CURRICULUM VITAE Present Position:
Lakeside PKPD, LLC 1470 Rarity Bay Parkway Vonore, TN 37885 (231)233-5233 (cell)
Education: Institution Experience:
Site Lead – Preclinical PKPD Modeling Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism
Pharmaometrics Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism
Regulatory Strategy and Registration, WRA
Pharmacokinetics Dynamics and Metabolism
Pharmacy and Pediatrics; Director Clinical Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, Buffalo Children’s Hospital
Technical Expertise:
Michigan State Registered Pharmacist (#030553), 1995 - 2008 New York State Registered Pharmacist, 1973 – Present (Inactive) Certificate of Qualification Laboratory Director, Clinical Chemistry, Special Therapeutic Substance Monitoring, State of New York, 1978
HPLC, GLC, Microbiological Assay, Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay Clinical Pharmacokinetics Consultant Design, implementation, monitoring, data analysis, and reporting of preclinical and Phase 1-3 pharmacokinetic studies of investigational compounds Computer system experience: IBM and VAX mainframe operations and Apple, IBM, and Hewlett Packard microcomputer systems Mixed effect modeling - NONMEM - population based pharmacokinetic analysis
S-Plus Graphical and Statistical Program for data exploration and visualization
Professional Affiliations and Honors: Memberships:
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (inactive) American College of Clinical Pharmacy (inactive) American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (inactive) Rho Chi, Pharmaceutical Honor Society
Clinical Pharmacokinetics Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 1980-1982
W.E. Upjohn Award, for establishing a preclinical PKPD network at Pfizer Dec. 16, 2005. Parke-Davis, President's Vision Award, April 11, 1990
Continuing Education: Technical Meetings and Seminars
American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meetings
(AAPS) NONMEM-S-Plus Workshop, Marc Gastonguay, presented at Pfizer,
AAPS/FDA Workshop on Evaluation of Orally Administered Highly
Variable Drugs and Drug Formulations, Arlington, VA
ASCPT Conference, Cytochrome P45 In Vitro In Vivo Metabolism
Midwest Users Forum for Population Approaches in Data Analysis
AAPS Workshop, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
3rd World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Midyear Clinical Meetings of the American Society of Hospital
S-Plus Essentials II: The Command Line, Chicago IL
Patents: United States Patent # 6,077,537, Issued June 20, 2000; Booth, A, Dickstein H, and Koup JR. Non-Sedating Acravastine Product Publications: Original Peer-Reviewed Research Publications\ Yamazaki S, Skaptason J, Romero D, Lee JH, Zou HY, Christensen JG, Koup JR, Smith BJ, and Koudriakova T. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Biomarker Response and Tumor Growth Inhibition to an Orally Available cMet Kinase Inhibitor in Human Tumor Xenograft Mouse Models. Drug Metab Dispos 2008 36: 1267-1274. Nolan ER, Feng MR, Koup JR et al. A novel predictive pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model of repolarization prolongation derived from the effects of terfenadine, cisapride and E-4031 in the conscious chronic av node-ablated His bundle-paced dog. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods 2006; 53:1-10. Williams JA, Sahasrabudhe V, Walton J et al. A novel simultaneous modeling approach to estimate linearity of pharmacokinetic parameters, including saturation of intestinal efflux, in the rat. J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods. 2005; 52:307-313. Miller R, Ewy W, Corrigan BW et al. How Modeling and Simulation Have Enhanced Decision Making in New Drug Development. J. Pharmcokin. Pharmacodyn. 2005; 32(2): 185-197. Williams JA. Hyland R. Jones BC. Smith DA. Hurst S. Goosen TC. Peterkin V. Koup JR. Ball SE. Drug-drug interactions for UDP-glucuronosyltransferase substrates: a pharmacokinetic explanation for typically observed low exposure (AUCi/AUC) ratios. Drug Metabolism & Disposition 2004; 32:1201-8 Randinitis EJ, Alvey CW, Koup JR, Rausch G, Abel R, Bron NJ, Hounslow NJ, Vassos AB, and Sedman AJ. Drug Interactions with Clinafloxacin. Antimicrob Agents and Chemother 2001; 45:2543-2552.
