Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008 Tim’s Notes
to make our missions successful. We meet regularly to plan
by Tim Lee, President and Founder - [email protected]
our annual trip to Guatemala and to plot the future course of the charity.
Building on our success in January where
I have been advocating expansion of our scope of operations
to include other countries in Central and South America as
we continue to grow in numbers. With that in mind I have
occasions to expand the efforts of Health
been making contacts with a couple of other very large
established charities. I have had the pleasure of working
As a result, a two-week project is in place
with Charity Anywhere and Medical Missions International.
starting in January 2009. Two teams will
Both of these charities have extensive medical and dental
missions in multiple countries (not only in Central and
Monterrico and to Panajachel in the highlands of Guatemala.
South America, but in Africa and Asia) throughout the year.
Health Outreach has been working in Guatemala since 1999
I’m hoping to develop a partnership with a goal of joint
and focuses on caring for children with poor access to health
Efforts are under way to fund the effort. I am proud to say that Health Outreach is an extremely efficient organization. Your donations will be used almost entirely for the projects. There are no paid staff and no costly premises to maintain from our end. Please visit our website www.healthoutreach. ca to lend us your support.
On another note, we are gearing for elections soon. Please consider the nominees carefully and cast your vote. Even consider running for a position. Voting is another way to
For although we are a small organization, our teams
make your views known and to direct the course of the
are literally portable MODERN dental offices with all
charity. Attending our AGM is another. The Meeting
the amenities that technology affords (digital x-rays for
is your opportunity to learn about health Outreach’s
example). These two larger charities focus more on
achievements during the past year , meet the Board , and
medicine (preventative and surgeries) and dentistry is kind
of an afterthought. They certainly may have more dental equipment/supplies in their network inventories, but it is
stretched thin and scattered to their multiple mission sites. Therefore no one site offers a COMPLETE setup. A Report from Tom Varden
Health Outreach at the moment has no medical component.
That is where we could complement each other to effectively help each outer help more needy people. After all, it’s about
Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Tom Varden, the current
teamwork and the less fortunate. So this in on the Board’s
Executive Officer of Health Outreach. I am very fortunate
to work with our other dedicated Board members. A lot of work gets done behind the scenes by us and our volunteers
Expansion efforts began in November 2006 when Liz
Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008
Galarza-Lee, our Treasurer, and I went on a mission with
This mission in Peru was another AMAZING experience for
Charity Anywhere to the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. Liz
me personally and reinforced my love of doing volunteer
was my INVALUABLE assistant! We worked alongside a
dentistry. I hope we can as a group collectively work toward
large medical/dental team and the founder, Gordon Carter,
who is very keen to work with us. He has listed our mission to Guatemala on his newsletter to try to get us volunteers!
I encourage anyone that would like more information to contact me at: [email protected]. Perhaps if
I just worked with Medical Missions International for a week
there is enough interest, we could make plans to head to Peru
in mid-June 2008 in Arequipa, Peru. The team of 50 included in 2009 with one of the charities I’ve mentioned here. There only 3 dentists, 3 assistants. Arequipa is Peru’s second largest
is much need and together we can continue to have an impact
city. It’s situated in an arid valley with stunning vistas of
Misti, an inactive volcano and the Picchu Picchu mountains surrounding the city. Although the city core was a Spanish architect’s dream and lush, we worked in the dusty outskirts
Dr. John Kalbfleish
of the city in various shanty villages. Here the people lived in by Health Outreach team
small, simple mud brick houses. The communities we served, like in Guatemala, have been neglected and really rely on help We at Health Outreach recognize and thank Dr. John from the outside world.
Kalbfleish of Village Orthodontics for his ongoing support of Health Outreach for the past several years.
In the course of one week we worked at 4 different facilities. The total mission lasted 2 weeks, I could only stay for one
Dr. Kabfleish helped Health Outreach in dental projects in
week due to another week of trekking. The project leader
the early years when it was growing and depended on very
few sponsors to carry out activities. He feels that this is his way of helping, since he cannot help using his orthodontic
He is very active in the orthodontic community. He was
President of the Canadian Association of Orthodontists
in 1996 and, as such, was honoured to represent Canadian
orthodontists within Canada and to the world. As one of
the clinical orthodontic staff in the Graduate Orthodontic
Program at the University of Toronto for the last twenty
years, Dr. Kabfleish has continued to teach and lecture to graduate students, give continuing education programs
through the University of Toronto, for the Ontario Dental
Association and as well to various local and regional dental
and hygiene societies and hospital groups.
His charitable nature benefits other organizations important
to him. In 1996 he was appointed to the Board of AboutFace
International, a non-profit charitable organization committed
to providing information, emotional support and community
awareness to individuals/families affected by a facial difference. Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008
Dr. Kalbfleisch practices orthodontics locally at VILLAGE
If you are interested in serving on the board we encourage
ORTHOodontics, which has offices in the “Erin Mills” and
committed individuals to respond. Please e-mail info@
“Square One” areas of Mississauga. ( for a nomination form. Nominees must have two references. We look forward to working with the newly elected directors in the fall. Second Call for Nominations to the HO Board of Directors 4th Annual Health Outreach
by Tim Lee and Health Outreach Board of Directorsfund-raising poker tournament
The Board of Directors determines and reviews policy,
initiatives, budgets and the future direction of HO. We encourage differing views on the board, and encourage discussion as long as they serve the objectives of the organization.
