeared to be differences in classroom rules, training
progress in school within the problem solving spirit of the
of the students on classroom expectations, and
interventions used within this model. The focus on implementation of rules and feedback to students. Fidelity discussing problems at home was to (a) demonstrate to the
of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions were assessed weekly and
child that school and home were working together and (b)
discussed at the intervention team meetings. A problem
raise awareness of the challenges the child was experiencing
solving approach to improving implementation of school
at school in order to find solutions, not to punish. These
based intervention procedures was completed throughout the
topics were reviewed with parents at the program’s
study and resulted in overall intervention compliance
inception, as well as informally when issues arose exceeding 85%. The intervention with the lowest throughout the course of the intervention program.
compliance rate (50-85%) was applied behavior analysis
School members of the intervention team met weekly in
within the individual classrooms. The fidelity of the parent
one hour staff meetings in order to review child progress,
participation intervention was evaluated by parent self
reflect on issues and challenges, and develop additional
report only. Parent participation varied across the nine
strategies to be used to assist the students. Parents were
students, as well as across the two year interval.
often included in these meetings either at the request of the
school team members or by self referral.
The nine graphs of the individual students provide a
visual display of their progress throughout the course of the
An integral part of RTI is the use of curriculum based
RTI implementation. Seven of the nine students’ behavior
measures for ongoing assessment of student performance
improved substantially as a result of the interventions, while
within the core curriculum (Batsche et al, 2005; Fuchs and
the behaviors of two of the students were not significantly
Fuchs, 2005). While a large body of research exists in the
improved during the course of the RTI implementation.
areas of reading, Reschly (2006) noted a paucity of research
These students were subsequently referred to and placed in
in the areas of social and emotional adjustment.
special education on the basis of emotional disturbance due
Researchers (Fuchs and Fuchs, 2006; Lane, Wehby, to the severity of their behavior. Robertson, and Rogers, 2007) have identified the use of
Figure 1 provides the graphs for students 1 and 2. As can
behavior rating forms, office referrals and attendance data
be noted, behavioral control for student 1 was obtained
for these purposes. The students involved in this study were
toward to the latter half of the first year, while his behavior
identified via office referrals. Students were referred to the
accelerated during the first half of the second year. Despite
principal’s office for disciplinary reasons after not the implementation of five of the six possible interventions, responding to Tier 1 intervention efforts by the classroom
his behavior was viewed as unacceptable for the general
classroom during December of the second year. It is
Five of the students responded favorably to the
significant to note the intervention team referred the student
interventions within the RTI model, even though none of the
for special education services due to the student’s interventions were able to be faded during the course of the aggression toward peers. Apart from this aggressive program implementation as described in Barnett, Daly, behavior, the student’s progress was considered good.
Jones and Lentz (2004). Their progress is displayed in
Student 2’s behavior was not substantively improved over
the two years despite the implementation of all the
The other two students also responded favorably to the
interventions. Referral to special education was once again
interventions within the RTI model. In addition, these two
the result of aggressive behavior toward both peers and staff
students were able to maintain positive behavioral
adjustment following fading of interventions (Figure 4).
Figure 1. Progress graphs for students 1 and 2 for the first two years of the RTI program. Figure 2. Progress graphs for students 3, 4 and 5 for the first two years of the RTI program. Figure 3. Progress graphs for students 6 and 7 for the first two years of the RTI program.
In reviewing the figures, several questions arise prosocial behavior. Despite this belief, information gained
concerning timing and implementation of the interventions
on fidelity of implementation suggested otherwise.
across the nine subjects. First, the decision regarding when
Classroom teachers frequently reported challenges with
to initiate particular interventions for specific students was
following through with reward systems and antecedent
determined by the intervention team (including the parents).
condition strategies. Counseling and parent involvement
Several factors were considered by the intervention team
were two other strategies which were implemented with
including ease of implementation, the developmental level
relative ease. The developmental level of the student also
of the student, the presenting problem, and the results of
impacted implementation. The intervention team felt
FBA. Second, the general problem solving method utilized
kindergarten and first grade students were the least likely to
within the RTI model suggested additional interventions
benefit from cognitive behavioral interventions and social
should not be implemented if the student’s behavior was
skills training due to the heavy emphasis on meta-cognition
improving. Likewise, interventions were generally added
with these procedures (Dobson, 2001). Third, the use of
when maladaptive behavior was accelerating relative to the
FBA throughout the process guided the intervention team in
level from the previous month. As can be noted, ABA,
implementing various strategies. In the event the FBA
counseling and parent involvement were generally suggested behavioral problems may be the result of social introduced first. It was felt by the intervention team that
skill deficits, that training would be initiated. In the case of
these strategies were the easiest to implement and resulted
student 1 the intervention team felt he may benefit from
in the least time out of the general education setting. Most
learning the social skill of “asking for help when frustrated.”
teachers felt they could easily implement reward systems for
As such, that intervention was initiated during the second
year. If the FBA suggested potential problems with
frequency of the data demonstrated. When interventions
irrational thinking, self management, self control, self
were implemented that did not meet the general problem
evaluation or self reward, cognitive behavioral interventions
solving criteria or method, it was due to the intensity and
were initiated. Finally, the intensity and nature of the
duration of aggressive and noncompliant behavior being
problem behavior was paramount in guiding the intervention
team in adding or changing interventions, despite what the
Figure 4. Progress graphs for students 8 and 9 for the first two years of the RTI program.