Randinitis EJ, Koup JR, Rausch G, Abel R, Bron NJ, Hounslow NJ, Vassos AB, and Sedman AJ. Clinafloxacin Pharmacokinetics in Subjects with Various Degrees of Renal Function. Antimicrob Agents and Chemother 2001; 45:2536-2542. Frame B, Koup J, Miller R and Lalonde R. Population Pharmacokinetics of Clinafloxacin in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Infections, Experience with Heterogeneous Pharmacokinetic Data. Clin Pharmacokin 2001; 40:307-315. Olson SC, Bockbrader H, Boyd RA, Cook J, Koup JR, Lalonde RL, Siedlik PH, Powell JR. Impact of Population Pharmacokinetic- Pharmacodynamic Analyses on the Drug Development Process: Experience at Parke-Davis. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. Volume 38, Number 5, May 2000 , pp. 449-459(11). Loi CM, Alvey CW, Vassos AB, Randinitis EJ, Sedman AJ, and Koup JR. Steady-State Pharmacokinetics and Dose Proportionality of Troglitazone and its Metabolites. J Clin Pharmacol 1999; 39:920-926. Loi CM, Stern R, Koup JR, Vassos, AB, Knowlton P, and Sedman AJ. Effect of Troglitazone on the Pharmacokinetics of an Oral Contraceptive Agent. J Clin Pharmacol 1999; 39:410-417. Knowlton PW, Loi CM, Vassos AB, Blum RA, Brodfuehrer JI, Randinitis EJ, Sedman AJ, Koup JR. Pharmacokinetics of Troglitazone in Patients with Renal Insufficiency. Clin Drug Invest 1999, 17:117-126. Loi CM, Knowlton PW, Stern R, Randinitis EJ, Vassos AB, Koup JR, Sedman AJ. Effect of troglitazone on steady-state pharmacokinetics of digoxin. J Clin Pharmacol 1998; 38:178-183. Koup JR, Anderson G, Loi CM. Effect of troglitazone on urinary excretion of 6-hydroxycortiosol. J Clin Pharmacol 1998; 38 :815-818. Koup JR, Abel RB, Smithers JA, Eldon MA and deVries TM. Effect of age, gender and race on steady state procainamide pharmacokinetics following administration of Procanbid® sustained-release tablets. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1998; 20:73-77. Loi CM, Alvey CW, Randinitis EJ, Abel R, Young MA, Koup JR. Meta-analysis of steady-state pharmacokinetics of troglitazone and its metabolites. J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 37:1038-1047. Kugler AR, Annesley TM, Nordblom GD, Koup JR, Olson SC. Cross-Reactivity of fosphenytoin in two human plasma phenytoin immunoassays. 1998; 44:1474-1480, Clinical Chemistry.
