
As promised in my last article, I will now review neuro-transmitters. This term has been a medical buzz word for the past decade. You have probably heard such words as serotonin reuptake, SSRI’s, dopamine regulators, al being thrown about in the media. What al these popular words and the pharmaceutical drugs such as Risperidone, Prozac or Wel brutin have in common is that they are associated with control ing and managing our neuro-transmitters.
Neuro-transmitters are chemical messengers that trigger a response in receptor cel s. They are bound by receptor sites on nerve cel bodies, muscle cel s, secretory cel s, and skin cel s. Their communication exchange al ows us to perceive, interpret, respond to, interact with our internal and external environment. Neuro-transmitters link our metabolic, chemical, muscular, behavioral, and hormonal functions. Having said that, I need not point out the importance of balance and function of neuro-transmitters on our special children.
The important question to ask is how neuro-transmitters become disturbed and interrupted in children that are so young? The answer to this is in some ways quite an awakening for al of us. Some factors that create disturbances are al ergies, hypersensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, free radicals, viral bacterial Candida fungal infections, stress, toxicity, and temperature change. The planet we live on today, as affected by global warming, toxic air water and soil qualities, degradation in our food supply, and over use of toxic materials both in our homes and injected into our children are enough to ensure that al these factors are present in our children as soon as they are in utero.
Our special children reflect who we have become in relation to our planet and the universe we live in.
Unfortunately as careful as a person individual y may be, we are al affected col ectively by what our neighbor does. That sheet of Downy in their dryer goes out into the air to cause chemical toxicity for your tiny developing child in the backyard. We need not become alarmists but good common sense goes a long way.
Clearing up the digestive system, removing loads of heavy metals and toxicity, eradicating Candida and parasites as I did with Tali, began a repair of his system that al owed some of the neuro-transmitters to just natural y come back on line. For the other remaining affected neuro-transmitters remedies were given. Sometimes singularly, sometimes in combination, but always adaptogenic as his needs changed throughout the day. Sometimes children can go for a short time on remedies and heal completely. Other times as in Tali’s case neuro-transmitter remedies in homeopathic form, must become an ongoing part of his everyday life. Various chal enges for example ADD, Autism, hyperactivity, have an assortment of different neuro-transmitters showing up as imbalanced. Balancing neuro-transmitters can lead to a healing crisis as easily as detoxifying can. Their bodies have become used to a skewed sense of functioning, and in balancing that some children miss there old ups and downs. Our special children are sensitive beings who withstand almost constant assault from their environment. For these children our nurturing must be gentle and constant until balance can be truly established and accepted by their bodies. Again patience and confidence in the process brings them over the hump and into a new perception of themselves and life around them. In my next article I wil focus on al ergies, both hidden and primary, in relation to establishing balance and functionality.

Source: http://www.ihae.ca/OurSpecialKidsPart3.pdf

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ANTICANCER RESEARCH 32 : 3363-3370 (2012) Mesenchymal Characterization: Alternative to Simple CTC Detection in Two Clinical Trials GUISLAINE BARRIERE1, ALAIN RIOUALLON2, JOËL RENAUDIE2, 1Astralab Clinical Laboratory, Limoges, France; 2Department of Gynecology and Surgery. Clinique du Colombier, Limoges, France Abstract. Background: Breast cancer is one of the most enriched for C

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