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Doppler Guided Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation: A New Alternative to Operative Hemorrhoidectomy. Norman Sohn, MD, FACS, Jeffrey S. Aronoff, MD, Frank S. Cohen, MD, Michael A. Weinstein, MD, FACS From The Department of Surgery, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY SECOND DRAFT
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Infrequently a new operation is introduced for a common disorder. Doppler Guided
Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation (DGHAL) falls into this category and represents a new and exciting
advance in the treatment of hemorrhoids. This technique relies on ligation of the hemorrhoidal
arterial supply to eliminate hemorrhoidal symptoms. In 1995, Morinaga reported on this
innovative method for treating hemorrhoids.1 He utilized a specially designed proctoscope
coupled with a Doppler transducer to identify the hemorrhoidal arteries. Through this instrument
he was able to suture ligate these vessels. He reported good results utilizing this technique. We
are reporting on the outcome of our first 60 patients thus treated.
There are different types of hemorrhoids and they produce variable symptoms. The types
of hemorrhoids and their symptoms govern treatment. Asymptomatic hemorrhoids are ubiquitous
and require no treatment. Therapy, which can be directed toward symptomatic hemorrhoids,
includes dietary manipulations, bulking agents, stool softeners, injection sclerotherapy and
various ablative methods for treating internal hemorrhoids. These include rubber band ligation,
infrared photocoagulation and various techniques of operative hemorrhoidectomy in which
internal and external hemorrhoids are excised or destroyed. While nonoperative modalities are
applicable to the vast majority of hemorrhoids s ufferers, there are those who benefit from an
operative hemorrhoidectomy. One of the main shortcomings to an operative approach is the
potential for substantial or prolonged postoperative pain and incapacity. DGHAL, in most cases,
can produce the beneficial effects of an operative hemorrhoidectomy with minimal postoperative
DGHAL was performed as an office procedure with conscious sedation and local
anesthesia. This is the standard technique utilized by the authors for most of their anorectal
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operations. Conscious sedation initially was intravenous Demerol and Versed administered
under the direction of the operating surgeon. Since January 2000, intravenous propofol
administered by an anesthesiologist has been used. Some surge ons use no sedation or local
anesthesia. However, the authors feel they can operate more precisely with conscious sedation
and local anesthesia. The buttocks are retracted with tape strips. Local anesthesia is administered
by submucosal and subcutaneous injections of 1/2% bupivacaine containing 100 units of
hyaluronidase per 10 milliliters of solution. The Doppler modified proctoscope is then inserted
into the anorectum and the 6 hemorrhoidal arteries are identified by their pulsating Doppler
sounds. Where difficulty was encountered in identifying one or more vessels, topical 0.2%
nitroglycerine cream was applied to the area. This facilitated identification of the arterial
pulsations. A #2-0 Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®), figure-of-eight suture ligature was placed around
the vessel through the window of the proctoscope. Ligation of the vessel was confirmed by the
absence of Doppler sounds distal to the suture. The vessels typically are located around the
circumference in the right posterolateral, right midlateral, right anterolateral, left anterolateral,
left midlateral and left posterolateral (1,3,5,7,9 and 11 o'clock) positions.
There were 16 female and 44 male patients between the ages those 22 and 87. The mean
and median ages were 48. The indications for operation included the symptoms of pain,
bleeding, protrusion, recurrent acute attacks of piles, bleeding with anemia and various
combinations of bleeding protrusion and pain. They were distributed as per table No. 1. 7
patients (11.67%) had prior hemorrhoid rubber band ligations. One patient had a prior operative
hemorrhoidectomy more than 10 years earlier. One patient was HIV positive but was
asymptomatic regarding AIDS. One patient underwent a concomitant fistulotomy.
