POST-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR RHINOPLASTY Uncomplicated and early healing depends on how well you care for yourself after surgery. Please read the following instructions carefully before your surgery and ask us about any concerns or questions you have.
You may retain a normal diet but avoid foods which are hard to chew or may upset your
Stay upright as much as possible after leaving the hospital. Lying down flat in bed
Sitting up, walking around, and resting with the head elevated is preferable.
Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows for the first two weeks.
Avoid bending over or lifting heavy things.
Keep a cold washcloth on your nose and eyes as much as possible during the first 36
hours after surgery. Have a bowl of ice water at your side to keep the cloth cold.
Wear a folded gauze bandage for the first few days to catch any secretions. It is normal
for the mucous to be blood-tinged for a few days.
Clean the nostrils with hydrogen peroxide and cotton applicators and place
Polysporin ointment on the incisions and in the nostrils with each dressing change when it is soiled initially, then twice daily until the discharge decreases.
Do not insert the Q-tip deeply into the nostrils.
Do not put ointment on the paper tapes that we have applied.
If the discharge becomes quite bloody and flows profusely, lie down, apply cold
compresses to the nose, and telephone us.
Do not blow your nose for 10 days after surgery.
If you have to sneeze, keep your mouth open. After this period, blow gently
Your throat will be very dry, because you won’t be able to breathe out of your nose for
several days. Keep beverages nearby at all times, especially at night. A humidifier may help.
Keep a stiff upper lip. The upper lip is a key area in rhinoplasty, so try not to move it too
Avoid excessive talking, smiling, brushing the upper teeth too vigorously, and
Be careful not to bump your nose. Beware of restless children, bedmates, or pets.
Don’t lean on your nose when you sleep; it may be pushed crooked.
Brush your teeth gently with a toothbrush or your finger.
Only use nose drops prescribed by Dr. Morrow; avoid sniffing.
Don’t take aspirin as it may cause bleeding. Ask Dr. Morrow when to resume other
routine medications you were taking before surgery.
Painkillers sometimes cause weakness and prolong convalescence, so try mild
remedies first (cold compresses, Extra-Strength Tylenol). If this is ineffective after 45 minutes, use the prescribed medication.
Avoid direct sunlight. Use a sun block (SPF 15 or more) if staying outside in the sun or
snow, at least for the first three months.
Prior to surgery, arrange for someone to take you home (and stay overnight with you if
If you have any questions or concerns, call the office at (973) 243-0600. We have a 24-hour answering service that will contact Dr. Morrow or a covering physician.
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