Loi CM, Randinitis EJ, Vassos AB, Kazierad DJ, Koup JR and Sedman A: Lack of effect of type II diabetes on the pharmacokinetics of troglitazone in a multiple-dose study. J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 37:1114-1120. Tanswell P, Koup J: TopFit: a PC-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data analysis program. Int J Clin Pharmacol 1993; 31:514-520. Ludden TM, Allerheiligen SRB, Browne TR, and Koup JR: Sensitivity analysis of the effect of bioavailability of dosage form content on mean steady state phenytoin concentration. Ther Drug Mon 1991; 13:120-125. Koup JR, Toothaker RD, Posvar E, Sedman AJ, and Colburn WA: A study of theophylline dosage adjustment during enoxacin coadministration. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1990; 34:803-807. Smith AL, Meeks CA, Koup JR, Opheim KE, Weber A, and Vishwanathan CT: Dicloxacillin absorption and elimination in children. Dev Pharmacol Ther 1990; 14:35-44. Koup JR, Tucker E, Thomas DJ, Kinkel AW, Sedman AJ, Dyer R, and Sharoky M: A single- and multiple-dose pharmacokinetic and metabolism study of meclofenamate sodium. Biopharm Drug Disp 1990; 11:1-15. Rogge MC, Solomon WR, Sedman AJ, Welling PG, Koup RJ, Wagner, JG: The theophylline-enoxacin interaction II. Changes in the disposition of theophylline and its metabolites during intermittent dosing of enoxacin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1989; 46:420-428. Koup JR, Thomas D, Tucker E, Black A, Ruderman M, Dixon JA, Kinkel A: Plasma and synovial fluid meclofenamic acid concentrations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the knee. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1988; 35:199-202. Davis RL, Koup JR, Roon RA, Opheim KE, Smith AL: Effect of oral activated charcoal on tobramycin clearance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1988; 32:274-275. Crowley JJ, Cusack BJ, Jue SG, Koup JR, Park BK, Vestal RE: Aging and drug interactions. II. Effect of phenytoin and smoking on the oxidation of theophylline and cortisol in healthy men. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1988; 245:513-523. Koup JR, DuBach UC, Brandt R, Wyss R, Stoeckel K: Pharmacokinetics of cefetamet (RO 15-8074) and cefetmet Pivoxil (RO 15-8075) after intravenous and oral doses in humans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1988; 32:573-579.
Crowley JJ, Cusack BJ, Jue SG, Koup JR, Vestal RE: Cigarette smoking and theophylline metabolism: effects of phenytoin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1987; 42:334-340. Davis RL, Koup JR, Williams-Warren J, Weber A, Heggen L, Stempel D, Smith AL: Pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin in cystic fibrosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1987; 31:915-919. Davis RL, Roon RA, Koup JR, Smith AL: Effect of orally administered activated charcoal on vancomycin clearance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1987; 31:720-722. Crowley JJ, Koup JR, Cusack BJ, Ludden TM, Vestal RE: Evaluation of a proposed method for phenytoin maintenance dose prediction following an intravenous loading dose. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1987, 32:141-148. Koup JR, Walker SB, Shapiro GG, Howald WN, Pierson WE, Bierman CW, Furukawa CT: Application of stable isotope methodology in the evaluation of sustained-release theophylline dosage forms. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1986; 78:752-754. Koup JR, Keller E, Neumann H and Stoeckel K: Ceftriaxone pharmacokinetics during peritoneal dialysis. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1986; 30:303-307. Murry KM, Bauer LA and Koup JR: Predictive performance of computer dosing methods for Tobramycin using two pharmacokinetic models and two weighting algorithms. Clin Pharmacy 1986; 5:411-414. Vestal RE, Thummel KE, Mercer GD and Koup JR: Comparison of single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of theophylline using stable isotopes. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1986; 30:113-120. Koup JR, Williams-Warren J, Weber A and Smith AL: Pharmacokinetics of rifampin in children: 1. multiple dose intravenous infusion. Ther Drug Mon 1986; 8:11-16. Koup JR, Williams-Warren J, Viswanathan CT, Weber A and Smith AL: Pharmacokinetics of rifampin in children: 2. oral bioavailability. Ther Drug Mon 1986; 8:17-22. Woolf RA, Koup JR, Smith AL, et al: Azlocillin pharmacokinetics in cystic fibrosis patients. Clin Pharmacy 1985; 4:664-669. Davis RL, Koup JR, Williams-Warren J, Weber A and Smith AL: Pharmacokinetics of three oral formulations of ciprofloxacin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1985; 28:74-77. Mladenovic J, Eschbach JW, Koup JR, Garcia JR and Adamson JW: Erythropoietin kinetics in normal and uremic sheep. J Lab Clin Med 1985; 105:659-663.
