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Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 1 of 15 pages Appendix 1 A Simple Example of a Questionnaire
A Discharge Summary (Simplified):
(Admission Date: 1991/03/18 14:00; Discharge Date: 1991/03/2916:00) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a 86-year old man with history of A-fib, esophageal reflux with strictures, history of depression, who presented with 3 week history of difficulty swallowing fluids and solids, inability to take p.o.'s, was vomiting and was admitted HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was found to have esophageal CA and continued to not be able to take p.o.'s and was started on PPN, was made DNR by the family, deteriorated mental status. The patient was pronounced dead on 3-29-91 00:00. Questions for Evaluation Part I:
1. Please write down temporal relations between each of two events. Each event occurs over an Event# Medical
Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 2 of 15 pages Sample Answers:
(“s” indicates the start point of an event and “f” indicates the finish point of an event; “3s is before 1s” means that the start of esophageal reflux with strictures (event3) is before the start of Subject generated answers
System generated answers
Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 3 of 15 pages Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 4 of 15 pages Questions for Evaluation Part II:
2. Question examples use the same case as above: 1) Did the patient have esophageal reflux before admission? (Answer: Yes) 2) How long did the symptom difficulty swallowing last? Did it occur before admission? 3) Did the patient start on PPN (peripheral parenteral nutrition) during hospitalization? 4) Was the patient diagnosed with esophageal CA before hospitalization? (Answer: No) 5) Was the patient pronounced dead during hospitalization? (Answer: Yes) 6) When was the patient pronounced dead? (Answer: 03/29/1991 00:00) Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 5 of 15 pages Appendix 2 Selected Medical Events from 14 Discharge Summaries for Evaluation Part I
admission, discharge, sickle cell crisis, skin graft, cholecystectomy, hematocrit 22.2, intramuscular injection of Dilaudid admission, discharge, HIV positive, pentamidine, pancreatitis, requiring blood admission, discharge, fever, bilateral hearing loss, popular rash, cefuroxime admission, discharge, high fever, proventil, no infiltrates, in 40% mist tent, admission, discharge, placenta previa, oxytocin, anemia, C section admission, discharge, pedal edema, V-Q scan, anticoagulation, couamdin, lasix admission, discharge, left modified radical mastectomy, mass found in the right axilla, right modified radical mastectomy admission, discharge, leiomyomatous uterus, pelvic endometrosis, depo- lupron, vaginal hysterectomy, temperature spiked to 101, Gentamycin admission, discharge, weight loss, hyeremesis, thorazine, psychiatric consultation, cleared of nausea and vomiting admission, discharge, previous C-section, myomectomy, blood pressure (PE on admission), spinal anesthesia, low transverse C-section admission, discharge, synovial chondromatosis, left shoulder hemiarthroplasty, no motor problems, evaluation of 140 degrees passively admission, discharge, resection of petrous apex meningioma, hemiparesis, Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 6 of 15 pages admission, discharge, bilobar pneumonia, heart transplant, infiltrate, acyclovir, Admission, discharge, Clonic polyps of the liver, colectomy, edema, lasix, Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 7 of 15 pages Appendix 3 Time-oriented Clinical Questions from 20 Discharge Summaries for Evaluation
1. Did the patient have chronic leg ulcers before admission? 2. Did sickle cell crisis occur before admission? 3. When did this patient have skin graft? 4. When did this patient have cholecystectomy? 5. Did his pain syndrome gradually subside during hospitalization? 6. Did he have an intramuscular injection of dilaudid during hospitalization? 1. Had the patient had HIV before admission? 2. Had the patient had shortness of breath before admission? 4. Did the patient have pancreatitis during hospitalization? 5. Was the patient treated with Bactrim during hospitalization? 6. Did pancreatitis occur after IV Pentamidine? 7. Was the patient anemic during hospitalization? 8. Did the patient have blood transfusion during hospitalization? 1. How long did fever last before admission? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 8 of 15 pages 2. Did the patient have bilateral hearing loss before admission? 3. Did the patient have popular rash on the neck before admission? 5. Did the patient have Cefuroxime during hospitalization? 6. Did the patient’s blood culture turn to negative during hospitalization? 7. Did the patient have diarrhea before admission? 8. Did the patient have diarrhea after admission? 2. When did the patient start proventil? 3. Did the patient have proventil during hospitalization? 4. Did the patient have X-ray on admission? 7. How long after fever was the patient given proventil? 2. Was oxytocin used during hospitalization? 4. Did the patient have C-section during hospitalization? 5. Was the patient bleeding before admission? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 9 of 15 pages 1. Was the patient administrated lasix after pedal edema? 2. Was heparin used during hospitalization? 4. Did he have V-Q scan before admission? 5. Was urinary catheter used during hospitalization? 6. Did the patient have Hytrin after admission? 1. When did the patient have left modified radical mastectomy? 2. Did the patient have mammogram before admission? 3. Did the patient have infection during this admission? 4. Did the patient have infection after right modified radical mastectomy? 5. When did the patient have the right modified radical mastectomy? 6. Was Jackson-Pratt drainage used after mastectomy? 