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The findings consisted of large internal and external hemorrhoids in 20 patients. In 40
patients there was significant distention and eversion of the external hemorrhoids, along with
protrusion of internal hemorrhoids, following defecation. The authors refer to this hemorrhoid
configuration, hemorrhoidal eversion. Eversion was circumferential in 13 patients, involved 3
major hemorrhoidal groups in 17, 2 major hemorrhoidal groups in seven and a single major
hemorrhoidal group in 3 (Table 2). Some of the patients had huge hemorrhoids and their size
Of the 3 patients in whom the indication was recurrent acute attacks of piles, none has
had a recurrence to date. It is too soon, however, to formulate any conclusion regarding the
efficacy of DGHAL in this settin g. In 7 patients pain was a chronic problem. DGHAL was not
performed in patients who had either single or multiple thrombosed hemorrhoids. The symptoms
were then individually evaluated; if they were completely resolved, if they improved but were
still occasionally present or if they persisted with little change from preoperatively. Chronic pain
was fully resolved in 5, improved in 1 and in 1 there was no improvement. In 51 patients rectal
bleeding was a significant symptom. This was eliminated in 45 (88.2%), improved in 4 (7.84%)
and was unaffected in 2 (3.92%). Protrusion was the major symptom in 49 patients. This was
fully corrected in 45 (91.8%), improved in 2 (4.08%) and was unaffected in 2 (4.08%). (Table 3)
One patient whose symptoms included pain, bleeding and protrusion and one patient with
bleeding and protrusion, failed to improve with DGHAL. They subsequently underwent
operative hemorrhoidectomy 6 months after the DGHAL with resolution of their hemorrhoidal
Complications, when they occurred, were usually minor (Table 4). Most patient’s pain
could readily be managed with acetaminophen or codeine. Approximately 30% of patients
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required oxycodone for 1-2 days for analgesia. Most patients were back at work within 48 hours.
5 Patients were unable to return to work within two days. Constipation is readily prevented or
treated with psyllium or stool softeners or other laxatives. In no cases did a fecal impaction
occur. There were no cases of significant postoperative bleeding. One patient de veloped an anal
fissure, which healed following an anal dilatation. There were 4 patients who developed perianal
thrombosed hemorrhoids postoperatively. These responded to conservative medical measures.
There were no instances of impaired continence, urinary retention or fecal impaction.
The authors segment their patients with hemorrhoids according to the type of
hemorrhoids that are present and the symptoms they produce. The historical view in which
hemorrhoids were considered to be varicose veins is now known not to be correct in the majority
of cases. Hemorrhoids are viewed as cushions of tissue that line the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are
normally present in all humans with rectums. Asymptomatic hemorrhoids require no treatment.
The common symptoms are pain, bleeding and protrusion. Most cases of painful hemorrhoids are
due to hemorrhoid thromboses or ulcerations associated with these thromboses. These usually
resolve spontaneously and the authors treat them nonoperatively with topical anesthetics, witch
hazel compresses, mild analgesics, stool softeners or bulk laxatives. Operative manipulations are
discouraged for this benign, self-curing condition. Operative intervention may be appropriate in
Bleeding hemorrhoids are in most cases internal hemorrhoids. Those, which are small
may, respond to medical therapy with bulk laxatives or stool softeners. If necessary, they can
also be treated with injection sclerotherapy, hemorrhoid rubber band ligations or infrared
photocoagulation. Larger internal hemorrhoids lend themselves to effective therapy with
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hemorrhoid rubber band ligations. Infrequent cases of internal hemorrhoids cannot be eliminated
in this simple fashion and operative procedures must be cons idered.
Protrusion of hemorrhoids can be due to pure external hemorrhoids, internal
hemorrhoids, mixed internal and external hemorrhoids or combinations in which in the external
hemorrhoids distend (everting hemorrhoids). Pure external hemorrhoids require operative
excision. Internal hemorrhoids can often be effectively managed by hemorrhoid rubber band
ligations. Everting external hemorrhoids usually do not respond to hemorrhoid rubber band
ligations and require operative excision or DGHAL. Administering a phosphate enema and
observing the patient after a forceful evacuation is often necessary in order to evaluate the
symptom of protrusion. This “hemorrhoid stress test,” is essential in the assessment of patients
Proctologists always must maintain a historical perspective because of the many
proposed remedies and techniques that ultimately failed after initial claims that they can
accomplish a painless hemorrhoidectomy. Most of these have been discarded or have found a
limited role in modern proctology. Included in this ignominious history are sclerosing agents of a
century ago, cryosurgical hemorrhoidectomy of the 1970s and laser hemorrhoidectomy of the
1980s. Thus, one must be skeptical before adopting a new technology directed to hemorrhoids.