Stoeckel K, Koup JR: Pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone in patients with renal and liver insufficiency and correlations with a physiologic nonlinear protein binding model. Amer J Med 1984; 77(4C@:26-32. Martin E, Koup JR, Paravicini U, Stoeckel K: Pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone in neonates and infants with meningitis. J Peds 1984; 105:475-481. Levy J, Smith AL, Koup JR, et al: Disposition of tobramycin in patients with cystic fibrosis: a prospective controlled study. J Peds 1984; 105:117-124. Koup JR, Horn J: Multiple dose nonlinear regression analysis program for the microcomputer. Ther Drug Mon 1984; 6:51-57. Bauer LA, Black DJ and Koup JR: An evaluation of a nonlinear regression program to individualize oral theophylline dosage. Clin Pharmacy 1984; 3:288-290. Koup JR, Killen T, Bauer LA: Multiple-dose non-linear regression analysis program; aminoglycoside dose prediction. Clin Pharmacokin 1983; 8:456-462. Koup JR, Vawter TK: Theophylline pharmacokinetics in an extremely obese patient. Clin Pharmacy 1983; 2:181-183. Wilson CB, Koup JR, Opheim KE, et al: Piperacillin pharmacokinetics in pediatric patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1982; 22:442-447. Gibson DL, Smith GH, Koup JR, Stewart DK: Relative bioavailability determination of a standard and sustained-release quinidine tablet. Clin Pharmacy 1982; 1:366-368. Robb RA, Bauer LA, Koup JR: Integrated calculator programs for pharmacokinetic calculations. Am J Hosp Pharm 1982; 39:825-828. Kraemer MJ, Furukawa CT, Koup JR, Shapiro GG, Pierson WE, Bierman CW: Altered theophylline clearance during an influenza B outbreak. Pediatrics 1982; 69:476-480. Shapiro GG, Koup JR, Furukawa CT, Pierson WE, Gibaldi M, Bierman CW: Individualization of theophylline dosage using a single serum sample following a test dose. Pediatrics 1982; 69:70-73. Weber A, Opheim KE, Koup JR, Smith AL: Comparison of enzymatic and liquid chromatographic chloramphenicol assays. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1981; 19:232-25. Fuquay D, Koup JR, Smith AL: Management of neonatal gentamicin overdosage. J
Pediatr 1981; 99:473-476. Koup JR, Weber A, Smith AL: Chloramphenicol succinate pharmacokinetics in Macaca nemistrina: dose dependency study. J Charmacol Exp Ther 1981; 219:316-20. Fuquay D, Koup JR, Epstein MF, Smith AL: Effect of exchange transfusion on serum gentamicin concentrations. Dev Pharmacol Ther 1981; 3:214-221. Anderson G, Koup JR, Slaughter R, Edwards WD, Resman B, Hook E: Evaluation of two methods for estimating theophylline clearance prior to achieving steady-state. Ther Drug Mon 1981; 3:325-32. Koup JR, Gibaldi M, Godolphin W: Single point estimation of phenytoin dosing: a reappraisal. Res Comm Chem Path Pharmacol 1981; 34:231-39. Koup: Direct linear plotting method for estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters. J Pharm Sci 1981; 70:1093-94. Koup JR, Gibaldi M: Single point estimation of phenytoin dosing requirement. Res Comm Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1981; 31:3-12. Gibaldi M, Koup JR: Pharmacokinetic concepts. Drug binding, apparent volume of distribution and clearance. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1981; 20:299-305. Koup JR, Sack CM, Smith AL, Neely NN, Gibaldi M: Rapid estimation of chloramphenicol clearance in infants and children. Clin Pharmacokin 1981; 6:83-88. Sack CM, Koup JR, Smith AL: Chloramphenicol pharmacokinetics in infants and young children. Pediatrics 1980; 66:579-84. Slaughter RL, Pieper J, Cerra FB, Brodsky B, Koup JR: The pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol sodium succinate in critically ill patients. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1980; 28:69-77. Slaughter RL, Cerra FB, Koup JR: Effects of hemodialysis on the total body clearance of chloramphenicol. Amer J Hosp Pharm 1980; 37:1083-86. Koup JR, Benjamin DR: Numerical integration simulation programs for the microcomputer. Ther Drug Mon 1980; 2:234-47. Slattery JT, Gibaldi M, Koup JR: Prediction of maintenance dose required to attain a desired drug concentration at steady-state from a single determination of concentration after an initial dose. Clin Pharmacokin 1980; 5:377-85.
