placenta, was stopped when results showed that
of misoprostol for prevention of post-partum
misoprostol was found to have no clinically sig-
nificant beneficial effect in women with retained
An operational research project in North-West
placenta. The study was carried out in Tanzania
Nigeria was designed based on previous commu-
between April 2008 and November 2011, with
nity dialogues with local leaders that addressed
patients who delivered at a gestational age of
maternal health, post-partum haemorrhage warn-
28 weeks or more and had blood loss of 750ml
ing signs, misoprostol and the importance of
or less at 30 minutes after delivery. Interim analysis
antenatal care and delivery in health facilities.
after recruitment of 95 patients showed that inci-
Community members helped to define selection
dence of manual removal of placenta, total blood
criteria for community-based educators and birth
loss and incidence of blood transfusions were simi-
attendants, they identified trusted community
lar in the misoprostol and placebo groups.1
members to serve as drug keepers and selectedthe moda, a common household vessel, as the
1. van Beekhuizen HJ, Tarimo B, Pembe AB, et al. A
locally appropriate way to visualise excessive blood
randomized controlled trial on the value of misoprostol
loss. Drug keepers dispensed free misoprostol
for the treatment of retained placenta in a low-resource
tablets to traditional birth attendants, to pregnant
setting. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
women in their last month of pregnancy and to
family members attending deliveries. A survey atthe end of the 12-month implementation periodshowed that 79% of the women who delivered at
home took misoprostol after delivery.
This study assessed data on the association of child
selected to work alongside existing trained female
marriage with fertility, fertility control and mater-
community health volunteers, in order to increase
nal health care use outcomes in India, Bangladesh,
acceptance of and willingness to use misoprostol.
Nepal and Pakistan among married, divorced
The project achieved significant increases in cover-
or widowed women, aged 20–24 years, from
age, particularly among women delivering at
Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in
home, in part attributed to the fact that those
2005–2007. The proportion of ever-married women
distributing misoprostol lived nearby. Intensive
20–24 years of age who reported having first
community mobilisation from the design stage
been married at age 17 or under ranged from
of such interventions can lead to improved results
50% in Pakistan to 77% in Bangladesh. The pro-
portion who reported marrying at 14 years orunder ranged from 12% in Nepal to 38% in
1. Ejembi CL, Norick P, Starrs A, et al. New global
Bangladesh. More than two-thirds of the sample
guidance supports community and lay health workers
population lived in rural areas. Those without any
in postpartum hemorrhage prevention. International
formal education ranged from 15% (Bangladesh)
Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013;122(3):187–89.
to 57% (Pakistan). Girls who married before age
18 were more than three times less likely to haveused contraception before first childbirth, to havehad a pregnancy termination and to have had an
unintended pregnancy or pregnancies, compared
with women who were married aged 18 or more.
A multi-centre randomised, placebo-controlled
However, women first married before age 18 were
trial, which sought to assess whether misoprostol
not more likely to have given birth within the
would reduce the need for manual removal of
first year of marriage or to have closely spaced
Round Up: Maternal health. Reproductive Health Matters 2013;21(42):1–3
births than women who married as adults. Overall,
power relations between them influenced mater-
the results suggest that child marriage is significantly
nal health practices in 317 households in central
associated with poor fertility outcomes and inade-
Mali. Mothers-in-law had a strong influence on
quate maternal health care use. However, there
women’s reproductive health outcomes. Results
was no significant association between early fertility
were disaggregated for age, education, wealth
and child marriage, possibly due to low fecundity
and the pregnant woman’s position as a single
at young ages, low coital frequency or both.1
wife, and first or subsequent wife in a polygamousunion. In cases where the mother-in-law sup-
1. Godha D, Hotchkiss DR, Gage AJ. Association between
ported traditional practices, her preferences and
child marriage and reproductive health outcomes and
opinions affected the pregnant woman’s likelihood
service utilization: a multi-country study from South
of having received four or more antenatal care
Asia. Journal of Adolescent Health 2013;52(5):552–58.
visits, having begun antenatal care in the first
trimester, having delivered her last baby at ahealth facility and having received postnatal care. The preferences and attitudes of the husband were
not associated with receipt of health care.1
cost-effective, AustraliaThis randomised, controlled trial compared mater-
1. White D, Dynes M, Rubardt M, et al. The influence
nal and neonatal outcomes for pregnant women
of intrafamilial power on maternal health care
receiving different types of midwifery care at
two hospitals in Australia between 2008 and 2011.
mothers-in-law. International Perspectives on
The study randomly assigned pregnant women to
Sexual and Reproductive Health 2013;39(2):58–68.