When we first learned of DGHAL, we sought it for the management of patients who
required an operative hemorrhoidectomy to eliminate their hemorrhoidal symptoms, but in whom
there were contraindications to an operative hemorrhoidectomy. We were most concerned
regarding those patients who had signs or symptoms of impaired anal continence or in whom we
estimated that to be a significant risk, particularly patients over the age of 60. The first patients
we treated with DGHAL were patients in that group. Our initial results were spectacular and we
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have subsequently offered DGHAL to nearly all patients who we felt required an operative
hemorrhoidectomy. The only exception is the small group of patients with pure external
hemorrhoids. In this pa tient group, we feel that excision of the external hemorrhoids is the
optimum therapy and we cannot envision similar results from DGHAL. We have also expanded
our indication to patients who can be managed with multiple hemorrhoid rubber band ligations
and in whom we feel that more than 4-6 ligations would be necessary. We have not used this
modality in patients with acute hemorrhoidal thromboses. We have successfully used it in
patients with active heavily bleeding hemorrhoids.
Since this procedure was first reported in 1995, longer than 5 year results are lacking.
Our short-term results are excellent. Will collateralization around the ligated vessels obviate the
early beneficial effects of DGHAL? That answer is unknown at this time. We know we can
perform the procedure safely. Symptoms resolve and huge protruding or bleeding hemorrhoids
shrink. We do not see acute ischemic symptoms. Some of the pain in the immediate
post-procedure period, we postulate, may be ischemic in origin, as well as the anal fissure
described above. It is clear that many patients, who would otherwise have to undergo a
potentially very painful operative hemorrhoidectomy, prefer this minimally painful option,
despite the lack of information regarding longer-term results. We feel our early results merit our
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Abstract Background
In 1995, a novel replacement for operative hemorrhoidectomy was introduced. This
Doppler Guided Hemorrhoids Artery Ligation (DGHAL) effectively accomplished an operative
hemorrhoidectomy wit h far less postoperative pain. This report describes our first 60 patients so
DGHAL requires an especially designed proctoscope, which is coupled with a Doppler
transducer. This allows identification of the hemorrhoidal arteries. There is a window in the
device just proximal to the transducer, which allows suture ligation of the hemorrhoidal arteries.
The procedure is performed on an ambulatory basis with conscious sedation and rectal local
16 female and 44 male patients between ages 22 and 87were treated. Indications for
operation included chronic hemorrhoidal pain, bleeding with or without anemia, protrusion,
recurrent hemorrhoidal thromboses or combinations of these. The symptom of bleeding was fully
corrected in 88.2%, protrusion in 91.8% and pain in 71.4%. 2 patients (3.3%) failed to improve
with DGHAL and underwent subsequent operative hemorrhoidectomy. Complications included
pain resulting in greater than 2 days loss of work in 5 patients, 4 patients developed
postoperative perirectal thromboses, single rubber band ligations were required in 4 patients and
1 patient developed an anal fissure. There were no cases of postoperative urinary retention, fecal
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DGHAL is an effective alternative for patients who require an operative
hemorrhoidectomy. It may be the only option for patients who require an operative
hemorrhoidectomy in order to eliminate their symptoms, but in whom it is contraindicated
Key Words
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1. Morinaga K, Hasuda K, Ikeda T. A novel therapy for internal hemorrhoids: ligation of
the hemorrhoidal artery with a newly devised instrument (Moricorn) in conjunction with a Doppler flowmeter. Am J Gastroenterol 1995; 90:610-3.
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Internal & external hemorrhoids with
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Table 3. RESULTS
*2 patients underwent subsequent operative hemorrhoidectomy with full resolution of their
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Hindawi Publishing CorporationInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesVolume 2007, Article ID 29423, pagesdoi:10.1155/2007/29423 Anti- CC -Groups and Anti- PC -Groups Received 8 October 2007; Accepted 15 November 2007Cernikov classes of conjugate subgroups if the quotient group G/ core G ( NG ( H )) is a ˇCernikov group for each subgroup H of G . An anti- CC -gr
Veiculações Fragmentadas por Área Período: Junho/2004. Conceitos Assuntos Jarbas mostra a Ministro as obras de Suape e da BR-232. Aprovação do Governo Jarbas chega a 74%. Governo inaugura 53 casas para carentes de Buíque. CUT faz ato público contra reajuste de 4% dos servidores. Inativos ganham na Justiça, fim do desconto da Previdência. Governador é criticado na con