Hilligoss DM, Jusko WJ, Koup JR and Giacoia G: Factors affecting theophylline pharmacokinetics in premature infants with apnea. Devel Pharmacol Ther 1980; 1:6-15. Koup JR, Slattery JT, Gibaldi M: Single point clearance estimation. Res Comm Chem Path Pharmacol 1979; 25:559-64. Slattery JT, Koup JR: Hemoperfusion in the management of digoxin toxicity: is it warranted? Clin Pharmacokinetics 1979; 4:395-99. Koup JR, Sack CM, Smith AL, Gibladi M. Hypothesis for the individualization of drug dosage. Clin Pharmacokinetics 1979., 4:460-69. Jusko WJ, Gardner MJ, Mangione A, Schentag JJ, Koup JR, Vance JW: Surveillance of factors affecting theophylline clearances: age, tobacco, marijuana. cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, obesity, oral contraceptives, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and ethanol. J Pharm Sci 1979; 68:1358-66. Koup JR, Brodsky B: Stability of pulmonary function during periodic intravenous bolus aminophylline therapy. Ther Drug Mon 1979; 1:85-91. Koup JR, Lau AH, Brodsky B, Slaughter RL: Relationship between serum and saliva chloramphenicol concentration. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1979; 15:658-61. Koup JR, Lau AH, Brodsky B, Slaughter RL: Chloramphenicol pharmacokinetics in hospitalized patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1979; 15:651-57. Koup JR. Hart BA: Relationship between plasma and whole blood theophylline concentrations in neonates. J Peds 1979: 94:320-21. Koup JR, Oles KD: Digoxin bioavailability in patients with cystic fibrosis. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1978; 12:244-45. Koup JR, Brodsky B, Lau A, Beam TR: Analysis of serum chloramphenicol concentration by high performance liquid chromatography. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1978; 14:439-43. Koup JR, Rose JQ, Cohen ME: Ethosuximide pharmacokinetics in a pregnant patient and her newborn. Epilepsia 1978; 19:535-39. Koup JR, Gibaldi M, McNamara P, Hilligoss DM, Coulburn WA, Bruck E: Interaction of chloramphenicol with phenytoin and phenobarbital, case report. Clin Parmacol Ther 1978; 24:571-75. Schull BC, Haughey D, Koup JR, Baliah T, Li PK: A useful method for predicting
creatinine clearance in children. Clin Chem 1978; 24:1167-69. Koup JR, Brodsky B: Comparison of homogeneous enzyme immunoassay and high pressure liquid chromatography for the determination of theophylline concentration in serum. Amer Review Resp Dis 1978; 117:1135-38. Szefler SJ, Koup JR, Giacoia GP: Paradoxical behavior of serum digoxin concentrations in an anuric neonate. J Pediatr 1977; 91:487-89. Jusko WJ, Koup JR, Vance JW, Kuritzky PM, Schentag JJ: Intravenous theophylline therapy: nomogram guidelines. Ann Intern Med 1977: 86:400-4. Giacoia G, Jusko WJ, Menke J, Koup JR: Theophylline pharmacokinetics in premature infants with apnea. J Pediatr 1976; 89:829-32. Koup JR, Schentag JJ, Vance JW, Kuritzky PM, Pyszczynski DR, Jusko WJ: System for clinical pharmacokinetic monitoring of theophylline therapy. Am J Hosp Pharm 1976; 33:949-56. Koup JR, Bruck E. Fluctuations of serum phenobarbital and phenytoin concentrations during two acute episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis: report of a case. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1976., 10:436-38. Jusko WJ, Koup JR, Alvan G: Nonlinear assessment of phenytoin bioavailability. J Pharmacokin Biopharm 1976; 4:327-36. Koup JR, Jusko WJ, Goldfarb AL: pH-dependent secretion of procainamide into saliva. J Pharm Sci 1975; 64:1008-10. Koup JR, Greenblatt DJ, Jusko WJ, Smith TW, Koch-Weser J: Pharmacokinetics of digoxin in normal subjects after intravenous bolus and infusion doses. J Pharmacokin Biopharm 1975; 3:181-92. Koup JR, Jusko WJ, Elwood CM, Kohli RK: Pharmacokinetics of digoxin in patients with severe renal impairment. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1975; 18:9-21. Jusko WJ, Gerbracht L, Golden LH, Koup JR: Digoxin concentrations in serum and saliva. Res Comm Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1975; 10:189-92. Koup JR, Tobias DE: Report of a case: suspected digoxin malabsorption. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1974; 8:644-47. Koup JR, Wertheimer AI: Pharmacy hours. J Am Pharm Assoc 1972; 8:416-18.