learning skills to deal with their problems;” “It is nice to
know we have a plan if the student becomes disruptive in
In addition to the quantitative data noted above, my class;” “I liked the weekly meetings;” and “I have
qualitative data also suggested positive outcomes attributed
learned a lot about what these kids need to be successful.”
to this RTI model. Interviews were completed with the
Two of the general educators, however, did not provide such
general education teachers, special education teachers,
positive feedback: “(the students) are just getting away with
principals, students and parents involved in this program.
it when they get to go to the resource room!” (i.e., for
Seven of the nine general educators were supportive of the
problem solving with staff); “they are not getting any better,
program and reported “I have really appreciated the support
they are still acting out;” “What will they (Students) do
from the (intervention) staff;” “It is nice to have some help
when they don’t have all of this help?”; “It isn’t fair to the
with our really challenging students;” “they (students) are
other students;” and “they (the students) need to learn to
having assessment relate to interventions, prioritizing
interventions and outcomes over eligibility, and eliminating
The Special Education staff responded very favorably to
the wait to fail phenomenon present in current practices. In
the program implementation noting, “I really like being able
addition, the results addressed issues identified as salient in
to help them learn how to manage their emotions”; “It is fun
the provision of special education services within the rural
to see them improve”; “I liked being able to learn how to
area including training and retention of teachers, financial
talk with them about their problems, figuring out issues of meeting the mandates of IDEA 2004, and threats solutions!”; “It was a lot of help to recognize (good)
of litigation by disheartened parents. The positive
behavior needs to occur before learning”; “It was nice to
involvement and statements made by parents suggested this
have a plan for these kids, rather than just getting them
model has merit in terms of engaging them in their
dumped in here” (i.e., in the resource room); “I really liked
children’s educational programs, having them feel the
teaching the social skills and problem solving part”; and
school is committed to their child’s success and improving
“This really helped us show parents how their kids were
communication with educational staff. As Murray (2005)
indicated, these dynamics have significant effects in terms
The principals also made supportive comments including
of decreasing the likelihood of litigation. The positive
“This provided us with a way to systematically address
responses noted by most teachers involved in the program
student issues” and “I appreciated the help with our most
suggested they felt successful with a very challenging
challenging students.” There were times, however, when
student group. As noted in Miller, Brownell and Smith
the principals felt the program goals were not necessarily in
(1999) this empowerment assisted in teacher retention over
line with school policy. This was particularly evident with
time. The teacher responses and program outcomes
regard to aggressive behavior. While policy dictated a
indicated the weekly staff meetings were essential in
negative sanction like suspension, program efforts were
maintaining staff motivation as well as providing necessary
grounded in problem solving methodology. In addition, the
technical support and staff training in order to ensure
principal supervising the general education staff that had
program integrity. Previous researchers (Hughes and Adera,
negative feelings about the program felt caught in a
2006) have documented the importance of these activities in
dilemma. As Murray (2005) noted, the ethical goals of the
retaining quality teachers. Finally, results of the study
teacher (what is best for the student?) are occasionally not in
suggested this model could be implemented by the general
concert with the ethical goals of the principal (what is best
education teacher, special education teacher, teacher’s aides,
and the school counselor with consultative support and
The parents provided powerful feedback regarding their
training from a school psychologist familiar with the
feelings about the program including “It is nice to finally
interventions. Given the financial challenges faced by most
feel like someone is concerned about my son”; “I really
rural schools, programs which can be implemented with a
liked how you are trying to teach him how to behave”; “He
minimum number of staff would appear to be quite
is learning how to talk about his feelings”; “Before (this
school and program) I usually felt blamed for my son’s bad
The school counselor in this model fulfilled a central role
behavior, you guys are trying to help!”; “I liked the daily
in working with the at risk students and their families,
notebook to let me know how his day went”; and “This has
providing critical information to the program staff regarding
really helped my daughter.” Only one parent was negative
the student’s perceptions and communicating effectively
noting “You are letting him get away with murder!” with community mental health providers. It is significant to Finally, students also reported positive feelings about the
note, not all school counselors readily accept or embrace
program stating, “I like to come here (resource room) to get
this special education support role (Montiero-Leitner,
help with my anger”; “I know what the rules are here
Asner-Self, Milde, Leitner and Skelton, 2006). As such, it
(resource room)”; “I don’t feel so sad all the time”; “My
is imperative to assess the school counselor’s commitment
Mom thinks I am doing better in school than before”; “I
haven’t gotten into trouble at recess for a long time!”; and “I
There were some developmental differences noted in
terms of the student’s responses to intervention within the
program. Students at the Kindergarten and First grade levels
Conclusions and Recommendations
appeared to benefit the least from social skills training or
cognitive behavioral interventions. Given their level of
The results of the two year RTI program implementation
cognitive development this seems logical. It did, however,
suggested an overall positive effect in improving student
introduce them to the idea of seeking help when facing
behavior, as well as being accepted by education staff,
challenges within the school and to the language of self-
families and the children themselves. This RTI control. Applied behavior analysis interventions and implementation addressed the shortcomings of previous
parental involvement appeared to have the most impact at
models as outlined by Reschly and Ysseldyke (2002) and
this level. Students in grades 3-5 enjoyed the social skills
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Volume 2010-11 Issue # T-2 5130 W. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 414-259-1990 Tentative Agreement: Q & A Informed Decision This publication answers questions members frequently ask about the - The First Step tentative teacher contract agreement. The Q and A's are also at As we receive more questions, we will add them to our online edition. Questions that