Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 854–861
Se(IV) phytotoxicity for monocotyledonae cereals (Hordeum vulgare L., Triticumaestivum L.) and dicotyledonae crops (Sinapis alba L., Brassica napus L.)
Marianna Molnárová, Agáta Fargaˇsová
Department of Ecosozology and Physiotactics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina B2, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
The phytotoxicity of Se(IV) was determined through root and shoot growth inhibition, biomass (dry
(DM), fresh (FM)) production, water content, photosynthetic pigment (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and
carotenoids) levels and Se accumulation in the roots and shoots. The sensitivities of monocotyledonae
(Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum) and dicotyledonae plants (Sinapis alba, Brassica napus) were also
compared. Except for H. vulgare, Se(IV) inhibited root growth more than shoot growth. As for biomassproduction, Se reduced both FM and DM of all studied plants’ roots. Although in shoots FM was decreased
with increased Se concentration, DM was reduced only in monocotyledonae plants (H. vulgare, T. aes-tivum). No significant differences between roots and shoots were confirmed for the DM/FM relationship,
except for S. alba seedlings. In all of the tested plants, except for B. napus, chlorophyll b was the strongest
reduced pigment. Accumulation of Se was higher in the roots than in the shoots of all studied plants. Sele-
nium concentration in the roots was at least 3-times higher than that in controls. Se(IV) accumulation in
the shoots was not significantly different from that in controls. The exception was confirmed only for B. napus (87 mg Se(IV) l−1) and T. aestivum (36 mg Se(IV) l−1).
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction
non-biological techniques and biological treatment options havebeen described, e.g., Se anion exchange, sorption, immobilization,
The importance of selenium (Se) as a naturally occurring poten-
tially toxic trace element in various natural and human-affected
The essentiality of selenium for animals and bacteria is fre-
environments has received considerable publicity and scientific
quently discussed; however, its physiological role in plants still
attention during the past century naturally occur-
remains controversial differ in their ability to accumu-
ring, Se accounts for a large proportion of contamination problems
late Se in their tissues trace amounts of selenium are
(existing and potential). A number of anthropogenic activities also
tolerable, Se is more toxic at higher concentrations than arsenic or
generate Se-laden wastes, including petroleum refining, mining,
mercury ow Se concentrations inhibit lipid peroxidation in
fossil fuel combustion, and a wide variety of industrial processes. Lolium perenne, and this decrease coincides with growth enhance-
Consequently, one primary focus of researchers is the consideration
ment. At high concentrations, Se acts as a prooxidant and leads to
of different methods for Se removal, immobilization in soil/water
drastic reductions in yield In non-tolerant plant species, Se
systems or accumulation in biota. Understanding of the possi-
compounds may impair germination and growth and lead to chloro-
ble oxidation and coordination states under various conditions is
sis Kabata-Pendias and Pendias that increasing
essential since these factors control Se mobility, bioavailability, and
concentrations of selenium reduce the absorption of heavy met-
toxicity wo selenium inorganic forms naturally occur most
als (mainly Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe and Cd). The reduction of heavy metal
often: Se(IV) and Se(VI). While algae prefer selenium in the form
absorption depends on the ratios of Se and individual element.
of selenites, terrestrial plants favor selenates. Se(IV) can be harm-
Most of the toxic effects of Se are related to its chemical similari-
ful to plants even if the concentration is quite low Soluble,
ties to sulphur. Most enzymes involved in sulphur metabolism also
toxic oxyanionic forms, including selenate (SeO 2−
catalyze analogous reactions with the corresponding Se substrates
, Se4+), comprise most of the Se found in agricultural
previously cited literature indicates a long-standing
drainage waters, as well as in industrial water streams any
appreciation of the need for control of Se valence and coordinationin the environment, relatively little direct information regarding Sephytotoxic effects is available. In view of the aforementioned con-
siderations, a study of Se(IV) phytotoxicity to geographically widely
Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 2 602 96 575; fax: +421 2 602 96 704. E-mail addresses: (M. Molnárová),
raised agricultural plants, represented by monocotyledonae cereals
like Hordeum vulgare L. and Triticum aestivum L. and the dicotyle-
0304-3894/$ – see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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