You are probably aware that three prescription pain killers, Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex were pul ed off the shelves because of recent research showing the high risk of heart attacks along with numerous other side effects with their use. So, what does one do now for pain relief? At Holistique, we offer safe and effective treatments for physical distress and pain. Kaprex, for instance, is a cox-2 inhibitor similar to Celebrex but is safe and easy on the GI tract. To ensure maximum safety, it is tested in four different ways. Derived from olive leaf and rosemary, it helps reduce joint inflammation and pain, is fast acting and long lasting. Another effective treatment op- tion for pain is acupuncture with electric stimulation. Acupuncture is safe but does require several consecutive treatments for optimal results. Interferential therapy, a form of deep electric stimulation, is also very effective in reducing pain by releasing endorphins and enkephalins, body’s natural pain kil ers, and eliminating inflam-mation and muscle spasm. See Dr. Darvish or Dr. Leslie for the right protocol for you. Home Remedies for Pain Relief
Infrared Bed Reduces Inflammation pain

Not only does spinal compression cause fiery Castor oil can dramatically ease muscle, joint and ten- nerves, but it also impairs the functioning of organs donitis pain and decrease inflammation and scar tis- along these neural pathways, making them more vulnerable to disease. Acupuncturists have long rec- 1. Gently heat the castor oil under warm water. ognized that opening energy blockages in the spine 2. Apply a very thin layer of oil to the area and gently spurs regeneration. Infrared Bed uses the principles of heat, (moxibustion), massage, acupuncture, acu-pressure, spinal traction, far infrared rays and the 3. Cover the area with ace bandage or other cloth. jade effect. The Chinese believe jade helps purify 4. Heat the area with a hot water bottle or towel for the body, strengthen the immune system and slow The bed uses jade-covered massage caps, the most efficient natural way to conduct warm Far Infrared Rays, deeply penetrating and loosening tight back muscles. Studies in China and Korea report a 90% Muscle Pain
improvement in people with chronic muscle and Having recently had a bout with a severe muscle bone pain as well as 95% improvement in ill pa- spasm, I know what that can be like. Here are few of tients using the Infrared Bed. We offer this as a complimentary service to all our patients. Please
call to reserve your time to take advantage of this
Ultrasound and interferential therapy are effective
ways to reduce muscle spasm and inflammation. Also hot pack and cold pack can ease the throbbing. Here is another recipe for reducing muscle pain: Sore Throat Gargle Recipe
1-Mix together 1 teaspoon liquid extracts of lobelia, 2– Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Too much cay- enne will irritate the skin therefore its effectiveness! 3– Rub the compound gently into the effected areas. All the above mixed in 1/4 cup of water. Gargle and spit out 2 –3 times per day to relieve and treat sore throats and common cold. Volume1 Issue 6


Den Forente Familie - en kort introduksjon Den Forente Familie (DFF) er det norske navnet på Enhetskirken eller Unification Church. Det offisielle navnet er The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, men i media kalles den ofte Moon- eller Tongil-bevegelsen (tongil er koreansk for enhet). DFF er omdiskutert på grunn av sine massebryllup, sin spesie

Microsoft word - diphenhydramine.doc

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Injection, USP 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION Manufacturer Name And Address Emergency Telephone Hospira, Inc. Product Name Synonyms 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredient Name Diphenhydramine Chemical Formula Approximate Percent Component CAS Numb

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