Wertheimer AI, Koup JR: Pharmaceutical compendia and the community pharmacist; a utilization study. J Mond Pharm 1971; 3:220-24. Letters and Brief Research Notes Davis RL, Smith AL and Koup JR: The "Red Man's Syndrome" and slow infusion of vancomycin. Ann Int Med 1986; 104:285-86. Koup JR: Distribution of digoxin in hyperthyroid patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 1980; 18:236. Koup JR: Graphic pharmacokinetics simulation program for the TI-59 calculator. Am J Pharm Ed 1980; 44:49-50. Blyer WA, Koup JR: Medication errors during intensive care. Am J Dis Child 1979; 133:366-67. Koup JR: Prediction of serum theophylline concentrations resulting from sustained release therapy in children. Ann Allergy 1978; 41:250-51. Finkelstein ER, Koup JR: Dosage accuracy of chewable theophylline. J Peds 1978; 93:333-34. Koup JR, Gerbracht L: Reduction in heparin activity by gentamicin. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1975; 9:568. Koup JR, Gerbracht L: Combined use of heparin and gentamicin in peritoneal dialysis solutions. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1975; 9:388. Koup JR, De Lattre M, Jusko WJ, Vance JW: Caution in the use of variable heparin strengths. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1975; 9:387. Koup JR: De Ja Vu: we have all been here before. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1973; 7:191-92. Review Articles and Book Chapters Olson SC, Bockbrader H, Boyd RA, Cook J, Koup JR, Lalonde RL, Siedlik PH, and Powell JR. Impact of Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis on the Drug Development Process, Experience at Parke-Davis. Clin Pharmacokin 2000; 38:449-459.
Loi CM, Young M, Randinitis E, Vassos A and Koup, JR. Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Troglitazone. Clin Pharmacokin 1999;37:91-104. Koup JR: Disease states of drug pharmacokinetics. J Clin Pharmacol 1989;29:674-679. Koup JR, Lalka D: Principles of therapeutics. In: Allergy, Principles and Practice, second edition, Middleton E, Reed C, Ellis E eds. CV Mosby Co. St. Louis, 1988. Koup JR: Therapeutic drug monitoring and other applications. In: Computer Applications in Pharmacy. Fassett WE and Christensen DB, eds. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1986. Koup JR: Pharmacokinetic evaluation of sustained-release theophylline products. J Resp Dis (monograph Series 6) 1986; 13-19. Wilson CB and Koup JR: Clinical pharmacology of extended-spectrum penicillins in infants and children. J Pediatr 1985; 106:1049-1055. Koup JR: Clinical Pharmacokinetics. In: Applied Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Moyer TP and Boeckx RL eds. American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Washington, DC, 1984. Koup JR: Single point prediction methods; a ctitical review. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1982; 16:855-862. Slaughter RL, Koup JR: Clinical pharmacokinetics service. In: The Practice of Pharmacy, Institutional and Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Services, McLeod DC, Miller WA, eds. Hamilton Press, Hamilton, 1981. Koup JR, Gibaldi M: Some comments on the evaluation of bioavailability data. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1980; 14:327-30. Koup JR: Principles of theophylline therapy. Can J Hosp Pharm 1977; 30:180-85. Koup JR: Principles of therapeutics. In: Allergy, Principles and Practice, Middleton E, Reed C, Ellis E. eds. CV Mosby Co, St. Louis, 1977. Koup JR: Clinical pharmacokinetics service and research - present status and future goals at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Am J Pharm Educ 1976; 40:400-6. Koup JR, Pearson RE: Salbutamol-albuterol. Hosp Pharm 1973; 8:200-4. Abstracts:
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modelling of the Anti-staphylococcal Activity of
AFN-1252 in Humans N. Kaplan1, J. R. Koup and B. Hafkin. ECCMID 2011, Milan,
Use of PK/PD Modeling as a Translational Tool to Quantify Mouse Tumor Response and Predict Efficacious Clinical Doses of Antibody Drug Conjugates for Cancer., Alison Betts, Jeff Koup, Dhaval Shah, John DiJoseph, Mauricio Leal, Puja Sapra and Hans-Peter Gerber, AAPS NBC meeting 2011 Single and Multiple Dose Sparse Sampling PK/PD Modeling of Pregabalin Effect in Rat Capsaicin-Induced Allodynia with Translation to Human Response. 11th Annual FDA Science Forum, Advancing Public Health Through Innovative Science - 2005 A Preclinical Model of Fibromyalgia: Intramuscular Injection of Capsaicin Induces Bilateral Allodynia That is Inhibited by Pregabalin. D. Beidler, A. El-Kattan, J. Koup et. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 12 (Supplement 9), 2004. Abstract #84, page 42.
PK/PD modeling of biomarker (p-ERK) response and tumor growth to PD 0325901 in a human tumor xenograft mouse model : J. Koup, J. Liu, C-M. Loi, C. Howard, K. Van Becelaere, S. Przybranowski, J. Walton , J. Sebolt-Leopold and R. Merriman. American Association of Cancer Research, Orlando FL, March, 2004
Bayesian Estimation of Troglitazone Pharmacokinetic Parameters Following Intravenous and Oral Administration. J.R. Koup, S.C. Olson, G. Ridout. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Boston, MA. November 1997. Boyd RA, Zegarac EA, Eldon MA, Koup JR. Induction of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) by a single dose of norethindrone acetate/ethinyl estradiol (NA/EE), Clin Pharmacol, Ther 1997, In press. Kugler AR, Olson SC, Webb CL, Annessley TM, Nordblom GD, Koup JR. Cross-reactivity of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx®) in 2 human phenytoin immunoassays. Pharm Res 1994; 11(10):S102. [San Diego, CA] Pharmacokinetics and Tolerance of Fosphenytoin and Phenytoin Administered Intravenously to Healthy Subjects. M. A. Eldon, G. R. Loewen, R. E. Voigtman, J. R. Koup, G. B. Holmes, T. L. Hunt, A. J. Sedman and J. A. Cook. 15th World Congress of Neurology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1993. de Vries T, Siedlik P, Smithers J, Brown R, Reece P, Posvar E, Sedman A, Koup J, Forgue S. Effect of multiple-dose tacrine administration on single-dose pharmacokinetics of digoxin, diazepam and theophylline. Pharm Res 1993;10(10):S-337.