1. When did the patient have laparoscopy? 2. How long did the patient have hypertension? 3. Did the patient have fever during hospitalization? 4. Did the patient have fever after hysterectomy? 5. Did the patient have antibiotic after fever? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 10 of 15 pages 6. When did the patient have vaginal hysterectomy? 7. Was the patient anemic during hospitalization? 1. Was the patient pregnant before admission? 2. How long had the patient been pregnant? 3. Did the patient have psychiatric consultation during hospitalization? 4. Did the patient have IV hydration during hospitalization? 5. Was the patient diagnosed hyperemesis during hospitalization? 6. Did the patient stop vomiting before discharge? 7. Did the patient vomit before using Thorazine? 8. Did the patient stop vomiting after using Thorazine? 9. Was the patient diagnosed anemia during this hospitalization? 1. Was this patient pregnant on admission? 2. Did the patient have C-section before admission? 3. Did the patient have myomectomy before admission? 4. Did the patient have C-section during this admission? 5. Did the patient anemic after C-section? 6. Was the patient’s blood pressure normal during hospitalization? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 11 of 15 pages 1. Did the patient feel numbness in his fingers after shoulder hemiarthroplastry? 2. Did the patient have motor problems after shoulder hemiarthroplastry? 3. Did the patient have shoulder hemiarthroplastry after having synovial chondromatosis? 4. Did the patient have shoulder hemiarthroplastry during this admission? 5. Did the patient have severe pain before admission? 6. Did the patient have disability before admission? 1. Did the patient have meningioma before admission? 2. Did the patient have hemiparesis after operation (resection of petrous apex meningioma)? 3. Did the patient have hemiparesis after admission? 4. Was the patient found low sodium before admission? 5. Did the patient use PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Catheter) before 6. Was the patient’s gastric tube replaced during hospitalization? 7. Was the patient hyponatremic during hospitalization? 1. Did the patient have antibiotics before admission? 2. Did the patient have antibiotics (ofloxacin and cefuroxime) during hospitalization? 3. Did the patient have repeat x-ray before discharge? 4. Did the patient have bronchoscopy during this hospitalization? 5. Did the patient have acyclovir during this hospitalization? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 12 of 15 pages 6. When did the patient have heart transplant? 7. Did the patient have heart transplant before admission? 8. Was the patient diagnosed lymphoma before admission? 1. Was the patient diagnosed cirrhosis of liver before admission? 2. Did the patient have liver biopsy during this hospitalization? 3. Was patient anemic during this hospitalization? 4. Did the patient have blood transfusion after colectomy? 5. Did the patient have edema during this hospitalization? 6. Was Lasix used after the patient had edema? 7. Was Aldactone used after the patient had edema? 8. Did the patient have bowel movements after colectomy during hospitalization? 9. Was the patient hyponatremia during hospitalization? 1. How long was the patient’s hospital stay? 2. Did the patient have total knee replacement after having severe osteoarthritis? 3. Did the patient have blood transfusion before admission? 4. Did the patient have Ecotrin after admission? 6. Did the patient have Rheumatological consultation during hospitalization? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 13 of 15 pages 7. Was the patient ruled out rheumatoid arthritis after admission? 1. When did the patient have his first myocardial infarction? 3. When did the patient have obtuse marginal branch? 4. Did the patient have chest pain before admission? 5. Did the patient have cardiac catheterization before admission? 6. When did the patient have quadrup coronary bypase? 7. Did the patient have enzyme evidence of perioperative infarction? 8. Did the patient have chest pain before coronary bypass? 1. Did the patient have cystic fibrosis before admission? 3. Did the patient have multiple pulmonary infections before admission? 4. Was the patient placed gastrointestinal button during this hospitalization? 6. Did the patient have sputum culture during this hospitalization? 7. Did sputum studies show pseudomonas aeruginosa during this hospitalization? 8. Did the patient have Tobramycin during this hospitalization? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 14 of 15 pages 1. Was the patient found right colon edematous polyp before admission? 2. Did the patient have hemicolectomy during this hospitalization? 3. Did the patient have fever after hemicolectomy? 4. When did the patient have bowel movement after operation? 5. Did the patient have antibiotics after hemicolecomy? 6. Did the patient have Demerol after hemicolecomy? 1. Did the patient have chronic renal insufficiency before admission? 3. Did the patient have CAD before admission? 4. Did the patient have a left lower lobe infiltrate before admission? 5. Did the patient’s urine culture grow candida before admission? 7. Did the patient have fluconazole during hospitalization? 8. Was the patient oliguric during hospitalization? 10. Was the patient declared during hospitalization? 1. Did the patient have chronic epigastric pain syndrome before admission 2. Did the patient have shortness of breath before admission 3. Did the patient have chest pain before admission? Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 15 of 15 pages 5. Did the patient have nitroglycerin before admission? 6. Did the patient have aspirin before admission? 7. Did the patient have Norvasc before admission? 8. Did the patient have Norvasc after admission? 9. Did the patient have abdominal CT after admission?


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