One of the proudest and most significant achievements in Canadian history was the creation of
the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) in 1933.
2008 marked the 75th anniversary of this event, when unions, farmers, church leaders and aca-
demics joined to create for the first time, a Canadian national party of the left.
To commemorate, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternative’s Saskatchewan Office has pub-
lished an attractive and informative calendar based on the book.
The 2009 calendar displays the 14 points of the Regina Manifesto and recognizes the contributions of the leaders who worked so tirelessly to make the CCF possible. It’s a memento progressive indi-
viduals will be proud to display in their homes and workplaces.
Revenue from sales supports the ongoing work of the Saskatchewan CCPA Office, which in 2008
produced two important critiques of Bills 5 and 6—bills that attack workers’ rights in the prov-
Calendars cost $20 (includes shipping and handling). Send a cheque with your mailing address to
Brian Banks, CCPA-Saskatchewan Suite B 2835 13th Avenue, Regina Sask. S4T 1N6. Watch for a commemorative book later in the year, Will Not Rest Content: The Regina Manifesto and
the birth of social democracy in Canada.
Microsoft has filed patent applications that could allow bosses take workplace surveil-
Using wireless sensors, the new Microsoft technology would permit remote monitor-
ing of a worker’s heart rate, body temperature, movements, blood pressure—even
Microsoft says its monitoring application could “automatically detect frustration or
stress in the user” and “offer and provide assistance accordingly.”
A farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The ani-
The lesson is that when life shovels dirt
mal cried piteously for hours as the farmer
on you, the trick to getting out of the well
is to shake it off and take a step up. We
Finally, he decided the donkey was old, and
the well needed to be filled up. It just was-
stopping, not giving up. Shake it off and
and help. They grabbed shovels and began
and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s
A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked
your ass, it always comes back to bite you.
down the well. He was astonished at what
he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would simply shake it off
Volume 1, Issue 26
use them. It would be great to get through these
busy times without any injuries. I know sometimes
things just happen, or so it seems. There’s always a
Hi everyone, I seem to have a bit of time on my
reason. Let’s all take the time and look out for our
hands nowadays, and I’m going crazy doing nothing.
brothers and sisters and come away from shut down
Hate to say it, but I am starting to miss work. Being
with 0 injuries. If you see something unsafe - stop it.
injured is not fun; sure you may think great, time off
Let’s do our part to promote safety at the highest
of work, but it’s not all what it’s cracked up to be.
levels. There is a lot of Contractors on site that are
The old adage “you don’t know what you got until
not used to our safety regulations. We have to look
it’s gone” is so true. Your limitations are increased
out for them as well, to maintain the safety of our
exponentially. That’s why it is so important that we
take the time to do things right the first time and I
Our goal is to complete this turnaround in a safe
stress to you the safest possible way, be it at work or
and timely manner. To do that we have to promote
home. Don’t take short cuts. They may work for a
safety to the highest levels possible. As vested own-
while but they’ll bite you in the ass sooner or later.
e rs of our Refinery, let’s keep our brothers and sis-
Once again, Shut Down is upon us. Be aware of
your surroundings at all times as there are units still
running. Communicate with co-workers and most
importantly, one of our biggest assets, our Process
Staff. Their knowledge of the Units is the best re-
source you have for working safely in the units. If
you are not sure or don’t know, ASK. No question is
a stupid question! Last year we had a few Major Inci-
dents that could have been avoided if we had the
proper communication. Take your time and do
things right. All the tools are there; we just have to
levels of distress,” Wilkerson told the
saying that the public sector is a toxic
are related to mental health. Because of
Volume 1, Issue 26
From previous page The annual cost to employers of short-term leave for mental health problems tops $9 billion The annual cost of mental illness to the Canadian economy is about $51 billion. Working conditions are capable of creating levels of stress, which—if it becomes chronic—can lead to illness. In the progression of illness, as Wilkerson describes it, chronic work stress makes everything urgent. Clearly employers, unions and the Canadian public must do their part to reduce the stigma attached to mental illness. We must work harder to accommodate and help mentally ill people return to work and to develop workplace poli-cies to help people manage work-related stress.
Beginning May 21st, your Union Social Club is proud to present Pizza Nights in order to socialize with our fellow brothers and sisters whom we may not know, but work with daily. Come on out and meet some new people!
We’ve arranged a schedule of different departments to come together for a fun relaxing FREE (pizza only) evening at the Un-ion Hall:
Purchasing, PDD Warehouse & others (light duty, accommoda-
*(includes respective relief pool employees)
Pizza will be ordered at 6:30, so be there by then so we know how many will be eating.
Union Social Club Members: R. Nygaard, M. Brecht, J. Walter, T. Torrie, D. Mushynsky
Volume 1, Issue 26
Cases - Pharmacology for Physical Therapists Please answer the Pre-Case Questions prior to the course Case 1 - Pre-Case Questions: 1. What are some of the common adverse effects from traditional chemotherapy (antineoplastic) medications? 2. What are the potential issues and strategies for the physical therapist while managing a patient who might be immunocompromised?
Stakeholder Opinion: Erectile Dysfunction – Identifying Product Differentiation and Patient Segmentation Strategies Providing you with: • Patient potential , unmet needs and • Pipeline overview including key company • Case study analysis of market leaving brands: Pfizer's Viagra; ICOS-Lilly's Cialis; Use this report to. • Analysis of the future direction