de Vries TM, O'Connor-Semmes RL, Guttendorf RJ, Reece PA, Posvar EL, Sedman AJ, Koup JR, Forgue ST. Effect of cimetidine and low-dose quinidine on tacrine pharmacokinetics in humans. Pharm Res 1993;10(10):S-337. Guttendorf R, Koup J, Misiak P, Hawkins P, Olson S. Pharmacokinetics (PK) of cefdinir (CI-983, FK 482) in children: NONMEM analysis, dose selection, and body size factors. Program and Abstracts of the 32nd ICAAC. 1992:315. Misiak P, Guttendorf R, Vassos A, Koup J. Effect of high-fat meal on pharmacokinetics of cefdinir (CI-983, FK 482). Program and Abstracts of the 32nd ICAAC: 1992:271. Guttendorf RJ, Misiak PM, Koup JR, Sedman AJ, Vassos A. Safety, tolerance, and pharmacokinetics of cefdinir (CI-983, FK 482) after single and multiple doses. Program and Abstracts of the 31st ICAAC. 1991:415. Loewen GR, Koup J, Schrier D, Baragi V, Tucker E, Thomas D, Okonkwo G, and Jordan H. Therapeutic drug monitoring of CI-986. A novel inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism during pharmacological screening in rat inflammation models. J Cell Biochem, (Supp 15E) 174, 1991. Loewen GR, Knowlton P, McNally W, Paul L, Low JE, Koup J, Homan R, Hamelehle K. Utilization of whole-body autoradiography and Caco-2 cells to investigate an active transport process for gastrointestinal secretion of CI-959. Pharm Res 8 (10), S-321, 1991. Dorr MB, Toothaker Rd, Voigtman RE, Posvar EL, Koup JR. Single-dose pharmacokinetics of enoxacin in healthy volunteers and patients with cirrhosis. Pharm Res 1990;7(9):2207. A Study of Theophylline Dosage Adjustment During Enoxacin Coadministration. Presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Atlanta, GA. October 1989. A Single and Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetic Study of Meclomen and its Major Metabolites in Man. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Philadelphia, PA. July 1988. Pharmacokinetics of the Oral Cephalosporin Cefetamet Pivoxyl (RO 15-8075) and its Microbiologically Active Metabolite Cefetamet (RO 15-8074). (by K. Stoeckel, contributing author) at the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Istambul, Turkey. July 19-24, 1987. Effect of Phenytoin and Smoking on the Oxidation of Theophylline and Cortisal in
Healthy Men. (by J. Crowley., contributing author) at the III World Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Stockholm, Sweden. August 1986. An Evaluation of a Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Technique for Individualizing Oral Theophylline. Presented (by L. Bauer, contributing author) at the A.S.H.P. Midyear Clinical Meeting, Atlanta, GA. December 1983. Distribution Volume of Theophylline in Obesity. Presented (by L. Lenert, contributing author) at the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, San Diego, CA. March 1983. An Evaluation of a Nonlinear Regression Program to Individualize Oral Theophylline Dosage. Presented (by D. J. Black, contributing author) at the A.S.H.P. Midyear Clinical Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. December 1982. Oral Dicloxacillin Bioavailability in Infants and Young Children. Presented (by C. M. Sack, contributing author) at the ICAAC Meeting. October 1982. Pharmacokinetics of Piperacillin in Infants and Children. Presented (by C. Wilson) at the Society for Pediatric Research, San Francisco, CA. May 1981. Pharmacokinetics of Chloramphenicol Succinate After Intravenous Administration, Contributing Author. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research, San Antonio, TX. May 1980. Ped. Res. 14:279, 1980. Single Serum Method for Determining Daily Theophylline Requirement. Presented (by C. T. Furukawa, contributing author), at the Annual Meeting, American Academy of Allergy, Atlanta, GA. February 1980. Pharmacokinetics of Chloramphenicol in Critically Ill Patients. Presented (by R. Slaughter) at the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kansas City, MO. March 1979. Written by D Kinshuck Good Hope Hospital Eye Department 2001 Steroid eye drops (such as predsol) should not be used without advice from your ophthalmologist The cornea is the ‘window’ of your eye. It is The herpes simplex virus is very common. Most people have a herpetic infection at some time of their lives. However, only in a few unlucky people does the viru
INFORMED CONSENT Visualnystagmography (VNG): Evaluating Dizziness VNG is a test to evaluate the possible etiology of your dizziness. This test takes approximately one hour. You should schedule this evaluation on a day that you can have time to rest after the test as it does typically induce some fatigue. By having this evaluation completed, we can often determine potential causes of your