one of two types of care: 871 pregnant women
received all midwifery care, from antenatal throughto postnatal care, from one constant caseload mid-wife plus one back-up, and 877 pregnant women
received standard care with rostered midwives in
discrete wards or clinics. The proportion of cae-
A survey among female sex workers in Swaziland
sarean sections did not differ between the two
found high levels of inconsistent or no condom
groups of women. However, 8% of women in the
use among those who were using non-barrier con-
caseload group had elective caesarean sections,
traceptive methods. Of 325 female sex workers
compared to 11% of women receiving standard care.
who completed a survey in 2011, 16% were consis-
More women in the caseload group underwent
tent users of condoms alone, 39% used non-barrier
labour without pain-relieving pharmaceuticals. Pro-
modern methods without consistent condom use
portions of assisted birth using forceps or ventouse,
and 38% were inconsistent condom users or used
unassisted vaginal births and epidural use were the
other methods or none. Consistent use of condoms
same, as were neonatal outcomes. Total cost of
alone was more common among women who had
care per woman was significantly lower (AUS$567
had no non-commercial partners in the past month
less) with caseload midwifery. The study shows that
than among those who reported two or more such
for women of any risk, caseload midwifery is safe
partners (39% compared to 3%). Respondents who
and cost effective in a high-resource setting.1
had children were more likely than those who didnot to report use of non-barrier methods alone
1. Tracy SK, Hartz DL, Tracy MB, et al. Caseload
(65% compared to 14%). The high levels of inconsis-
midwifery care versus standard maternity care
tent or no condom use among non-barrier contra-
for women of any risk: M@NGO, a randomised
ceptive users underscores the need to incorporate
controlled trial. Lancet 2013;382(9906):1723–32.
HIV prevention into family planning interventions,
particularly among female sex workers who havechildren and non-commercial partners.1
1. Yam EA, Mnisi Z, Mabuza X, et al. Use of dual
protection among female sex workers in Swaziland.
This study examines how the attitudes of women,
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive
their husbands and their mothers-in-law and the
Round Up: Maternal health. Reproductive Health Matters 2013;21(42):1–3
35 stakeholders, focused on the impacts of mater-
A review of vital registration data in 12 former
nal death on surviving children. The majority
Soviet states from 2005–2010 revealed elevated
of caregivers in the sample were women. The
sex ratios at birth in Armenia (117 males for
gender inequalities that affect women’s health
100 females), Azerbaijan (116) and Georgia (121),
across their lifespans and drive high levels of
but not in other post-Soviet states. In the three
maternal mortality also affect maternal orphans.
countries that have DHS data (Armenia, Azerbaijan
Women’s lack of control over household financial
and Moldova), sex ratios for first birth were high
resources made it less likely that orphaned chil-
for Armenia and Azerbaijan (138 and 113, respec-
dren could fully access health and other services.
tively) and even higher in Armenia if the first child
Social norms, that prescribe rigid gender roles
was a girl (154). Overall, the number of girls born
and de-emphasise fathers’ roles in child rearing,
in Armenia and Azerbaijan in 2010 was 10% lower
exacerbated the potential effect of a mother’s
than expected. The authors highlight the need
death on a child’s life, because fathers often
to understand more about the social dynamics
did not take responsibility for guardianship of
their own children after a maternal death. Thesenorms also contribute to family dissolution −
1. Michael M, King L, Guo L, et al. The mystery of
orphans are commonly spread out among other
missing female children in the Caucasus: an analysis
women in the extended family. The costs of failing
of sex ratios by birth order. International
to address preventable maternal mortality include
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
impacts on the nutritional status, health, and edu-
cation of living children, as well as the economiccapacity of families.1
1. Yamin AE, Boulanger VM, Falb KL, et al. Costs of
inaction on maternal mortality: qualitative evidence
This qualitative study, conducted in 2012–13 in
of the impacts of maternal deaths on living
rural Tanzania with 45 family members of women
children in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2013;8(8):e71674.
who had died from maternal causes and with
Case Report: An 82 year old male with diffuse infiltrating glioblastoma multiforma remains in remission eleven months after initial surgical debulking and treatment with a patented herbal formula. LaRochelle, Paul Jay, MDCM, FRCS[c], FAAOS Abstract An eighty-two year old severely diabetic male presented to the emergency room with aphasia and right sided weakness on January
T o heal from his injury or operation, your child's hips and legs must not move. This is why your child must wear a HIP SPICA BODY CAST. We have prepared this sheet to help you with your child's care at home. Circulation and Nerve Checks: While your child is wearing a cast, check the cast often to be sure it is not too tight. Check your child for three to four times each day to be sure