To help maintain records for the Health Clinic and to help us care for your child in any illness/emergency situation,
could you please answer the following questions. This information wil be shared with staff on a ‘need to know’
basis. Visits to the nurse will be entered in the student diary. Many staff are trained First Aiders, and we have a
Registered Nurse. First Aid kits are located in each department.
Student’s First Name: ……………………… Surname: ………………………. DOB: …………………
Please tick if your child has no known health problems, and turn to next page.
Has your child ever suffered from/or had a reaction to: (Please state details and medications) Allergic Reaction: Describe reaction: mild / moderate / severe / life threatening
Does he/she suffer from any other conditions or health disability? Yes/no – please state:
Does he/she take on a regular basis any medication not already stated? Yes/no – please state:
The Health Nurse is available from 8.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday for accidents or medical emergencies that happen at school. Immunisations: Has your child had their pre-school vaccinations
Has your child had the Year 7 vaccinations
(these include Diphtheria, Tetanus and Whooping Cough and will be offered during the Year 7 year)
Has your child had the Meningococcal B vaccinations?
Has your child had any recent tetanus vaccinations? If so, when?
Please initial that you have read and agreed to the following:
Any regular approved medication must be administered at the Health Centre. The medication must be brought to the Centre by a caregiver and the appropriate form filled in. The College can not take
responsibility if correct procedures have not been followed.
I will inform the School Nurse of any changes to my child's health
Accident or Emergency Situations: If the school is unable to contact you, or if the accident or emergency is serious, your child will be taken either to a nearby medical centre or an ambulance will
be called. There may be some costs that you must meet. I agree to keep my child at home if he/she has a contagious disease (eg fevers, bad colds, flu, skin infections) and accept that the school is not resourced to deal with such a situation. I will also ring to notify the school.
Students must not leave school to go home on medical grounds if they have not seen the nurse first.
Accidents and injuries must be reported asap and within 24 hours so that the record can be kept in
the case of future ACC claims and so that hazards are identified quickly.
I give permission for vision testing to be done on my child.
Tissues and throat lozenges are sold at the school canteen.
Dental Care: Year 7 & 8 students will be re-called automatically by the local Dental Nurse
Dental Care: From Year 9 until they turn 18 care is provided by Dentist. I will need to enrol my child
for yearly check-ups. Dentists who provide the care can be found by calling 0800 TALK TEETH The Public Health Nurse visits Orewa College on a regular basis. She is accessible by way of student self-referral. She offers confidential advice and referral on any health needs. This advice
may be about relationships, nutrition, sexual health or other issues of concern.
I give my permission for standard medication to be given to my child for the relief of minor ailments Please initial your consent
Relieves pain of headaches, fevers, period pain and muscular pain
Soluble Panadol / Pamol
Given to those who cannot swallow tablets
Relieves pain of headaches, migraines, period pain, muscular pain
and flu symptoms. Reduces fever and has a good anti-inflammatory
effect. Never given to asthmatics or very allergic persons A safe non-drowsy antihistamine. Very effective for treatment for hay
fever and allergic reactions, eg bee stings, food allergies.
An antacid which relieves indigestion, heartburn and upset stomachs.
Creams and lotions
Please send a copy of your child’s asthma plan if they are on one. Please bring in some labelled medication to the School Nurse if it is required for regular use or for emergencies such as antihistamines for bee stings Other relevant information: Please provide any other information that would help us meet your child’s health needs at this school: Parents/Caregivers signature .
Spring is a time when many people spend more time outdoors, so it's important to remember how to prevent tick bites. Some of the more common diseases that you can get from a tick bite include:Other diseases that you can get from a tick in the United States include anaplasmosis, Colorado tick fever, and Powassan encephalitis. Some species and some life stages of ticks are so small that they c