“Medical Wellness & Life Balance”
Client Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
I am on the following medication: Birth Control_______________ Is there a Chance you are pregnant?
_____ If on CARBATROL, TRILEPTAL, or DEPAKOTE and female, what birth control method do you
Take HERBAL REMEDIES? Specify, ________________________________________________________________________
Vitamins? _______________________________________________________ ALLERGY SHOTS? ______________________
Do you have Mitral Valve Prolapse?_____________
LIST YOUR ALLERGIES: ___________________________________________________________
CURRENT MEDICATION you are taking (include meds you were taking on your last session here).
List each medication and daily dosage.
1. _______________________________! ________!
2. _______________________________ !__________
3. _______________________________! ________!
4. _______________________________! __________
5. _______________________________! ________!
6. _______________________________! __________
New Medication since your last session. Please include over the counter medication:
1. _______________________________! __________!
2. _______________________________! __________
3. _______________________________! __________4. _______________________________!
Other doctors, psychologists, coaches, or ministers you have seen since your last session:
***Positive Changes in Your Life Since Last Session: ____________________________________________________
***Challenges In Your Life Since Last Session: _________________________________________________________
***Things I would like to discuss and or evaluate with the doctor, nurse, coach, or minister today:
Return Date: _________________ Coach(es): _________________________________________ Date: _________________
Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy (CP) is an ‘umbrel a’ term used to describe a group of chronic movement or postural disorders. “Cerebral” refers to the brain and “palsy” refers to a physical disorder. Cerebral palsy is caused by faulty development of or damage to motor areas in the brain, causing disruption of the brain’s ability to control movement and posture.A diagno
TEATRO A SORTINO Una donna sull’orlo di una crisi di risate www.cineaurorasiracusa.it Paradiso amaro . Ore 18,30• 20,30•22,30. Da Totò e Berlusconi Esilarante ma dalla comicità intelligente, Cateri- po’ amaro perché racconta la realtà di oggi». PLANET MULTISALA CINE-TEATRO na Casini ha chiuso la rassegna «Parola d’attriceL’eclettica Caterina Casini vanta u