The Board has 5 directors including the President, Vice-President, Executive Director, Treasurer and Secretary.
A director is elected for a 3-year term, with the ability to serve up to 3 consecutive terms if re-elected. Each director is expected:
• to attend board meetings which are held approximately
A big round of applause goes out to all the fine poker players
5 times a year (this past year, the meetings were held
who participated in the 4th Annual Health Outreach Poker
• to read and be familiar with all the background material
provided that pertains to topics of discussion.
Over $1500 was raised for Health Outreach, with proceeds
• to support Board committee work, including the chairing going towards the upcoming January 2009 dental project in
of a specific task or coordinating additional meetings,
and reporting back to the Board in writing and in person at meetings.
• to anticipate a minimum commitment of 8 hours per
• First Place: Sadru “Mike” Bandali
• Second Place: Wil Porter
The director must have the ability and time to monitor and
They will forever be honoured on Tournament plaques.
correspond regularly with other board members, staff and HO members. This is critical in maintaining communication
Thank you to our sponsors, Dan Cotton of Raymond James,
and Miguel Ribeiro of Vertigo. Special Thanks to Shawn Bandali, Event Organizer and Volunteers, Elizabeth and
Therefore, each director must be able to communicate
Maritza Galarza. These individuals put in a lot of hours to
electronically via email and be able to respond and comment
on requests for input and decisions within a short timeframe. Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008 Press Release
we need for this years project starting in the New Year. For more information
On December 27th, Paul Zapletal and James Lanbro will be presenting the 15th Annual Kdubsapalooza at the Boathouse
Past venues for Kdubsapalooza include Volcano, Circus
in Victoria Park. Proceeds collected will go towards Health
Room, Walper Terrace Hotel, Huether Hotel and Starlight.
Outreach, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing
The venue has changed, but the motive remains the same: to
public health services to impoverished people in remote
raise money for those less fortunate.
“The Boathouse is the new Volcano. It’s a slightly different
Returning to this year’s line-up are Amber Long, Paul
vibe, but it’s where the touring musician’s get their glimpse
MacLeod, Organic Grooves, Justin “Bugsy” Burkholder,
of Kitchener-Waterloo.” claims Lanbro with a tone of
Adam Webb, Charlena Russell and Two Twenty Two.
Newcomer’s to the Kdubsapalooza bill include Matt Jacobs, Vishal Manu, Sookdee, Lee Becker, Klue, and Ariel Fitz.
The music is kept scaled down, played solo or in duets. Artists are encouraged to play 3 original songs on an acoustic
Kdubsapalooza started 14 years ago when Scutterbotch,
guitar or a keyboard. There will be a friendly mix of spoken
Sarsipious The Flea, LemonZingers and Humshuttle played
word, folk, hip-hop, rock’n’roll, reggae and even a little
a sold out show at The Volcano in December of 1994. Each
year since, James Lanbro has been hosting a charity holiday season show featuring multiple local artists.
“We are covering all genres of music as there are artists of all genres in the Waterloo Region.”
“The Volcano was a magical place.” – says James Lanbro, who has been touring the country under the alias Jimi Maze,
James “Jimi Maze” Lanbro will be the host and plans to
bringing his brand of friendly hip-hop to the 10 provinces.
perform a few songs. DJ Vishal Manu will be deejaying breakbeats between artists and late into the evening.
Paul Zapletal has been to every Kdubsapalooza over the years. 10 years ago he joined in on the organization and
“We want to show off the original talent in K-dubs. You can
promotion. A local massage therapist, he has been travelling
go out and hear someone doing Jeff Buckley doing Leonard
to Guatemala over the last 4 years with Health Outreach.
Cohen’s ‘Halleluiah’ anytime. Kdubsapalooza is about artists showing off their own songs.”
“There is a team of 12 people that consist of dentists, computer people to collect health data and myself
A minimum donation of $15 is recommended. Doors open
promoting public health. We stay in a rural area and help
at 8. Show starts at 9 and goes until 2am.
kids with dental and public health. Over the years, I have
taught kids simple things such as proper hand washing and
Health Outreach’s goals are to promote medical, dental and
allied health care to those in need, particularly children. They would also like to raise public awareness with respect to the need for health care for children and adults.
All the money that is raised on Dec 27 will go to supplies that
Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008 The Last Word by Barbara J. Levey, Editor
The old adage, “Nothing succeeds like success” has always puzzled me. What did it really mean? Now I know. This group of selfless professionals and other generous, caring people who work and support Health Outreach have rallied to help those who cannot help themselves to essential dental care and are encouraged to expand their vistas.
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f : {0, 1}32 × {0, 1}48 → {0, 1}32. These notes are based in part on Susan Landau’sYou can find a pictorial representation of f in Fig-paper: “Standing the test of time: the data en-ure 4.5. Here is how f (A, J) is computed:1. Expand A to a bitstring of length 48, using aDES was adopted in 1977 as a standard for “un-2. Compute E(A) ⊕ J. View E(A) ⊕ J as the con-classified” a